Man Arrested For Fondling Himself, Looking At Porn On Southwest Flight

Flying from Baltimore to Denver isn’t very exciting. If you’re going to provide your own in-flight entertainment, though, please don’t follow the lead of a 63-year-old man who took that flight on Saturday. His choice of distraction got him arrested once he was on the ground for committing lewd, indecent or obscene acts in public aboard an aircraft.
An affidavit filed with the criminal complaint said that the passenger was allegedly using the handy in-flight wi-fi to watch pornography. (He either got around the content filters, or was accessing his own stash.) According to the affidavit, a nearby passenger noticed that the man was fondling himself: he had tried to shield his lap from view with his computer, but was not successful. That passenger summoned a flight attendant, who noted that the man’s genitals were exposed and ordered him to “put his pants back together.”
He was taken into custody in Denver, and could face 90 days in jail and a $250 fine.
Nevada man accused of fondling himself aboard Southwest flight [CNN] (via Fark)
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