It’s been a few years since we’ve really heard about Four Loko, the alcoholic malt beverage that was once highly scrutinized for mixing caffeine and booze and for allegedly marketing to minors. To be honest, outside of this halloween costume from a couple years ago, we didn’t even know the stuff was still around. But today we see that the makers of Four Loko have reached a deal with the attorneys general of 19 states and the City Attorney of San Francisco to make sure its advertising and marketing is targeted at adults. [More]
four loko

Perhaps You Would Like To Dress As A Sexy Banned Boozy Beverage For Halloween
Banned party fuel Four Loko may now lack caffeine, but that doesn’t mean it’s left the public consciousness. Witness this Halloween costume: a can of Four Loko. A sexy can of Four Loko. [More]

Four Loko Changing Cans To Show How Many Beers You Would Actually Need To Drink To Get The Same Buzz
For some reason, the makers of Four Loko have been downplaying the amount of alcohol in their big, candy-colored cans. And so today, as part of a settlement with the Federal Trade Commission, the makers of Four Loko agreed to new labeling that will more accurately let buyers know just how drunk they can get on a single can. [More]

Mom Sues Four Loko For Teen's Death
The parents of a teen who died after drinking two Four Lokos and running onto a highway have sued the beverage maker, reports the Chicago Tribune. The lawsuit claims the manufacturer was “careless and negligent” in making a caffeinated alcoholic drink that “desensitizes users to the symptoms of intoxication and increases the potential for alcohol-related harm.” [More]

Meet The Frat-Boy Entrepreneurs Who Created Four Loko
The men who created Four Loko are exactly who you would expect to bring such a strong caffeine-infused booze confection into the world: former frat boys from a large midwestern university who attended college when Red Bull and vodka was king. After a few false starts, their company, Phusion Projects, briefly owned the caffeinated alcohol market, and because of that success got the kind of brand recognition that no company wants. [More]

"Quatro Zany" Is Like "Four Loko" But Really For Adults This Time. Honest.
UCB’s The Brig sticks a key in Four Loko’s can with this new parody ad for Quatro Zany, “The new alcoholic energy drink totally not targeted toward kids.” It’s got everything adults want, like vodka, sugar, espresso, Adderall, and pixie sticks. And for when you’re on-the go, a convenient no-drip baby nipple! [More]

What Is A Fatal Dose Of Four Loko?
“How many Four Lokos would it take to kill you?” wondered Esquire. So they turned to a report in Forensic Science International that says the rare fatal caffeine overdose usually requires consuming over 5 grams. To reach that level it would take… [More]

Is Booze-Infused Whipped Cream The Next Four Loko?
With caffeinated malt beverages coming under fire from the FDA and other buzzkills, a hole has been created for those who are tired of just getting their booze the old-fashioned way… A hole that is being filled by the makers of alcohol-infused whipped cream. [More]

Bans, Controversy Spark Four Loko Buying Run
Ah, the taste of forbidden fruit… juice flavor mixed with caffeine and alcohol. Since states and municipalities started banning Four Loko and the Food and Drug Administration classified caffeine as an unsafe additive to malt liquor, stores can’t keep the stuff on shelves. In response to the FDA ultimatum, the beverage maker has pledged to drop caffeine from the drink, but the original article is still out there. [More]

FDA Warns Makers Of Alcoholic Energy Drinks
Earlier today, there was speculation that the FDA might issue a declaration that effectively bans alcoholic beverages that contain caffeine and other stimulants. While the agency opted to not go to such lengths, it did announce that caffeine added to malt liquor qualifies as an “unsafe food additive” and sent warning letters to the makers of seven different drinks, giving them 15 days to come up with a plan for remedying the violation. [More]

Is A Ban Needed On Alcoholic Energy Drinks?
Reports say the the Food & Drug Administration is planning to announce today that caffeine is an unsafe food additive in alcoholic drinks. This would effectively ban a whole range of products like Four Loko, Joose and Sparks, which market themselves as a sort of boozed-up energy drink. [More]

Watch A Man Subject Himself To Four Loko In The Name Of Journalism
There’s been a lot of talk lately about Four Loko and whether or not the mix of energy drink and alcohol is dangerous or irresponsible. There’s also some concern about whether or not the beverage is marketed to kids. One brave soul decided to subject himself to several cans of the potent potable, then tested his ability to recite Shakespeare, play Call of Duty, and flirt with a lady. Let’s watch. [More]

Senator Says Caffeinated Malt Liquor Drinks Target Teens
For years, young folks have been getting their buzz on with the help of fruit-flavored malt liquor concoctions like Sparks, Joose and Four Loko. This is a fact that has apparently just come across the desk of Senator Chuck Schumer of NY, who is now asking for federal help in getting these beverages out of the mouths of babes. [More]