
Costco Accepts Return of Swimming Pool Intended for Pet Penguin

Costco Accepts Return of Swimming Pool Intended for Pet Penguin

I provided my receipt and got my money back.

Is Sylvester Stallone Taking Over Your TV?

Is Sylvester Stallone Taking Over Your TV?

Well, this is totally impossible to confirm, but we just got a complaint from a reader saying that their DVR was recording Sylvester Stallone movies all on its own. They think this might be some sort of sly promotion tied into the new Rocky movie.

VerizonMath’s Open Letter To Verizon

George Vaccaro posted an open letter to Verizon after winning a public battle over his wireless bill, a fight that hinged on Verizon Wireless employee’s inability to tell the difference between .002 cents and .002 dollars.

Transcript Of Verizon Still Not Knowing Difference Between Dollars And Cents

Transcript Of Verizon Still Not Knowing Difference Between Dollars And Cents

Inside is the phone transcript of another user experiencing the same problem as George. Verizon told Peter he was to be charged .0015 cents per kilobyte for data usage. Instead, they charged him .0015 dollars.

Netflix Hides Its Customer Service Number

Netflix Hides Its Customer Service Number

A few weeks back 60 minutes did a profile of Netflix and its owner, Reed Hastings, (who has to have the best corporate name since Warren Widicus.) Anyway, much like our readers, Reed could not find Netflix’s customer service number the Netflix website.

Verizon Still Can’t Count

Peter goes through several employees who can’t understand the hundredfold difference between dollars and cents. He escalates to and wrangles with a supervisor. At the end, Peter asks for his charge to be refunded.

Gift Giving Tip: Pretend Your Loved Ones Are Strangers

Gift Giving Tip: Pretend Your Loved Ones Are Strangers

“Familiarity with another consumer is not particularly helpful when predicting the others’ product attitudes,” Lerouge and Warlop say. They find that even when our loved ones tell us what they like, we think we know better. The findings appear in the December issue of the Journal of Consumer Research.”

Verizon Customer Gets Full Refund

Verizon Customer Gets Full Refund

UPDATE: Verizon Still Can’t Count

Transcript: Verizon Doesn’t Know How To Count

UPDATE: Verizon Customer Gets Full Refund

Verizon Doesn’t Know Difference Between Dollars And Cents

Verizon doesn’t know the difference between .002 cents and .002 dollars.

Don’t Buy Richard Simmons’ Exploding Steamer

Are these manufactured by Sony?— BEN POPKEN

Enroll In The Viral Video Learning Center

“I’ve got my finger on the pulse of all the coolest internet trends. Even my kids are jealous of all the hits my video is getting.”

Even Serial Killers Can Get Good Customer Service

Even Serial Killers Can Get Good Customer Service

It’s Jerry Time! and this time he tells about working in a camera shop, and having to wait on the Texas Chainsaw Massacre guy.

Camp Stove Runs Completely On Innuendo

Camp Stove Runs Completely On Innuendo

This instruction booklet for the MSR Whisper Lite gets pretty hardcore in its murmurings.

Panexa: The Best and Worst Drug Ever

Stay Free magazine ran an amusing back page goof ad for “Panexa” and also made a website. Now there’s a promotional video.

Airhitch Hookup Ends in Bitchslap

Customer looks for answers from, a site that helps people hitchhike on commercial jets; instead, gets ass roundly handed to them. After the conversation turns deadly, the customer threatens to take a screenshot of the chat and send it around cyberworld, the Airhitch CSR tells him to, “Send it to GOD if you want.”

10,000th Shoplifter Gets Parade

A Dutch store owner, sick of shoplifters, decides to give the 10,000th shoplifter a big prize, including party hat, cake and an in-store marching band.