All around the country, local bars operate betting pools where patrons pay a set fee to buy a shot at taking home everyone else’s cash. At lots of bars, the price for a box is reasonable, but some pools charge thousands of dollars to check off a single box. These pools often go ignored by police and other authorities, but after the wife of a Staten Island gambler complained to the state about the large sums being wagered at a local bar, that establishment is no longer accepting bets. [More]
crime news

Sick Of Husband’s Gambling, Wife Alerts Authorities To $600K Super Bowl Pools At Local Bar

Stolen Target Credit Card Info: The Perfect Holiday Gift For the Criminals On Your List
Merry Christmas, and be sure to check your online statements: security investigations reveal that the tens of millions of credit card numbers stolen from Target shoppers in the weeks since Thanksgiving are indeed flooding the black market and making their way around the world. [More]

How To Determine If That Comcast Tech At Your Door Is The Real Deal
Even in these cynical times, most of us want to trust our fellow humans and try to give them the benefit of a doubt. So when someone from the cable company knocks on your door when you’re not expecting it, your instinct might be to believe that he’s not lying. Sadly, this isn’t always the case. [More]

Driving Backwards Through A Taco Bell Drive-Thru Might Give Police A Reason To Search Your Car
If you’ve got drugs in your car, you probably don’t want to do very much to draw the attention of the authorities. Just ask the Pennsylvania man who was arrested for marijuana possession after police watched him drive backwards while trying to order food from the Taco Bell drive-thru. [More]

Atlanta Deploys Urine Detectors To Curb Scourge Of Peed-In Elevators
Who knew that the elevators in Atlanta’s MARTA rail stations had become a haven for those in need of a semi-private place to relieve their aching bladders? Obviously the people who have complained enough about the problem to convince the Rapid Transit Authority to deploy a urine-detection system. [More]

Target “Deeply Regrets” Letting Someone Steal 40 Million Credit Card Numbers From Customers
In case they missed the news last night, Target customers around the country are waking up this morning and learning that they may be one of many millions of consumers whose credit and debit card information was compromised during the course of a nearly three-week-long security breach at the retailer. Big Red, you’ve got some explaining to do… [More]

7 Examples Why You Should Always Check Inside That iPad Box Before You Leave Walmart
As most regular readers of the site know, iPad boxes seem to be the perfect fit for scammers who buy the device, take it home, remove it from the box, seal it back up and return it for a refund… only to saddle some unsuspecting future customer with a box full of useless crud later. [More]

Diner Takes Axe To McDonald’s Over Cold Fries
Sure, here in the states we’ve got people calling 9-1-1 over missing hash browns, and folks threatening to use a sword if they don’t get free tacos, but over in France, they’ve got an angry customer who used his axe on a McDonald’s all because he got cold fries at the drive-thru. [More]

McDonald’s Customers, Employee Call 9-1-1 On Each Other Over Missing Hash Browns
The dispute over a couple of missing hash browns escalated quickly — I mean, it really got out of hand fast — at a Mesa, AZ, McDonald’s recently, with at least three different people calling the police and claims of assault-by-tossed-food being made by employees. [More]

Wendy’s Employee Arrested After Dropping Joint In Customer’s Burger
It’s one thing to get caught smoking marijuana on the job. It’s another to be caught because a customer finds a partially smoked joint in her hamburger. [More]

Should Nissan Leaf Driver Have Been Arrested For “Stealing” $.05 Worth Of Electricity From Public Outlet?
An Atlanta-area man admits that he didn’t have permission to charge up his Nissan Leaf outside a local middle school while waiting for his son to finish tennis practice on a Saturday, but he also believes he shouldn’t have been arrested for using about 5 cents worth of electricity from a publicly available outlet. [More]

McDonald’s Worker Will Have 29 Months Behind Bars To Regret Spitting In Cop’s Snack Wrap
In case any of you out there were considering depositing some saliva in a customer’s food today (or at any point in the future), remember that it’s not just gross, it’s illegal. And if you’re caught, you’ll lose your job and possibly your freedom. Just ask the former McDonald’s employee who will spend at least two years in jail for adding some secret sauce to a customer’s food. [More]

Cyber-Criminals Steal $45 Million, Ship It Off In Suitcases Full Of Cash
Since the dawn of the connected computer age, criminals in movies have easily transferred massive amounts of stolen money via computer — often while an onscreen “transaction processing” bar slowly indicates the progress of the crime. But when real-life cyber-criminals want to pay off their ringleader, they apparently do so the old-fashioned way, with a suitcase full of cash sent on a bus. [More]

Couple Charged With Stealing 1,970 Trees From Forest
A man and woman in Minnesota face up to a year in jail and thousands of dollars in fines after they were caught sap-handed in their attempt to steal a huge quantity of spruce trees and tree tops from county-managed forest land, all with the goal of selling to unsuspecting Christmas-tree buyers. [More]

MPAA Wants Theaters To Call Cops On People Who Dare Take A Photo During A Movie
The Motion Picture Association of America has released new best practices guidelines for movie theater operators who want to crack down on that worst of crimes — the shaky-cam pirated movie. To that end, the MPAA is suggesting a zero-tolerance policy, not just for people caught trying to record a motion picture, but for anyone who dares to take out their cellphone to take a photo during a screening. [More]

You Can Go To Jail For An Overdue Library Book
If there’s one thing we’ve learned over the years, it is not to mess with librarians or library materials. We’ve learned some other things too, of course, but for today’s lesson in library lateness, just go with it. Moving on! [More]

Childhood Nightmare Comes To Life As Clown Attacks Customer In Taco Bell Drive-Thru
Like something out a horrible dream from which you wake up drenched in sweat, screaming, a couple in Washington state were the victims of a clown attack while getting their food from a Taco Bell drive-thru. [More]