You know the feeling: you’re stranded in line at the arena/stadium/field waiting to get a beer and a hot dog while your team is out there kicking butt and taking names. It’s a waste of time that one NBA team is trying to prevent with a new system that takes photos of concession stand lines and directs fans to the shortest queue. [More]

Texas Rangers Upping Calorie Ante With Bacon-Flavored Cotton Candy, Chicken-Fried Corn On The Cob
Peanuts and Cracker Jack? Please, that is so 20th century. The new cool thing to do at baseball stadiums is apparently to concoct menu items so calorie-laden that people can’t help but notice them, if not eat them: The Texas Rangers are joining the artery-clogging pool with new creations like bacon-flavored cotton candy and chicken-fried corn on the cob. [More]

This Year’s Special Arizona Diamondbacks Hot Dog Is A Churro Wrapped In A Doughnut
Last year, the Arizona Diamondbacks introduced the world to the D-Bat Dog, a $25, 18-inch corn dog stuffed with cheese and bacon. This year the baseball team has decided to go a more sugary route, introducing the Churro Dog, which is essentially, a churro wrapped in a doughnut. [More]

We’re So Glad Someone Thought To Chronicle The Evolution Of Concession Stand Nachos
There’s nothing quite like a concession stand container of nachos: its cup of orange, oozing, hot nacho cheese nuzzled up against the very tortilla utensils we use to scoop it up and deposit it into our eagerly awaiting mouths. But like so many foods and snacks out there, perhaps we’ve been taking this gooey goodness for granted. Thank goodness not everyone has been so remiss. [More]

Small NFL Beers Cost More Than $7 On Average
Tickets, parking and concessions are all costly at sporting events. Those who haven’t been to an NFL game in a while may experience plastic cup price shock when they order a beer. An analysis revealed that the average small draft beer is $7.13, 22.7 percent more than Major Leauge baseball brewskis. [More]

AMC Guarantees Upsell Or Your Popcorn Is Free
Bad moviegoers, you haven’t been spending nearly enough on overpriced concessions. Don’t worry though, AMC is going to make you a promise: if they don’t offer you an upsell on your next visit to the concession stand, you’re going to get a free small bag of popcorn. [More]

Walmart Defeats Chicago, Plans To Open Up To 21 Stores
Like a big city pimp waiting to pick you up off the ground when times get tough, Walmart was able to establish its first stores in Chicago through guile, perseverance, and a few meaningless reassurances. Smaller stores! $0.50 pay raise! Union-built! These are the meager concessions that led Chicago to sell-out their local retailers. [More]

10 Movie Theater Secrets
Yahoo Finance put together a list of 10 secrets about movie theaters, dropping some interesting factoids, including this justification for why concession snacks are so expensive: [More]

AMC Theater Chain Bans All Outside Snacks
After reporting a loss in the 2nd quarter of this year, AMC is doing what it can to increase revenue. Since the business model of movie theaters is to give all the ticket sales to the studios and scrape out a living on concessions, that means forcing more patrons to buy snacks–so it’s officially banning any outside food and drink. [More]

Medium Bags Of Popcorn Often Hold More Than Large Tubs
If you’re in a cinema which gives you a choice between buying a medium bag of popcorn and a large tub of popcorn, there’s a greater-than-50% chance that the medium bag will actually contain more popcorn than the large tub.

9 Ways To Save At The Movies
Summer means movies, but don’t get stuck paying $12 per ticket or $7 for a bag of popcorn. Instead, check out these nine ways to slash your movie budget without missing any summer blockbusters.

AT&T Promises Nationwide Naked DSL By The End Of The Year
Naked DSL, (DSL without the requirement to have a landline), will be available nationwide by the end of the year, according to statement made by AT&T to the Wall Street Journal.

AT&T CEO: $10 DSL "Not A Product That Our Customers Have Clamored For"
AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson told the Atlanta Journal Constitution that his customer just aren’t interested in ultra-cheap internet service. AT&T is required to offer $10 DSL throughout 22 states, a concession made to the FTC as part of a deal to acquire BellSouth. AT&T has been accused of hiding the $10 DSL option, which, apparently, they did for the sake of their customers. From the Atlanta Journal Constitution:

AT&T Giving Consumers The Runaround Over Secret $10 DSL
AT&T is required to offer a $10 DSL option to those consumers who are in AT&T’s 22 state coverage area and who have not previously subscribed to AT&T DSL. This requirement is part of concessions made to the FTC so that AT&T could merge with BellSouth and take over Cingular.

AT&T's Secret $10 DSL
As part of a concession made to the FCC in order to get its mitts on BellSouth, AT&T is required to offer basic DSL for $10 a month to its entire 22 state coverage area for a period of 2 years.

Airplanes Start Charging You For Peanuts
In Ireland, we have a discount flyer called RyanAir. Although flying in a RyanAir jet is hygenically similar to flying through the friendly skies in a Time Square porn theater circa Taxi Driver, you can fly to most of Europe’s hot spots for as little as a couple euros, if you order your tickets a couple months in advance. Of course, where they gouge you is in buying standard airplane amentities. A vacuum-sealed bag of peanuts will cost you more than you paid for your ticket. 250ml cans of soda cost more per milliliter than liquid smack. And so on.

Movie Theater Ads “More than $50k per screen anually.”
There’s not a ton of new information in Ars Technica’s Peek into movie theater economics, but Ken Fisher does manage to pull out a few bits that were new to us.