If your summer plans include eating a bunch of lobster rolls or other meals involving the crustacean, we’ve got good news: Your sustenance won’t break the bank. [More]

Guinness Finally Banishes Fish Parts From Its Beers
As promised a few years ago, Guinness has made changes to its centuries-old recipe to get rid of a fish-derived gelatin used to filter extra yeast from the brew. That means that vegetarians and vegans who prefer not to consume beer processed with fish can order draft Guinness now, and all versions by the end of the year. [More]

7 Things We Learned From New ‘Frontline’ About State Of The Seafood Industry
While a growing number of Americans are paying close attention to traditional livestock — demanding more organic meat, cage-free eggs, and grass-fed beef — not as much attention has been paid to the massive global market for seafood, and the ethical, financial, and environmental impact it has. [More]

Bumble Bee Senior VP Of Sales To Plead Guilty In Tuna Price-Fixing Scheme
“Far-reaching price-fixing conspiracy” and “canned tuna” are not concepts that you might normally connect with each other. It turns out, though, that the U.S. Department of Justice is conducting a multi-year investigation into price-fixing and other wrongdoing in the packaged seafood industry, which is a real thing that is happening. [More]

State Department: Thai Fishing Vessels Still Using Forced Labor
It’s been almost three years since activists first drew the world’s attention to the conditions on fishing boats out of Thailand, where migrant workers recruited from poorer Asian countries work under terrible conditions. Last year, two huge pieces of investigative journalism told their stories and reminded us that it’s still happening, and consumers sued companies like Nestle and Costco for selling seafood produced under these conditions to unwitting customers. That means that this situation has been fixed, right? Not really, the U.S. Department of State tells us. [More]

Chicken Of The Sea, Bumble Bee Abandon Plan To Unite As One Giant Can Of Tuna After DOJ Objects
Chicken of the Sea and Bumble Bee will be leaving their underwater wedding separately despite going steady since 2014: the two tuna companies won’t be merging into one giant can of fish after the U.S. Justice Department put the kibosh on their planned union. [More]

PetSmart Sorry For Accidentally Throwing Live, Swimming Fish In The Trash
It took a few days, but PetSmart finally responded after a video was posted on social media that claimed to show live goldfish swimming in a bag that had been chucked in a store’s garbage bin. The chain apologized to customers, saying an employee didn’t realize any of the fish were still alive. [More]

Red Lobster Changing Menu To Remind Everyone It’s Still A Seafood Restaurant
Although it’s always fun to play the field, it seems that flirting with other kinds of cuisine isn’t working out so well for Red Lobster anymore. That’s why the restaurant chain with seafood in its name is returning to its roots with a newly revamped menu, ditching things like tortilla soup and pork chops in favor of more lobster. [More]

Want To Help Curb Food Waste? Start Eating Fish Heads
At first, reading words like “oozed with sizzling fat” or “extra-tender meat” conjures up a tempting culinary event. But what if those words were linked with “fish heads”? That kind of dining experience is what many experts say could be a key component to reducing the world’s food waste. Yes, eating fish heads. [More]

NJ Walmart Kept Tanks Full Of Dead, Dying Fish In Full View Of Customers
We’ve written before about Walmart failing to keep its shelves stocked, but here’s a story about a different kind of neglect at the nation’s largest retailer. Shoppers at a New Jersey Walmart say the store was allowing the live fish in its pet department to fester in dirty, unfiltered water with dead fish sitting on the bottom of the tanks. [More]

Maybe You Can’t Father Children Because You’re Eating Too Much Bacon
Have you been trying to start a family but not having any luck? Maybe it’s that slap of bacon (or other processed meat product) you devour to get into the mood. [More]

Report: Thai Fishing Industry Is Using Slave Labor To Catch The Fish Imported By The U.S.
A new report from a British activist group is placing Thailand’s fishing industry in some pretty hot water, with allegations that 15 Burmese workers of a Thai crew were basically slaves. The group is now urging the United States, which is the No. 1 importer of Thai fish products, to hold Thailand accountable for the reported abuses the workers suffered at the hands of the fishing crew. [More]

Study Finds A Third Of NYC’s Seafood Is Mislabeled, Posing Health Risks
It isn’t just Los Angeles that is having a problem with mislabeled fish — a new study that tested seafood on menus, at grocery stores and in fancy specialty shops in New York City says plenty of the fish offerings there are frequently misidentified. So while you might think you’re ordering up a nice slab of red snapper, it could just be a regular old piece of tialpia. That kind of mislabeling and misrepresentation could also lead to plenty of health problems, say researchers. [More]

L.A. Seafood Task Force’s Catch Of The Day Features Lots Of Mislabeled Fish
What you see is apparently not always what you’re getting in L.A., says a county Seafood Task Force that took on the problem of mislabeled fish in the food industry. The group found that a whole slew of issues that were widespread across supermarkets and restaurants alike that could pose health problems for consumers. [More]

Monster Energy Assumes Consumers Can’t Distinguish Energy Drinks From Fish Tanks
We thought that the company behind Monster Energy drink (and its lawyers) were done with petty legal action against anyone bold enough to use the word “Monster.” We last reported on such action in 2009. Turns out that the, uh, monster was only sleeping, though, and the company has re-emerged to issue a cease and desist order to an aquarium keepers’ forum, Monster Fishkeepers. That site has owned their trademark since 2005, but Monster Energy apparently claims to own the word “monster.” And the letter “M.” [More]

Adventures In Fictional Fish: There's No Such Thing As White Ruffy
If the recent exposé on falsely labeled fish by our lab coat-wearing kin at Consumer Reports has you approaching fish buying with a critical eye, you’re not alone. [More]

Eateries Fudge Fish Labels To Make Them More Appealing
The menu may identify a fish dish as one thing, but that doesn’t necessarily stop the cook from sending in a stunt-fish to take its place. The practice of baiting diners with an attractive-sounding fish and switching it with something less appealing may be more common than most people realize. [More]

Target Stops Selling Farmed Salmon. Also, Target Apparently Sells Salmon.
Target has announced that, due to love of the planet, they have decided to stop selling farmed salmon. Salmon farms, according to Target’s press release, produce “pollution, chemicals, parasites and non-native farmed fish that escape from salmon farms all affect the natural habitat and the native salmon in the surrounding areas.” They’re switching to “sustainable” wild salmon. [More]