While it’s been a while since any of us have worked in fast food, we’re pretty sure that “Threaten him with box cutter” is not among Burger King’s suggested methods for dealing with a dissatisfied (dissatisfried?) customer. [More]
crime news

Walmart Throws Out $19,000 In Meat After Man Pokes Syringe Into Sausages
It’s a classic saying: One bad apple spoils the entire barrel, and a few syringe-poked packages of breakfast sausage causes Walmart to toss out the entire section of the meat department. [More]

Walmart Worker Fired For Stopping Assault On Customer Won’t Go Back To Old Job
You may remember last week’s story of the Walmart employee in Michigan who was fired after he intervened to stop an assault against a customer in the parking lot. The retailer subsequently decided to offer him the chance to return to work, but he’s not biting. [More]

Taco Bell Worker Gets 3-Month Sentence For Groping Drive-Thru Customers
Back in June we told you about the Taco Bell Groper of North Dakota (as opposed to the Taco Bell Licker of California) who was arrested and accused of grabbing the breasts of drive-thru customers. Yesterday, the grabby guy was sentenced to three months in jail. [More]

Bank Of America Employee Charged With Taking At Least $1M In Bribes To Rig Short Sales
Between homeowners eager to get out from underwater mortgages and real estate speculators looking to scoop up below-market properties, there are a lot of people out there eager to grease the wheels to make a short sale happen. And federal authorities say one now-former Bank of America employee accepted at least $1 million in bribes to improperly approve short sales and falsify bank records. [More]

Did An Airport Employee Place Dry Ice Bombs At LAX?
Police in Los Angeles say that the dry ice bombs found in supposedly secure areas of Los Angeles International Airport earlier this week may have been set by a disgruntled employee, though the exact reason for placing the devices is still unclear. [More]

Denver Law Would Make It Illegal To Smoke Pot If Others Can Smell It
Even though legal retail marijuana sales will begin in January in Denver, city officials are doing their best to preemptively rein in pot use with a new proposed law that would, among other restrictions, make it illegal to smoke pot if your neighbors can smell it. [More]

NJ Township Requires Beggars To Get A Permit
If you want to ask people for money on the streets of Middle Township, NJ, you’ll need to get a permit, as local lawmakers have passed an ordinance aimed at reining in what some view as out-of-hand begging and panhandling in the area. [More]

Drunk Driver Must Really Hate Taco Bell, Rams Truck Into Building 3 Times
An intoxicated 19-year-old in Georgia didn’t learn his lesson when his pickup truck collided with the side of a Taco Bell restaurant. No, it took two additional bumps against the building (and a police officer with a drawn weapon) to get him to stop acting like a drunk buffoon. [More]

Adobe Didn’t Notice That Hackers Stole Info For 2.9 Million Users Back In August
Adobe, makers of popular software like Photoshop and Acrobat, announced today that its system had been the victim of a cyber attack several weeks ago, and that the breach gave the hackers access to information — including encrypted credit card data — for millions of users, along with source code for Adobe software products. [More]

Delta Passenger Pleads Guilty To Slapping Baby During Flight
You may remember the story from February of the 60-year-old man who was accused of getting really drunk on a Delta flight from Minneapolis to Atlanta and smacking a toddler and allegedly saying “shut that ni**er baby up” to the child’s mother. Yesterday, he agreed to a plea deal that could result with him serving up to six months behind bars. [More]

When Is Taking Someone’s Phone Not Considered “Theft”?
How long do you need to borrow something before it’s considered stolen? And does the mere act of taking a phone out of someone else’s hands without permission constitute theft? According to an appeals court in California, no. [More]

Man Pleads Guilty In Scheme That Scammed $2.4 Million In Free Comcast Service
Last year, police in Pennsylvania busted a ring of scammers — including some former Comcast employees — who had talked nearly 6,000 people into paying upwards of $200 to permanently have their Comcast cable bills reduced. Now the man described as being “second in command” of the ring has entered a guilty plea. [More]

Kidnapped Woman Uses Burger King Drive-Thru Window To Escape From Captor
Over the years, we’ve written about several people — including a certain Dark Knight — who committed crimes at a drive-thru window, but here’s a story of someone using this window to escape from a man who had kidnapped her. [More]

When You’re $.41 Short At The Gas Station, Don’t Punch The Attendant In The Face
When I’m a few cents short of my purchase at the corner store, I either put my stuff off to the side and go to the ATM or hold off on buying an item or two. But not one wanted man in Los Angeles, who decided to punch a female gas station cashier in the face when he couldn’t pay for his $1.41 cigar. [More]

“Citizen Of The Year” Lures Feral Cats To City Officials’ Homes… To Prove Point About Feral Cats
A New Jersey man who was once dubbed “Citizen of the Year” pleaded guilty yesterday to charges that he deliberately placed cat food on city officials’ properties in an attempt to lure feral felines and hopefully highlight the feral cat problem in the area. [More]

Scammer Threatens To Blow Up Kmart If Prepaid Debit Card Isn’t Filled
While the man in the earlier story who mentioned that he might get a machine gun and use it against the employees of a customer service call center was improperly venting his frustration, the person who called in a bomb threat to a New Jersey Kmart was just trying to scam the store out of some money. [More]