To my knowledge, there has never been an established, official “opposite day,” whereby spending money on products you actually magically increase how much money you have, much less an “opposite bunch of months” where this happens. So when a couple using a debit card that made them richer with every purchase realized what was happening, the legal thing to do would’ve been to pipe up. [More]
nothing is free

Couple Accused Of Stealing $16K By Exploiting Debit Card With Magically Increasing Balance

“Free” Apps Not So Free When A Five-Year-Old Can Spend $2.5K In 10 Minutes On An iPad
In a perfect example of why parents need to monitor their kids’ online activities, a five-year-old in Britain was able to ring up about $2,500 in charges in just 10 minutes. So did he figure out their PayPal password and go on a toy car shopping spree? Nope. All he had to do was play a “free” app on his parents’ iPad. [More]