Police Offer PlayStation 3 As Reward For Return Of Guns

Police in Snellville, GA, are trying to recover a pile of recently stolen guns and ammunition, but rather than offer the usual cash reward, cops are offering Sony PlayStation 3 video game consoles.
“We thought by offering something that might be more enticing to the age group that we are targeting other than just some money might bring somebody forward,” a police sergeant tells WSBTV about his department’s attempt to recover the dozen guns, which include an AR-15 assault rifle and an SKS assault rifle. “We did that to try and sort of pierce the veil of this culture of not wanting to inform or snitch as they say on somebody.”
Of course, if you’re involved in the local criminal element and don’t want the baddies knowing you had anything to do with getting the guns back, you might want to have a good explanation for why you suddenly have a new PS3.
But what if the person already has a PS3? Or maybe they would rather have an Xbox 360? For those people, cops are offering a $350 gift card.
The homeowner from whose house the guns were stolen says he’s considering using some of his insurance money to add a cash reward for the return of the weapons.
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