It’s been nearly 20 years since Sony first introduced its AIBO robot “dog” (pictured above) and more than a decade since it stopped making new ones, sending AIBO off to live at the grandparents’ robot farm upstate. But the dream of a mechanized, artificially intelligent canine-ish companion has apparently not died, with a new report claiming that Sony is looking to unleash a new robotic puppy on the world as soon as this coming spring. [More]

Elon Musk, AI Experts From Around The World Call For Ban On Killer Robots
While there are many benefits to artificial intelligence and robots that can do just about anything humans can do, technology leaders from around the globe are urging the United Nations to ban lethal autonomous weapon systems, which “threaten to become the third revolution in warfare.” [More]

Shelf-Checking Robots To Roam The Aisles At Schnucks Supermarkets
Sure, big-box hardware store Lowe’s has a customer service robot that still won’t keep you from hating your partner, but supermarket chain Schnucks, based in St. Louis, is about to put robots to work in a different job. In three stores, it will send a robot down the aisles three times a day to check shelves and find out which products need to be restocked. [More]

A Computer Will Be Better Than You At Your Job Soon, But Not Very Soon
When will a piece of software be better at your job than you are? While it’s hard to scientifically quantify things that haven’t happened yet, experts in machine learning predict that in the next 200 years or so, computers or robots will be able to beat humans at our jobs and even most of our hobbies. [More]

Lowe’s Robotic Exosuit Will Help Workers Lift Heavy Stuff, Possibly Fend Off Aliens
If you’ve ever wanted to strap on a robotic exoskeleton to tussle with a xenomorph like Sigourney Weaver in Aliens, you might want to consider working at Lowe’s. No, the home improvement chain isn’t getting into the business of defeating extraterrestrial terrors, but it is working on a wearable robotic suit to help workers lift and move heavy things. [More]

Robots Now Delivering Food For Yelp’s Eat24 Service In San Francisco
Yelp’s Eat24 food delivery service is making it easier for some users who want to avoid interacting with humans as much as possible, deploying robots in San Francisco to bring food to customers. [More]

One Company Has Implanted Tracking Microchips In 150 Employees
Though it might sound kind of cool to wave your hand at a door and have it open like you’re Obi Wan Kenobi, would you be willing to let your company implant a microchip in your hand, the better to track your movements with? [More]

Yum Brands CEO: Robots Will Take Over Fast Food Jobs In Next 10 Years
Working in the fast-food industry can be hard work for little pay, and now employees have to worry about their job security as well. Fast food remains popular, but one prominent CEO predicts that within the next decade, more work in fast food restaurants will be taken over by robots. [More]

Elon Musk Forming Company Dedicated To Merging Humans With Machines
Remember when Elon Musk said humankind would have to somehow merge with machines if we want to stay relevant in the face of the inevitable war between us and our robot overlords? He wasn’t kidding, and he’s formed a new company dedicated to figuring out how to do just that. [More]

Survey: People Don’t Really Want Fancy Technology To Help Them Shop
While retailers are falling all over themselves trying to incorporate the latest and greatest retail technology — anything from smart mirrors in fitting rooms to robots that answer questions you’d ask store employees — frankly, shoppers just don’t seem to give a damn. [More]

Elon Musk: Humans Need To Merge With Machines To Avoid Becoming Irrelevant
Does the idea of humanlike machines or machinelike humans freak you out? Maybe, but if we want to stay relevant in the face of the coming robot revolution, Elon Musk says we’ll have to become more cyborg-like. [More]

Will Our Robot Overlords Work Together Or Work Against Each Other?
One day, robots and computers with artificial intelligence will inevitably be tasked with managing everything from our economy to our traffic systems. But will these man-made managers have the empathy, reasoning, and emotions needed for cooperation? [More]

Amazon’s Supermarket Of The Future Could Have Just 3 Employees
Amazon’s latest forays into bricks-and-mortar businesses — the recently opened Amazon Go convenience store, and “click-and-collect” locations for online shoppers to pick up purchases — are intended to be staffed by as few people as possible. But can the company actually operate a full-size grocery store with just three humans? [More]

DoorDash, Postmates Deploying Robot Delivery Guys On Both Coasts
If you live in Redwood City, CA, or Washington, D.C., a robot might be dropping off dinner someday soon: DoorDash and Postmates are both starting to deploy robotic delivery vehicles in those cities, respectively. [More]

IBM Working On Robotic Roommate That Helps Elderly Folks Stay Safe
While many people would love to live out the rest of their days happily ensconced in their home, living alone is not always the safest option for elderly folks. But because around-the-clock care — either in a nursing home, assisted living, or from a personal nurse — isn’t always feasible, IBM is working on a robot designed to keep an eye on senior citizens and help them stay safe. [More]

Toyota Introduces Adorable Cupholder-Size Robot To Make You Less Lonely
Car rides are more fun with a companion, as is life in general, which is why Toyota has introduced a new palm-sized robot meant to spark parental feelings, stave off loneliness, and hang out with humans. The robot, Kirobo Mini, is based on an astronaut character, yet meant to give people the good feelings of caring for a baby without the massive workload. [More]

Walmart Patents Rolling Army Of Autonomous RoboCarts
In the last few years, Walmart has had problems with security and with keeping its shelves stocked, but of which it was able to fix by adding or re-allocating staff. One way that it could solve that problem is by having robots perform some tasks that robots can handle, and a patent that Walmart recently filed indicates that carts and merchandise that move themselves around may be coming to your local store. RoboCart? [More]