Between the World Series, the election, the start of the NBA season, finishing up your Halloween costume, that one friend’s improv show that you somehow got wrangled into attending, the impending Daylight Savings shift, and that spot on your knee that you’re sure wasn’t there a week ago — you’ve got a lot going on. But have all those distractions kept you from retaining the things you read in the last few days? [More]
consumerist quiz

Have You Paid Attention This Week? Take The Consumerist Quiz To Find Out
There’s a lot of important stuff going on in the news right now — the baseball playoffs, the split-up of Brad and Angelina, the pedestrianization of Norwich City Centre… and probably something else that’s obvious but slipped our mind. We can’t possibly cover it all, but we can quiz you on the things we do cover. [More]

How Well Have You Been Paying Attention This Week? Take The Consumerist Quiz To Find Out
After a week off caused by a brief, unexplained work stoppage by the 743-person team that otherwise toils day and night to craft this weekly test of readers’ recall abilities, the Consumerist Quiz is back to put your brain cells through the wringer (not literally, because that would be messy and probably illegal). [More]

Were You Paying Attention This Week? Take The Consumerist Quiz To Find Out
Remember only a few weeks ago, when many of us were complaining about the heat, pining for the start of the new fall TV season, and boasting about how the Browns finally had a franchise quarterback in RGIII? Yeah, neither do we. What we can recall is what happened this week. Can you? [More]

Have You Been Paying Attention? Take The Consumerist Quiz To Find Out!
O Autumn, laden with fruit, and stain’d with the blood of the grape, pass not, but sit beneath my shady roof; there thou may’st rest, and tune thy jolly voice to my fresh pipe, and all the daughters of the year shall take the Consumerist Quiz! [More]

Do You Remember What Happened This Week? Take The Consumerist Quiz To Find Out
The first full week after the end of summer and we’re already packing away the cargo shorts, swimsuits, squirt guns, and our dreams of ever recapturing the joy of youth (Is that just me? Sorry). While we may not all be able to vividly recall a time when we were guileless babes, quietly pondering the future while looking up through the tall grasses, we should all be able to remember the things that have happened since Monday morning, right? [More]

Time To See If You’ve Been Paying Attention. Take The Consumerist Quiz & Find Out!
The kids are back at school. You don’t have any vacation days left until next calendar year. Existence is an abysmal chasm from which nothing escapes, the self is a meaningless fictional construct, and the Panthers lost last night. But you can still take the Consumerist Quiz! [More]

Relive The Summer Of 2016 With The Consumerist Mega-Quiz!
To quote James Douglas Morrison, “summer’s almost gone,” though not really, depending on how you define the term summer. For fans of all things equinox-based, there are three weeks to go. For many school kids and college students, summer has been dead for days. For Consumerist readers south of the Equator, it’s months away from even beginning. So what the heck was Jim Morrison on about? Lizard King, my butt. [More]

Have You Paid Attention This Week? Take The Consumerist Quiz To Find Out
Maybe the rest of the world thinks you’re smart — always coming to you for help setting the clock on their VCR or for recommendations on which wine cooler they should pair with their rice cakes — but inside you harbor doubts. “I can’t possibly know everything” you tell yourself while helpfully directing a stranger toward the nearest Fashion Cafe. “If only there was a way for me to think back over the past few days to see if I do indeed have perfect recall — wait, am I not wearing shoes??” [More]

Have You Been Paying Attention? Take The Consumerist Quiz To Find Out
This summer and its Olympic games might feel like they will never end, but this week certainly will. That can mean only one thing… Actually, it means an awful lot more than one thing, but there’s just one item that we currently care about: Testing your memory to see how well you’ve been paying attention. [More]

Take A Break From Watching The Olympics On Work Time… It’s The Consumerist Quiz!
It’s not your fault that the folks in Rio scheduled handball in the middle of the workday. We understand that you won’t be denied your chance to watch Durdina Jaukovic and her teammates from Montenegro go up against the favored Norwegians, led by Emilie Hegh Arntzen. Don’t worry — we’re not asking you to do your job. Just take a few minutes to see if you can recall anything else from this week other than that sweet 25-25 draw between Tunisia and Qatar. [More]

Strap On Your Brain Belt: It’s Time For The Consumerist Quiz!
We write stories. You read them. It’s a purely transactional arrangement; no strings attached. Question is: How well do you remember what you’ve read? Take the Consumerist Quiz and find out. [More]

Give Your Brain A Workout With This Week’s Consumerist Quiz!
That’s right: It’s time to once again put on the mental SCUBA gear and dive deep into your memory, to see if you can recall all the things you’ve read this week. [More]

Do You Remember What Happened This Week? Maybe Not, But Take Our Quiz Anyway
Monday there was news. Then Tuesday there was also news, some of it new. Wednesday had news too, if we remember it correctly. News definitely happened yesterday (we read about it online), and we have the punched time-cards to show that news newsed earlier today. But have you been keeping up? [More]

Give Your Grey Matter A Weekend Workout With The Consumerist Quiz
We went easy on you last week — the holiday-shortened week and residual high spirits resulted in fewer questions and easily eliminated wrong answers — and it showed, with the median score on the Consumerist Quiz soaring to 75% (up from the typical weekly result of around 60%). Think you can continue with your high-scoring ways, or are you due for a post all-star break slump? [More]

Think Back On The Short Week That Was With This Abbreviated Consumerist Quiz!
We know that a lot of you only worked a few days this week, so we’re giving you a break with this installment of the Consumerist Quiz — now with 47% less quizziness! [More]

Burn Through Those Last Few Minutes Before The Holiday Weekend With The Consumerist Quiz
Look, we know you probably don’t want to be here. Everyone else in the office is already gone, but you’re stuck holding down the fort, pretending to be reading emails when you’re really just seeing how many pages of “Brexit” Google results you need to go through before finding some really good Brexit-themed erotic fiction. Okay, maybe that’s just us. Don’t judge. [More]