Here’s how you get a free small vanilla cone today from Dairy Queen: stop by a restaurant and ask for one. That’s all you need to do. Officially, the event is a Children’s Miracle Network fundraiser, and you should make a donation if you’re able, but the cones are free either way. You get one per customer, for as long as the store is open today. [More]
free food

Jack In The Box Promotes New Burger By Giving Away A Million Of Them
If you’re introducing a new fast-food product, the best way to get it into the public’s hands is to give it to them for free in a massive taste test. That’s the logic that Jack In The Box is using in their promotion for the Double Jack, in which they’re giving away a million burgers to anyone who’s interested. [More]

McDonald’s Billboard Offers Free McFlurries For The Hot & Hungry
Everyone likes to get free stuff, especially if that stuff happens to include food and drinks. Earlier this year companies began using “drinkable” billboards to dispense beverages to thirsty consumers. Now, McDonald’s has taken that idea and made it their own by giving away free McFlurries to pedestrians when the temperatures reach scorching levels. [More]

Everyone Likes Free Office Food Because We’re All Basically Cave People
All it takes is a single email with the words “free food” in it and an entire office can be brought to its feet, sending workers scurrying toward the communal area and a chance at a handout. From cupcakes to pizza, the thought of getting something for nothing is a tempting one — even if you don’t know whose birthday it is or why there are free subs in the conference room. This, because we’re all just trying to survive, just like we did when we lived in caves. [More]

5 Things We Learned Today About What It’s Like To Gather And Eat Roadkill
Though the idea of eating something that’s been run over by a car and left on the side of the road might turn even some of the strongest of stomaches, the fact remains that there’s a lot of meat at stake, and there are those out there who are more than willing to pick up what others might not want and turn it into a tasty stew. But while you might be imagining a clumsy shovel and buzzing fly situation, in reality, says one avid roadkill aficionado, it’s a lot different. [More]

Qdoba Wants You To Smooch A Stranger For Free Food On Valentine’s Day
We received an e-mail today from burrito eatery Qdoba bout their Valentine’s Day promotion. We didn’t think that this was possible, but on some level it is even more disturbing than the current McDonald’s campaign where customers can call loved ones or hug each other instead of paying for their food with cash. Qdoba promises a free burrito with their new cheesy sauce…if you buy a first burrito, and if you kiss someone on demand. [More]

Chipotle Will Bribe Everyone To Try Their Braised Tofu
“I don’t like tofu, and you can’t make me eat it!” Americans and Canadians have said to Chipotle, ignoring the tofu that the chain introduced last year. “If you try it, I’ll give you a free burrito with meat in it!” Chipotle countered, striking a bargain like a clever parent. Will the chain’s customers take this deal? On January 26, we’ll find out. [More]

IRS Turning Its Baleful Gaze At Company Cafeterias That Churn Out Free Food
Do you hear that noise? It’s thousands of forks clattering in the hands of Silicon Valley employees currently enjoying a free lunch. The Internal Revenue Service is taking a closer look at the trend of company cafeterias shoveling free food onto employees’ plates, saying that smorgasbord is a taxable fringe benefit. [More]

Taco Bell, Where A “Lifetime Of Food” Costs Just $10,000
What would you say if someone told you the rest of your meals for your entire life were covered? Great, right? But could you buy a “lifetime” of food for $10,000? Maybe at Taco Bell, as the chain’s new “Eleven Everlasting Dollars” contest claims each winner will win free Taco Bell food for life. [More]

Domino’s And Contest Winner Disagree About How Calendars Work
This baseball season, Domino’s Pizza is running a promotion where fans can get a code for a free pizza after the first two no-hitters of the year. While many people were shut out of the code-generating website, reader Jim wasn’t one of them. He got a code. The problem is that he and Domino’s disagree about how calendars work, and now he has no free pizza. [More]

One Week Until Free Donuts For All At Krispy Kreme
Did you miss Krispy Kreme’s celebration of heroes where they gave out free dozens of donuts? That’s okay: next week, the chain will offfer free donuts for all. Sorry, you’ll have to bring your own beef patties and cheese if you want to construct a cheeseburger. One free donut per person; participating locations only. [Foodbeast] [More]

Taco Bell Gives In, Reinstates Free Tacos For Michigan State Basketball Fans
Taco Bell has a long tradition of giving away free food tied to the results of certain sporting events, like the World Series. But only weeks after pulling the plug on its 14-year free chalupa promo with the Portland Trail Blazers, the Bell angered Michigan State basketball fans by ending the deal that offered free tacos to everyone in the arena if the Spartans scored at least 70 points. [More]

Little Caesar’s Employee Chases Me Down To Give Me Free Pizza
Sometimes local franchisees of national chains don’t bother with customer service, hoping to coast on brand recognition and adequacy. Then there are franchisees like the Little Caesar’s restaurant near reader John’s bus stop. They didn’t have any pizza ready during the few minutes he had before his bus came, so he left to catch his bus. Someone from the Little Caesar’s chased him down and delivered a pizza to him at the bus stop. We can hardly believe it either. [More]

Yelp Elite Reviewers Engage In Degenerate Feeding Frenzy, Terrify Waitstaff
The phrases “elite Yelp reviewer” and “ravenous horde” do not normally go together, but this e-mail from Yelp to its most insightful and prolific New York City users makes us wonder. In the e-mail, members of the Elite squad are scolded for poor etiquette, auctioning off their event invitations to the highest bidder(!), and swarming on trays of free food like a swarm of highly opinionated locusts, terrifying waitstaff and keeping less ravenous partygoers from tasting the snacks. [More]

The Secret Economy Behind Free Food Samples
The next time you see free food samples at the local supermarket, take a closer look at what’s being served and how it’s presented. You could be on the receiving end of an elaborate and expensive offering cooked up by a clever retailer — or may be getting leftovers that are about to hit their expiration date. [More]

NYC Has Spent $3.3 Million On Food And Booze This Year
The New York City Mayor’s Office took part in its own stimulus program, apparently pumping $18,000 into liquor stores for unexplained booze binges. [More]

Panda Express Avoids Food Giveaway Pandemonium, Serves Up Teeny Portions
Matt tells Consumerist that Panda Express may have found a way to avoid a coupon debacle similar to KFC’s grilled chicken giveaway last year. Their brilliant plan: dish up tiny portions, then charge comically high prices for meal add-ons. Like a $4 egg roll. [More]

Dress Like A Cow, Get Free Chick-fil-A Today
If you live in one of the 38 states blessed with the wonder that is Chick-fil-A, take your sack lunch and windmill dunk that sucker in the garbage, because you’re dressing like a cow and getting a free value meal today. [More]