Last year, Taco Bell opened a new restaurant in southern California called U.S. Taco. It promised “American-inspired” tacos, whatever that means, and alcoholic milkshakes, which are definitely American. The first test restaurant opened in Huntington Beach, California, last summer, but was never able to secure an alcohol permit or very many customers. It abruptly closed yesterday. [More]
for whom the taco bell tolls

Get A Free Folded Biscuit At Taco Bell This Morning Until 11
If you fold a round and flat food item in half and put more food inside, as far as Taco Bell is concerned, that’s a taco. Today, they’re advertising their new breakfast menu by giving away free … see, I still can’t bring myself to call that thing a taco, but you can get a free biscuit folded in half with some breakfast stuff in it. [More]

Taco Bell Decides That ‘Living Mas’ Shouldn’t Always Make You Fat
Yes, the company that brought you Doritos-shell tacos (in two flavors), the phrases “fourth meal” and “live mas!,” and which will basically shove anything inside of a tortilla and sell it, says it no longer wants to have such a direct impact on customers’ waistlines. [More]

Taco Bell Should Probably Have Told Its Restaurants About Cool Ranch Doritos Taco Going On Sale Early
Telling 9.8 million Facebook fans and 366,000 Twitter followers that you’re going to release a highly anticipated product a day early is good marketing — that is, unless you fail to tell the stores that are supposed to sell this item. [More]