
That Sure Is An Expensive Phone Ya Got There, Mr. Hobo

That Sure Is An Expensive Phone Ya Got There, Mr. Hobo

Fine, fine, the iPhone is decent and all that, but here’s a funny clip from “The Soup” that puts the lie to that whole “It’s so much cheaper!” hype. And if you’re not an iPhone owner and need even more reason to feel good about that, check out Wisebread’s rant against people who stand in line for gadgets.

Entire Chicken Fits Into 50 oz Can

Entire Chicken Fits Into 50 oz Can

Science has taken us to Mars, plumbed the twilight depths of the ocean, and manipulated the very fibers of existence on the subatomic level, and now, minus giblets, put an entire chicken into a can. Commenter AlexTNOA alerts us that you can get it on Amazon, too, where the writeup says it’s, “…ready for soups, stews and quick dinners…Great to have on-hand in your pantry for emergency dinners.” Hm, how might those instructions read…something like: Open can, plop contents on plate, cover with plastic wrap, cook in microwave on high for 60 seconds, remove plate and wrapper, sculpt contents into shape of chicken. Serves 3-5…

Publix Helpfully Suggests That You Shop At Winn-Dixie

Publix Helpfully Suggests That You Shop At Winn-Dixie

Kevin was shopping at the Publix in Birmingham, AL when he spotted this helpful sign.

Just Say 'Yes' To Telemarketers

Want to drive a telemarketer crazy and amuse yourself at the same time? Here’s an example of how to do it.

This Rejected Chiropractor Is "Sorry You Don't Take Your Health Seriously"

This Rejected Chiropractor Is "Sorry You Don't Take Your Health Seriously"

The excellent blog, Passive Aggressive Notes has a submission from a reader who rejected his chiropractor. Clay decided not to go back after the doctor refused to show him his x-rays unless Clay attended a seminar about payment plans and treatment options. A few days later he got a note that said:

Would You Like A Condom Ad In Your Beer?

Would You Like A Condom Ad In Your Beer?

Maybe the bottom of a beer glass isn’t the best place to advertise a jimmy cap. Do you really want to drain the last of your beer and suddenly be reminded of Stiffler from American Pie? Yeah, we didn’t think so.

This HP Customer Service Rep Thinks He's A Genteel Salesman

This HP Customer Service Rep Thinks He's A Genteel Salesman

A Consumerist reader called HP to ask whether they could help him with a broken computer. They couldn’t, of course, but that didn’t stop the CSR from trying to ever-so-politely upsell a brand new HP computer at a low, low price. Thanks for calling HP Total Care for Desktops! What can we do to put you in a new computer today?

Why Are The Employees At This Store So Sad?

Why Are The Employees At This Store So Sad?

Jean writes:

Yum! Brands Introduces New Wearable Feedbags

Yum! Brands Introduces New Wearable Feedbags

Whether you’re trying to get as much of your Yum! Brand food into your mouth as humanly possible or just not in the mood to raise those heavy old arms to feed yourself, new wearable feed bags are functional, fashionable and sweeping the nation. Foods from Taco Bell, KFC and Pizza Hut work the best, but we’ve found that wearable feedbags work on almost any kind of food, and they look great too. See The Onion video, inside…

Greg's Office Max Freakout

Greg's Office Max Freakout

This guy on San Fran’s “Woody Show” goes into Office Max, twice, and loses his shit after every item he brings up to the counter rings up higher than its shelf-price. Not only does no one seem to care, one employee even insinuates that the complainant might be partially at fault for Office Max’s inability to shelve things in the right place. Neither disc jockey, producer, crazed customer, Office Max employees number 1 and 2, nor Office Max Manager seem to realize that if the item is found on the store shelves under a certain price, as long as the description matches the product, the store has to honor the price. It’s the law. In addition to a an amusing radio clip and animation, The Woody Show also has material here for a complaint to their state’s Attorney General. Video, inside…

My Night Stand Came Packed In Spray Foam Insulation

My Night Stand Came Packed In Spray Foam Insulation

Here’s something to break the monotony of your day. Reader Jim sends these pictures of the night stand he ordered from It came packed not in peanuts, but covered in spray foam insulation. He says it took him half an hour to hack through the sticky stuff to get to the furniture. Weird, yes, but the item did arrive intact… so maybe they’re on to something.


Attention Doctors of the State of Minnesota: You may not have any of Eli Lilly’s free frozen yogurt. [WSJ Health Blog]

Sorry Girls, This McDonald's Is All Out Of Boy Toys

Sorry Girls, This McDonald's Is All Out Of Boy Toys

[May 17, 2008. Fairfax, Virginia. Image thanks to Jose!]

Bad Customers And The Stupid Things They Say

Bad Customers And The Stupid Things They Say

This Online Pet Store Has Rabies

This Online Pet Store Has Rabies

This Virgin Mobile FAQ Is Honest, But Not Very Helpful

This Virgin Mobile FAQ Is Honest, But Not Very Helpful

Reader Aiden was considering buying a Virgin Mobile phone, but he had some questions about their Studio V program. (It allows you to make wallpapers and ringtones and sell them for $0.10 in airtime credit to other Virgin Mobile users.) The FAQ he found was honest, but not very helpful.

JetBlue Forces Passenger To Sit On Toilet For Flight

JetBlue Forces Passenger To Sit On Toilet For Flight

Talk about crappy service! JetBlue is the number 1 and the number 2 airline! A man from NYC is suing JetBlue “for more than $2 million because he says a pilot made him give up his seat to a flight attendant and sit on the toilet for more than three hours on a flight from California,” reports CBS News. We’re not going to judge the airline too harshly until more of the story comes out, just in case it turns out to be another upset passenger overstating the situation—but if it’s true, it’s going to be hard for JetBlue to wipe this story from the public’s memory for a while. Especially with all the joke opportunities.

Starbucks: Shut Up, I'm Recording The Celtics Game!

Starbucks: Shut Up, I'm Recording The Celtics Game!

In the era of sports Tivoing, Starbucks baristas are powerless to avoid having the game ruined by thoughtless, chatty customers… or are they? Apparently, one Boston-area barista is fighting back. Do think this worked?