You know how it is when you’re applying for jobs. You send out an application, then wait. And wait. Then send off a desperate-sounding follow-up email that receives no response. And wait some more. [More]

Stay Relevant In A Changing Job Market
The longer you work the same job, the more likely it is that you’ll lack the skills to do anything else when you’re unexpectedly kicked to the curb. Everyone is a tap on the shoulder away from unemployment, so do your best to make sure you’ve got the tools it will take to claw your way back into another role. [More]

Alabama Illegal Immigrant Law Could Leave State With Job Surplus
An Alabama law meant to crack down on illegal immigration may be so effective that the state won’t have enough immigrant labor to fill its labor requirements. Immigrant farm and construction workers, as well as their legal citizen relatives, are reportedly said to be leaving the state in such high numbers that some employers may have trouble filling openings if the economy picks up. [More]

8 States Hike Minimum Wages
Eight state governments are forcing bosses to give low-rung workers pay raises, thanks to automatic annual raises in minimum wages. Washington state leads the way, scheduled to up its minimum wage 37 cents an hour to $9.04 next year. Burger flipping in Colorado will still only pay $7.64 in 2012, but at least that’s better than the $7.36 it pays now. [More]

Woman Fired After Donating Kidney To Son Afraid To Return To Work
When a Philadelphia mother tried to return to work after taking leave from her job at an aircraft repair training company to donate a kidney to her ailing son, she was told she’d been replaced. Once her story went public, the employer underwent a change of heart and offered to keep her on payroll until she could apply for another opening at the company. But the woman says she fears retaliation of returning to the office and is wary of accepting the offer. [More]

Deadliest Jobs Include Fishing, Logging And Flying
Mama, don’t let your babies grow up to be fishermen, loggers, pilots, farmers or miners. Those were the deadliest professions in the country last year, according to a government report. [More]

Goofing Around Online At Work Can Make You More Productive
There’s no hiding the fact that most of you reading this post are doing so while getting paid to be doing anything other than reading this post. But now you have science to back you up when your boss takes a break from Facebook and catches you surfing the web. A new study claims that browsing the Internet while sitting at your office desk may actually be beneficial to your job performance. [More]

Lawsuit: 61-Year-Old Lifeguard Says He Was Fired For Refusing To Wear Speedo
A 61-year-old New York lifeguard says he was weeded out due to his age four years ago when he was asked to wear a Speedo to partake in a swim test. He’s been entangled in age discrimination-based legal battles with the state ever since, and found success with an appeals court, which reinstated his previously dismissed case and will send the case to trial by next year. [More]

Employers Crack Down On Smokers
Bosses really don’t want their employees to smoke. Not necessarily because they care about the health and well-being of their workers, but because they’d rather not spring for the expenses to cover copious sick days or hospital stays that spring from complications spawned by cancer sticks. [More]

Want A Job? Try Texas Or North Dakota
While some parts of the country continue to struggle, Texas has added over 500,000 jobs during the last five years, making it the overall leader in job growth, according to an analysis of statistics from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. North Dakota, which added about 41,000 jobs over the same period, takes the crown for percentage growth: non-farm employment is up nearly 12% there. [More]

Con Man Victimizes Jobless Guy With Mystery Shopper Offer
You should always look at work-from-home and mystery shopper offers with heavy skepticism. Take it from a man who fell victim to a scam involving the latter that robbed him of $4,000. [More]

Whistle-Blowing Nuclear Plant Manager Sues Over Firing, Claiming Retaliation
A former manager at a nuclear power generating facility in California says he was fired because he brought up safety concerns regarding labor issues at the plant. Now he’s suing, claiming emotional distress and retaliation. [More]

Fewer Than 5 Percent Of New Jobs Went To Women
Not only are women not making as much as men with equal education, but employers are filling hardly any new jobs with females. [More]

Will A Bank Employ Me If I Defaulted On My Mortgage?
S. finds himself in a situation that’s very common in this recession: he’s unemployed, and his house was foreclosed on. The twist to his story is that he’s considering applying for a job at the very bank that his mortgage was from. Does he have a chance? [More]

5 Tips For Looking For A New Job During Work Hours
Looking for a new job in the current climate is difficult enough. And most currently employed job-hunters can’t risk losing have the added onus of worrying about losing that gig if their bosses find out. [More]

Employers Hired 187k Employees In Jan, 47k More Than Expected
Private employers hired 187,000 new employees in January, according to data released today by ADP. This was 47,000 more than economists expected. The number comes in advance of Friday’s Labor Department jobs report. [Marketwatch] [More]

Resume Traps To Avoid When Job-Hunting
The best job-hunting advice is to have powerful friends who owe you favors, but the second-best may be to have a resume that doesn’t bury your chances at employment. While an excellent resume may not be able to land you a job, an awful one sure can take you out of the running. [More]

The 10 Retailers That Keep Their Employees Happiest
Maybe those smiles on Costco employees’ faces aren’t fake. According to an employer satisfaction survey, Costco is the retailer with the happiest employees. [More]