heads up

Renee Rendler-Kaplan

Using Your Phone While Crossing The Street In Honolulu Could Cost You As Much As $99

Looking at one’s phone while walking might not seem like too difficult of a task, but every once in a while it proves to be a painful endeavor, take the woman looking at her phone who tripped over a door in the sidewalk and fell into a utility room. The city of Honolulu wants to prevent these types of incidents by becoming the first major city in the U.S. to make it illegal to text while crossing the street. [More]

Want To Help Curb Food Waste? Start Eating Fish Heads

Want To Help Curb Food Waste? Start Eating Fish Heads

At first, reading words like “oozed with sizzling fat” or “extra-tender meat” conjures up a tempting culinary event. But what if those words were linked with “fish heads”? That kind of dining experience is what many experts say could be a key component to reducing the world’s food waste. Yes, eating fish heads. [More]


Abercrombie & Fitch Agrees To Let Employees Wear Headscarves As Part Of Settlement

After a judge said that Abercrombie & Fitch’s ban on head coverings — detailed in its controversial “Look Policy” for employees — violates workers’ rights, the company that courts the cool, skinny kids has agreed to tweak its dress code and allow store employees to wear headscarves. [More]

Citibank Closes My Credit Card Due To Security Breach, Doesn't Tell Me Until I Sign In Online

It’s great that Citibank went ahead and closed Sylvia’s account after it was breached, thus saving her from thievery and other unpleasant security concerns. One thing that would’ve been even better, though, would be to let Sylvia know they’d gone ahead and done that. [More]

That Stranger Knocking On Your Door Might Work For The Census

That Stranger Knocking On Your Door Might Work For The Census

Don’t panic if a stranger shows up at your door sometime in the next few months asking how many people live in your home. They work for the Census Bureau, not IDT, and they’re starting their decennial door-knocking party to figure out how big a slice of the federal government’s annual $300 billion pork pie your community deserves.

Fix Your Clocks: End Of Daylight Savings Time Isn't Until November 4th

Fix Your Clocks: End Of Daylight Savings Time Isn't Until November 4th

If your electronics mistakenly reset themselves standard time yesterday, you’d better fix them. Daylight Savings Time is set to end one week later than usual (on November 4th), due to a law change.