
Totally Fake Restaurant Wins Wine Spectator Award of Excellence

Totally Fake Restaurant Wins Wine Spectator Award of Excellence

Hey, did you know that with Microsoft Word, $250 and maybe a foreign language dictionary — your lemonade stand can get a Wine Spectator Award of Excellence? That’s what one enterprising fellow set out to prove.

Yes, "Tightwad Bank" Is A Real Bank, And It's FDIC Insured

Yes, "Tightwad Bank" Is A Real Bank, And It's FDIC Insured

Tightwad, Missouri, population 63, doesn’t have much, but it does have a bank. A bank where the most common question people ask isn’t “Do you have free checking?” It’s: “Is this actually a real bank?” Well, the answer is “yes.”

Sam's Club Pretends Its Polystyrene Cup Is Green

Sam's Club Pretends Its Polystyrene Cup Is Green

Gregg saw this cheerful environmentally-friendly message on the side of his Sam’s Club soda cup. Wait, what? We guess it saves Sam’s Club fuel costs to ship the cups, but that sounds more like a profit-friendly quality. Gregg notes another benefit of the cup: “[it] may never biodegrade but at least it’s easy on my drinkin’ elbow.”

Fred Meyer Says Cheese Is Not A Dairy Product

Fred Meyer Says Cheese Is Not A Dairy Product

Go shopping for cheese at the Ballard Fred Myer in Seattle, and you’ll learn an interesting new fact about your food:

Pardon Me, Waiter? My "Coffee" Is Actually Hot Soy Sauce

Pardon Me, Waiter? My "Coffee" Is Actually Hot Soy Sauce

Here’s a bizarre story from Flickr user F1.4. After finishing his breakfast at a “classy” joint in the D.C. area, the server came by and topped off his coffee. When he took another sip…it was hot soy sauce. Bleeccch!


Eight people bought the $999.99 “I Am Rich” iPhone app before Apple pulled it from their store this week, reports the Los Angeles Times. “Six people from the U.S., one from Germany and one from France dropped a grand for the gem in the first 24 hours it was available.” The developer, Armin Heinrich, made $5,600 from those sales, while Apple made $2,400. I am currently developing an “I Am Now Richer” app to try to sell to Heinrich, since he’s got some extra spending money. [Los Angeles Times]

J. Crew's Notoriously Awful Website Charges You $9,208.50 To Ship The Wrong Shirt

J. Crew's Notoriously Awful Website Charges You $9,208.50 To Ship The Wrong Shirt

J. Crew has a problem with their website. Whatever the problem is, it isn’t small. Meet Per, a J. Crew customer who tried to order some polo shirts and not only did he get the wrong shirts, the bill came with a shipping charge of $9,208.50. Per would like to return these shirts and not pay $9,208.50 in shipping, but he can’t manage to log on to J. Crew’s website.


Does your iPhone-for-the-masses make you feel poor and ordinary? You need the I Am Rich app, which was available for sale on Apple’s app store for about a day (they removed it late yesterday afternoon, unfortunately). Priced at $999.99, it will place a big red jewel on your screen. Imagine how awesome you’ll look if you put this on a Swarovski-encrusted 3G model—$$$!!! [Technologizer via AppScout]

Curse-Drenched Masterpiece Gets Cable Fixed

Curse-Drenched Masterpiece Gets Cable Fixed

This NSFW recording is an expletive-drenched masterpiece. It’s a series of messages a customer left on a cable company’s answering machine after his cable went out and every number they had listed in the phonebook was busy…

You Must Hurry, These TV Stands Will Go Fast

You Must Hurry, These TV Stands Will Go Fast doesn’t just sell phantom coolers. They also have awesome deals like this priced-to-move TV stand. We guess when you already have low low prices, there’s not much room for extra discounts. (Thanks to Adam!)

If You Can Find This Cooler, Walmart Will Sell It To You

If You Can Find This Cooler, Walmart Will Sell It To You

Karen writes, “I am planning a trip to Chicago next month and was looking for a travel cooler, and found exactly what I needed…” Then she noticed something odd. Yes, this leprechaun of a cooler will reward you with awesome in-car chilling, if you can just solve the riddle of how to buy it.

These Toy Horses Are Also Educational

These Toy Horses Are Also Educational

Ali writes, “I was at the Borders in Elk Grove, CA with my cousin when I noticed these toys in the section with iPod accessories and various other objects. The funny thing is, all the other packages behind it were exactly the same.” Now you can learn about nature, and maybe pick up some new sexual slang, while you play horse farm!

Subway Says Get Off Your Phone Or Go To The Back Of The Line

Subway Says Get Off Your Phone Or Go To The Back Of The Line

Sean says he approves of the this sign that he saw at an Idaho Subway location today, but his wife wasn’t a fan…

EBoost Media Calls Rogier A "Faggot" And A "Queer"

EBoost Media Calls Rogier A "Faggot" And A "Queer"

Wait, Where Is The Medication Located?

Wait, Where Is The Medication Located?

“I wonder which pouch my medication is in. ([This was] sent to me by the Caremark prescription fulfillment center. The drugs required refrigeration.) “

This Car Seat Is Finally On Sale!

This Car Seat Is Finally On Sale!

If you’ve been waiting to buy the fancy Britax car seat and you live in New Jersey, now’s your chance. It was spotted by a bargain-shopping Consumerist reader who says he wishes he’d waited until it was on sale to buy one. [More]

Visine Would Cost $1,021 If You Bought By Gallon

Visine Would Cost $1,021 If You Bought By Gallon

You cringe over the price of a gallon of gas, but what about a gallon of Visine? An article in the September issue of ShopSmart shows that if you bought the eye drops by the gallon, the price would be $1,021. Steak sauce? $48. Secret Platinum, $189. Obviously, no one buys Visine by the gallon, except for maybe Cyclops (hey, that stick still burns). Similiarly, except for hobbyists, no one buys a dropper of gasoline. And there are cost-savings by selling and buying items in bulk. Still, makes you think…

Well, At Least It's Free

Well, At Least It's Free

Here’s a sign Flickr member betterbethany found in Portland, Oregon over the weekend. We like to imagine there’s a competitor’s sign nearby that just reads “Free Dirt.”