Resume Traps To Avoid When Job-Hunting

The best job-hunting advice is to have powerful friends who owe you favors, but the second-best may be to have a resume that doesn’t bury your chances at employment. While an excellent resume may not be able to land you a job, an awful one sure can take you out of the running.
Student Loan Info suggests some potential pitfalls that can sink your resume. Some of our favorites:
Posting your picture. Unless an employer specifically requests it, you’re only upping your potential DQ (douche quotient), coming off as vain.
Sending out a stock resume for all jobs. Since each job is different, it’s smarter to tailor your resume to the individual job and employer. Hiring agents can identify a lack of attention to detail.
Including a preferred salary. Some employers may ask for this, and if so, include it in your cover letter. If you give an unsolicited figure, you can either price yourself out of consideration or undersell yourself.
What are your favorite resume dos and don’ts?
Career Tips -Top 10 mistakes to avoid while creating resume [Student Loan Info]
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