Deadliest Jobs Include Fishing, Logging And Flying

Mama, don’t let your babies grow up to be fishermen, loggers, pilots, farmers or miners. Those were the deadliest professions in the country last year, according to a government report.
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, fishers led the death march, suffering 116 deaths per 100,000 workers, followed by loggers (91.9), pilots and flight engineers (70.6), farmers and ranchers (41.4) and mine machine operators (38.7).
Other professions that made the top 10 included roofers (32.4), garbage men (29.8), truckers and sales drivers (21.8), industrial machine installation and repairmen (20.3) and law enforcement (18.0).
According to the bureau, there were 4,537 fatal work injuries in 2010, holding steady from the 4,551 work deaths in 2009. Texas led the nation in workplace deaths with 456, while New Hampshire placed dead last with 5.
Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries Summary, 2010 [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics via CareerBuilder, MSN]
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