Taco Bell is basically a deep-fried stick of butter away from being a food booth at your local state fair. The latest result of the Bell’s plan to wrap any recognizable junk food inside a tortilla has resulted in two dessert quesadillas stuffed with either Twix bar pieces or Kit Kats. [More]

Why Do We All Pronounce “Sherbet” As “Sherbert”?
Say the word “sherbet” out loud. You didn’t say “sher-bet,” did you? Despite the fact that any dictionary and your grandmother will tell you that’s how you pronounce it, you, me, and everyone we know calls the stuff “sherbert.” But why? [More]

Same-Sex Couple Claims Server Told Them Sharing A Dessert “Wouldn’t Look Right”
Sharing a dessert with your dining companion is nothing new, but a same-sex couple in D.C. claims that when they asked their server for two spoons so they could split a sundae, they were told such a thing wouldn’t be possible, and doesn’t go with the “ambiance” of the restaurant. [More]

Italy Is Europe’s Ice Cream Champ, Producing 6.8B Scoops Of Gelato In 2016
Hear that sound? It’s everyone in Italy, screaming for ice cream. Because if there’s one country that loves creamy frozen treats, it’s the home of gelato: Italy produced more ice cream last year than any other country in Europe. [More]

McDonald’s To Replace Ice Cream Machines After Years Of Complaints About Lack Of McFlurry
For years, consumers have expressed frustration about being unable to get ice cream — particularly a McFlurry — from McDonald’s because of broken or otherwise incapacitated machines. Now, the Golden Arches is working to address the issue by providing restaurants with a new type of ice cream machine. [More]

After Years Of Complaints, Why Are People Still Having Trouble Getting A McDonald’s McFlurry?
For a lot of people, dessert isn’t an everyday thing, so when you finally are in the mood to treat yourself, the last thing you want to be told is that the one thing you’re hankering for is not available. Yet, for years, ardent fans of McDonald’s McFlurry have complained about being denied their favorite frozen treat. [More]

Nutella’s Makers Want To Convince FDA That Chocolate Spread Isn’t Just For Dessert
When you think of sweet, hazelnut chocolate spread, are you imagining eating it for breakfast or for dessert? If you’re in the latter camp, you agree with the current stance of federal regulators. The makers of Nutella are now trying to make the case, however, that the spread should be considered more of a breakfast item. [More]

Create A Delicious Dessert, Win California Woman’s $390K Home
In the latest string of popular “create something, win huge reward” contests, a California woman is offering up her refurbished 1906 Craftsman home — valued at $390,000 — to the person who can come up with a winning dessert recipe. [More]

Dessert Is Good For Your Taste Buds, Bad For Restaurants’ Profit Margins
Most restaurants offer dessert, but depending on what time of day it is, they might not want you to actually order it. Profit margins on desserts aren’t great, and restaurants would rather you left your table to more paying customers or ordered something more profitable if you’re going to stick around and take up space. [More]

Pizza Hut Creates Crusts Stuffed With Jalapeños And With Dessert
In their ongoing quest to stretch the boundaries of pizza crust-stuffing science, Pizza Hut uses their international outlets as test kitchens for new and exciting meals. In the United Arab Emirates and in Korea, the chain is testing two ideas that sound quite appealing. Or maybe I should have eaten lunch today. [More]

This Exists: Taco Bell Brand Make Your Own Choco Taco Kit
Have you always secretly dreamed of making your own dessert tacos at home? …No, neither had we, until Taco Bell turned it into an option available to every consumer, right on our grocery store shelves. Since today isn’t just Friday but also National Taco Day, you can celebrate by picking up this kit. But do you want to? [More]

Donate To Diabetes Research, Get Four Frostys From Wendy’s
It could always be worse. Almost exactly a year ago, we shared a KFC promotion that donated part of the purchase price of a ginormous soft drink to type 2 diabetes research. You know, the kind of diabetes that is correlated with poor diet and exercise habits, such as drinking ginormous soft drinks. This year’s Wendy’s promo raises money for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, or type 1 diabetes–the one not correlated to poor dietary habits. Donate $1, and you get four small Frostys, cups of a sugar-laden dairy-like substance. One small Frosty contains 42 grams of sugar, if you’re wondering. That’s 10.5 teaspoons of sweetness, and kind of a weird item to be selling as a fundraiser for a disease that prevents patients from processing sugar correctly. [More]

Haggis Ice Cream & 9 Other Questionable Frozen Treats
As today is the last weekday of National Ice Cream Month, it might be the right time to look at some ice cream flavors that aren’t exactly mouth-watering. Luckily, the editors over at TheGloss.com have compiled a list of 10 bizarre flavors for your freezer. [More]

What Is Your Favorite Frozen Treat?
It’s apparently quite hot here in New York City. I wouldn’t know because I refuse to leave the igloo I’ve created around my air-conditioner. But if I were to venture out onto the sizzling streets, the first thing I’d do is get me a huge bowl of mint chip ice cream… not a cone because in this weather that’s just asking for disaster. [More]