In an effort to keep people under the influence off the roads when they’ve been drinking, a judge in Ohio is ordering folks who have been convicted of drunk driving to install ride-hailing apps like Uber or Lyft. [More]
drunk driving

Lyft, Budweiser Team Up To Fight Drunk Driving With Free Rides In Some States
Instead of stumbling to your car after a night of drinking beer, Lyft and Budweiser want you to stumble into a chauffeured vehicle, and have teamed up to offer free rides to encourage folks to make the safer choice. [More]

Police: Lyft Driver Drove Drunk With Passenger In The Car
When you’ve had a bit too much to drink to get behind the wheel, you might get a cab or have Uber or Lyft pick you up. But police in Austin say one Lyft driver could’ve used a ride himself, after arresting him for allegedly driving while drunk with a passenger in his back seat. [More]

Judge Tosses Drunk-Driving Charge Against Woman Whose Body Acts As A Brewery
We learned a few years ago that there is a real medical condition where a person’s body basically turns into a brewery through no actions of their own. Though it can result in a drunken-like state that some might chalk up to simple inebriation, auto-brewery syndrome is involuntary, and as such, helped one woman who has it beat a drunk driving charge. [More]

Uber, New Jersey Town Partner To Offer Residents Free Rides After A Night On The Town
Since its launch, Uber has had a somewhat contentious relationship with cities and municipalities over the legality of its services. But in an interesting turn of events, the ride-hailing app is actually partnering with one town, offering free rides for citizens that may have had a few too many adult beverages. [More]

Reminder: An Airport Runway Is Not A Safe Place To Drive, Intoxicated Or Not
It might be a tempting stretch of road, but the only wheels that should be hitting the runway at an airport belong to planes. In a recent example of such unsafe behavior, police say a drunk driver drove through fences and onto an active runway at the Louis Armstrong International Airport near New Orleans on Wednesday afternoon. [More]

Police: Drunk Drivers Poured Water On Road After Crash To Make It Look Like Ice Caused Accident
What kind of awful person deliberately makes a road icy in the winter? The kind of person who does it to cover up a drunk-driving accident. At least police in New Jersey busted an alleged icing scheme cooked up by two men accused of driving while intoxicated. [More]

Poll: Ride-Sharing Services Are Cutting Down On Drunk-Driving Incidents
Times used to be, if your friend was drunk and threatening to drive, you’d have to deal with the inconvenience of actually calling up a cab while hiding their keys. But now due to ride-sharing services that can summon vehicles with a swipe on an app, drunk-driving incidents are down. This, according to a poll by one of those services, Uber, along with Mothers Against Drunk Driving. [More]

Woman Pulled Over For Drunk Driving Admits She Was Trying To Find Pizza Online
We as a society are trying so hard to fight distracted driving by warning about the dangers of using your phone while you’re behind the wheel — but it seems we have to expand the message from “Don’t text/use social media/email” while driving to also include, “Don’t try to order pizza online while you maneuver a huge hunk of metal through the world.” And don’t drink and drive on top of that (or at all). [More]

Feds Pushing States To Lower The Drunk Driving Threshold To 0.05 BAC
Having a glass of wine with dinner and thinking about driving? That might be a bit more of a gamble in the future, as the National Transportation Safety Board is lobbying states to reduce their thresholds for drunk driving from the national standard of 0.08 blood alcohol concentration to 0.05. [More]

Man Finds Out You Can Be Arrested For Driving A Beer Cooler While Drunk
Despite the fact that most people will think of cars when hearing the phrase “drunk driving,” the term is really filled with infinite possibilities. For example, you can’t drive a motorized beer scooter while under the influence, at least not in Australia. [More]

Drunk Driver Must Really Hate Taco Bell, Rams Truck Into Building 3 Times
An intoxicated 19-year-old in Georgia didn’t learn his lesson when his pickup truck collided with the side of a Taco Bell restaurant. No, it took two additional bumps against the building (and a police officer with a drawn weapon) to get him to stop acting like a drunk buffoon. [More]

That’s Great That You’re The Designated Driver — Now Why Are You Taking Shots?
Listen, we think it’s fantastic, like totally selfless and wonderful of you, to volunteer to be the designated driver. But the thing is, now that you’ve been, well, designated, as it were, there’s something you should know: You aren’t supposed to be drunk while shouldering that responsibility. It kinda defeats the whole purpose. [More]

NTSB Pushing To Lower Drunken Driving Blood-Alcohol Content Threshold To 0.05
Right now around the country, if you’re in any of the 50 states and have a legal blood-alcohol content level of 0.08% or above, and you’re driving, you’re considered drunk and can be arrested and perhaps prosecuted for doing so. The National Transportation Safety Board thinks that threshold is too high, and has voted to recommend to states that they lower the BAC level to 0.05. [More]

Perhaps The Only Good Thing About Expensive Gas Is The Decrease In Teens Driving Drunk
Trying to think of any reason paying more at the pump is a good thing would stump the average consumer (thinner wallets after paying with cash?), but one and possibly the only good side effect of pricey gas is that it could be keeping drunk teens from driving. After all, high school jobs and allowances can only stretch so far. [More]

That Voice Telling You Not To Drink & Drive Is Coming From Inside The Urinal
No, you’re not hearing things in the men’s bathroom. Something is speaking to you, reminding you that if you’re sauced in the state of Michigan, you should definitely call a cab or a friend instead of taking to the road. Some counties in the state are trying use talking urinal-deodorizer cakes to keep drunk drivers off the road. [More]