
Behold Dell's "Buy One Wireless Card, Get 120 Free" Promotion

Behold Dell's "Buy One Wireless Card, Get 120 Free" Promotion

Dell accidentally skipped Andy in Canada’s wireless card upgrade while putting together the laptop he ordered. He called them and they sent the card along at no cost to him. Great service! The service was so great, in fact, that instead of just one wireless card, Dell went right ahead and shipped Andy a case of 120 of them.

Dell Customer Says Company Replaced His Broken Laptop With Cheaper One, Won't Make Good

Dell Customer Says Company Replaced His Broken Laptop With Cheaper One, Won't Make Good

Feisty Dell laptop purchaser Elijah says he bought a Dell laptop that failed him, and when Dell warrantied it out it sent an inferior one in its place, saying it had comparable functionality. As this replacement laptop has a smaller screen and a weird haunted keyboard that presses Ctrl all on its own, Elijah doesn’t agree.

Dell Support Tech Accidentally Gives Away Free Advice

Dell Support Tech Accidentally Gives Away Free Advice

Our reader humphrmi recently managed to avoid shelling out unnecessary bucks for paid technical support from Dell. His secret? Listening very carefully to the support rep, who inadvertently gave away the info he was trying to get humphrmi to pay for. Which is good, since that information was only one sentence long.

UPS Sends Your Monitor To "Gladys" In Wichita, Dell Tells You To Pick It Up. You Live In Boston.

UPS Sends Your Monitor To "Gladys" In Wichita, Dell Tells You To Pick It Up. You Live In Boston.

Reader Bret doesn’t particularly feel like buying a monitor for Gladys, a random woman who lives in Wichita, KS. Explaining this to Dell and UPS, however, is about as fun as you think it would be.

Have You Received Your Dell Multi-State Settlement Check Yet?

Have You Received Your Dell Multi-State Settlement Check Yet?

Did you file a claim form in the Dell multi-state settlement earlier this year? Have you received your check yet? According to the FAQ posted by the attorneys general of states participating in the suit, Monday, June 22 was the deadline for Dell to mail checks to consumers.

Help, Dell Won't Ask UPS To Trace My Lost Monitor!

Help, Dell Won't Ask UPS To Trace My Lost Monitor!

UPS’ website promises that they will deliver Corey’s Dell Vizio 37″ LCD monitor tomorrow, which would be exciting, except the website has said the same thing every day for the past two weeks. UPS’ customer service representatives insist that the package is lost and that Dell needs to initiate a trace. Dell would be happy to accommodate—who wouldn’t want to trace a lost package?—but their customer service representative claims that it’s Dell policy not to initiate a trace until 48 hours after the scheduled delivery date, which according to UPS, is tomorrow.

Dell Offers You $310,000 – What Credit Crunch?

Travis is well aware that there’s a credit crunch on. That’s why he was surprised when, according to a mailing he received, Dell decided to increase his credit line. Not by a little, either. They increased it from $2,500 to $310,000. Wha? How does that happen? He’s just a regular consumer. Does anyone who isn’t an IT professional need a $310,000 Dell credit line?

This Certified Refurbished Dell Laptop Comes With Large Scratches And A Pirated Copy Of Microsoft Office

This Certified Refurbished Dell Laptop Comes With Large Scratches And A Pirated Copy Of Microsoft Office

Ever wonder if “certified refurbished” is just corporate doublespeak for “not entirely broken crap?” Well, at Dell, it is! The refurbished Dell Studio Joseph bought as a gift for his father-in-law arrived with large scratches and a CD-R in the optical drive containing a pirated copy of Microsoft Office. Dell’s response? They’re willing to take back the laptop and waive the restocking fee, but that’s it.

Dell Breaks Customer's New Laptop Remotely, Won't Send Him Replacement

Dell Breaks Customer's New Laptop Remotely, Won't Send Him Replacement

Anthony has been a long-time Dell customer and has shared his positive experiences with friends and family, but that’s come to an end thanks to Dell’s abysmal customer service. It’s been one month since he first received his new Studio 15 Laptop, which worked correctly for 4 days. Since then, he’s been on the phone with Dell for a total of 14 hours, he’s watched a Dell CSR remotely break his laptop by interrupting the BIOS flash, he’s been locked out of the data on his hard drive, and there’s still no replacement laptop on the way to him. When he copied us on this email, he added, “All I wanted was the computer that I paid for long ago.”

Worst Company In America: Dell VS Chrysler

Worst Company In America: Dell VS Chrysler

Dell hell? Or another car company being propped up by the government? Which is worse?

Corporate Lawyer To Corporations: Stop Suing Websites!

Corporate Lawyer To Corporations: Stop Suing Websites!

A well-respected lawyer has a simple message for corporations: stop suing disgruntled customers who start websites to air their grievances. Though William Pecau of Steptoe & Johnson thinks that online gripers are “self-righteous narcissists with time on their hands,” he also realizes that “shutting down a gripe site generally is not easy, often cannot be done, and often is counterproductive.” Pecau goes on to explain exactly why most online gripers are safe from over-hyped takedown notices

Only 42 People Want A Piece of Dell's $1.5 Million Settlement? Seriously?

Only 42 People Want A Piece of Dell's $1.5 Million Settlement? Seriously?

Come on people, Dell agreed to dole out $1.5 million to customers who had problems with warranty repairs, credit financing, and rebates, but with only a week before the filing deadline, Washington’s Attorney General says that only 42 people in his state have submitted claim forms. We know there are eligible Dell victims out there. Our tipline alone has nearly 1,000 Dell-related complaints. Please, fill out your claim form now and get the money your state attorney generals earned for you!

Dell Charges Customer $300 More Than He Authorized

Dell Charges Customer $300 More Than He Authorized

Matt is having some trouble getting Dell to sort out its billing mistake with his new TV purchase. It’s an interesting story because for the most part, Dell employees or outsourced CSRs are trying to be helpful to Matt, but nothing has actually been accomplished yet over email, chat, or the telephone. Matt wants his $300 back, and Dell wants Matt to just return the TV set if he won’t pay the non-discounted price. We think he may have a case here for disputing the overcharged amount.

Every Time Dell Touches My Laptop It Gets A Little More Broken

Every Time Dell Touches My Laptop It Gets A Little More Broken

Reader tking says his laptop started out with a bad power jack — but has slowly escalated in brokenness with each Dell intervention.

Dell Hasn't Refunded Money For 45 Days

Dell Hasn't Refunded Money For 45 Days

Rob bought a monitor from Dell. Not just any monitor, a defective one. Ok, he didn’t specifically request it to come defective, but that’s how it did. So did its replacement. “The backlight was flickering constantly and it made me feel nauseous just looking at it,” writes Rob. He’s returned the monitors but Dell has yet to give him back his money. Every time he calls, they tell him it will be just 7-10 days more and that he paid with two credit cards is complicating things. So far it’s been 45 days.

Dell Has Separation Anxiety Over Scanner, Can't Bring Itself To Ship It

Dell Has Separation Anxiety Over Scanner, Can't Bring Itself To Ship It

Sean can’t get Dell to ship the scanner he ordered on January 20th. They keep canceling it at the last minute, then promising to ship it the next week. They really like your scanner, Sean. Can’t you just leave them alone and let them have their forbidden love?

Dell Takes Four Months To Replace Broken Trackpad

Dell Takes Four Months To Replace Broken Trackpad

The trackpad on Jim’s Dell laptop hasn’t worked since September despite a new motherboard, new hard drive, and four replacement trackpads. One Dell technician managed to dent the laptop’s speaker grill. Another, dispatched to replace the hard drive, brought a drive that was slower than the model in Jim’s laptop. Dell promised to send the speedier drive, but instead they sent a box labeled “hard drive” containing only a screwdriver.

“Dell No Longer Believes In Compensation For The Purpose Of Customer Satisfaction”

“Dell No Longer Believes In Compensation For The Purpose Of Customer Satisfaction”

After waiting 56 days for his Dell Mini 9 to ship, reader WantMyDellMini asked Dell for a little compensation, only to be told: “Dell no longer believes in compensation for the purpose of customer satisfaction.” The Mini 9’s shipping status has already changed at least ten times, but Dell claims that our poor reader has no choice but to keep waiting.