
Shoppers Hate Skinny Jeans: Walmart Apparel Chief Resigns

Shoppers Hate Skinny Jeans: Walmart Apparel Chief Resigns

Let’s face it. Your average body-type does not look good in tapered-leg skinny jeans. We’re not even saying “average body type” as code for “fatty.” We actually mean it. Regular people look bad in these fashions and do not want to purchase cheap Walmart versions of them. People want to buy socks at Walmart. Big bags of socks.

Victoria's Secret Refunds: Immigrants Need Not Apply

Victoria's Secret Refunds: Immigrants Need Not Apply

July 2, 2007

Strange Dell Fashion Show Announces New Line Of Pretty Colored Laptops

Unable to resist, we sent Gawker video wunderkid Alex Goldberg to tape the affair awesomeness. We hypothesize the fete was conceptually tied to Dell’s new line of Insprions which come in different colors, meaning that Dell has finally caught up to Apple, circa 1998.

Stick It To The Smartass Cable Tech

Thing is, though, it’s not the tech’s fault the dispatch system is messed up. — BEN POPKEN

Make Your Own Vintage Jeans

Make Your Own Vintage Jeans

Curbly has a neat idea for making your own pair of vintage jeans. Take a pair of old jeans and soak them in a tub of hot water and an old sock filled with coffee grounds. In the morning, they’ll have a nice patina. For further distressing, you can use a cheese grater for small scuffs and tears, or put objects in the pocket and sandpaper over them.

Retailers Flog About Their Own Wares, Biased  Blogging Becoming Commonplace

Retailers Flog About Their Own Wares, Biased Blogging Becoming Commonplace

Unlike other media covering the shows, these commentators are in the awkward position of reviewing their own suppliers — and their aim is more to boost sales rather than offer impartial critique.

Does it work? Absolutely. When Downing links his comments to specific merchandise the store sees a “sales bump” that exceeds expectations, according to a Neiman Marcus spokesperson. As shady as Ken is, least he’s honest about his identity and job function as he lavishes his purple prose on nearly everything he sees.

Junk Food Nail Artist Revealed

Junk Food Nail Artist Revealed

Exactly on year ago today, former Consumerist writer John Brownlee mocked these painted nails with words like: Finds What You Like Finds What You Like is a brand-new search engine that allows you to search by looking at shoes and accessories featured in celebrity photos. Sounds lame, and it is, until you realize that you can draw a box around the exact part of the featured accessory you like… and searches for other products that have that same feature.

Consumerist Ask Metafilter Round-Up

• How does copyright work when the material is in a library? [Link]

Friday Fashion Advice

Friday Fashion Advice

The News; Enron Curses All Who Penetrate Its Tomb

The News; Enron Curses All Who Penetrate Its Tomb

• Personally, we’re a slut for love. [NYT] “The Taming of the Slur”

Children’s ER Names Itself After Abercrombie & Fitch

Children’s ER Names Itself After Abercrombie & Fitch

Branding is everywhere, billboards, sky-writing and even in your pants (check the label, bub). Always seeking new ways to expand message penetration, companies have turned to sponsoring buildings, such as the Pepsi Center and Coors Field. The field of viable sports venues depleted, corporations have turned to the next killing field: hospitals!

Threadless Gets Cooler, Steals Babies

Threadless Gets Cooler, Steals Babies

Threadless has added a delicious layer of imperialism to their communist t-shirt direct democracy by launching Threadless Select. A more premium line of tees, by premium artists, at premium prices. The oligarchy is upon us, upon our chests, and we’re paying for it. Oh well, the shirts seem neat enough.

The Hellraiser Sneaker

The Hellraiser Sneaker

Just do it.

American Apparel FlipFlops, Flapped

American Apparel FlipFlops, Flapped

We’ve obviously taken this American Apparel flipflop thing too far. Jumped the shark, and all that. So why not do another shot while writhing on the floor? Render the blackout a deeper shade of obsidian?

American Apparel Waffles on Flip Flops

American Apparel Waffles on Flip Flops

According to one of our American Apparel moles, the infamous flip flops they were selling, made in Thailand, not by hardworking Mexican imports given fair wages, health benefits and all the Blackberry PDAs they can eat… have been pulled.

American Apparel Responds to Resignation Letter

American Apparel Responds to Resignation Letter

We asked The Consumerist’s resident American Apparel lurker, Weronika Cwir (pictured), what she thought of Laurelle’s resignation letter we posted earlier this week. The letter was written prior to Weronika’s matriculation at the AA school of the future of the now, but she did manage to pen a heartfelt and revealing response that paints a softer side of the vestment micro-giant.

American Apparel Resignation Letter

American Apparel Resignation Letter

Hot on the heels of news that American Apparel is stocking flip-flops from Thailand, seemingly flying in the face of AA’s commitment to ‘vertically-integrated, sweatshop free goods,’ comes a letter. A resignation letter from an employee from March 2005, who at the time claims to be the most senior Canadian American Apparel employee.