We’ve received a couple of complaints about MLB.com’s billing service. People like Colleen and ‘Major Steel’ love being able to listen to home or away radio broadcasts of every game, live and archived, for fifteen bucks a season. What they abhor is their credit card being billed three times.

Swiss Air Price Efficiency Like Broken Cuckoo Clock
Has Swiss International Airline been snorting fermented milk-maiden lactate?

Monday Morning Reminder: Complain To Us!
We can never get enough complaints. Well, we can when they are about us: every one of those huffy “I’m offended!” emails you guys send to us puts a mortal pang into the ichorous core of our black, black hearts. After all, certainly every individual has a god given right to walk out of the house every day and be confident that they will not have their delicate sensibilities ruffled. We understand that; we relate. We appreciate your concerns!

UPDATE: Commerce Bank: Liar, Pants Ablaze
Yesterday, B.L. Ochman sent in complaint about going into Commerce bank, seeing a sign that said, “Deposit ’til 6. Next Day Availability.” At 4 p.m. she approached a teller with a deposit. The teller said, “Just so you know, I’m working on tomorrow, so this won’t be credited today.” Hello, disconnect!

Danish Time Geek’s Open Letter to D-Link
Poul-Henning Kamp, a Danish citizen, has a good heart and an obsession with time but his time is running out, thanks to inconsiderate manufacturing by the D-Link corporation.

Shopper Sinks Teeth into Cable Company
This is the kind of butt-kicking story of shopper’s biting back that makes us bark. Okay, so we bark anyway, damn lycanthropy, but Dave’s story is swift, proactive and in the end, he gets what he wants and needs out of his cable company: a functional product at an acceptable price. Of course, he has to, figuratively speaking, shove a fist in their love handles, rip out their gall bladder and eat it in front of them, but sometimes a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do to get his DVR…

Commerce Bank: Liar, Pants Ablaze
B.L. Ochman is crying foul over a sign up at every New York Commerce bank (pictured). She says it’s deceptive marketing and she’s got the story to prove it:

The Cableman Strikes Thrice!
We think we’ve discovered the Rosetta Stone of cable company installation stories.

DSL Customers Told Shaft Shoved up Their Ass is a Figment of Their Imagination
“You must have imagined it.”

Dish Network’s Head Served on HD Platter
It seems the swing towards High-Definition TV formats is happening only slightly less gracefully than a Mack truck doing pirouettes. Channel providers expect customers to invest in building up their network by purchasing HD converters. Apparently they’ve never heard the old saying that we just made up, “Give a man a free door but make him pay you to unlock it.”

DirecTV Loses Customer Over Hi-Def, Doesn’t Care
Chuck from Brooklyn, “one of the lemmings who bought a HD TV recently” writes that he’s “puzzled by the nonchalance with which [DirectTV] let me switch over to their mortal enemy [TimeWarner].”

Florida Police Retaliate Against Investigative Journalist
This morning we noted an item about an investigative reporter who’s being treated like a wanted criminal by the Dade County, Flordia police he’s investigating. The police posted an online BOLO, or Be on the Lookout notice, usually used to post notice about loose criminals.

Waiting for Comcast Install Screed
You call up the cable company, schedule an appointment, take off time from work and they don’t show up. You’ve heard, or told, the story many a time. In fact, we receive this same complaint several times a month.
SuperShuttle Not So Super, Maybe Duper
Sara writes in about a horrible experience she had last week with the Manhattan franchise of the airport van service, SuperShuttle. The driver arrived early and yelled at her for not being downstairs. He was surly with her and the other passengers. He frequently parked illegally and was given a ticket by the police.
Complaint: Motorola & UPS Refuse To Replace Lost RAZR
What starts with a D or maybe a P and caused Motorola to efuse to give reader Julie W. her Razr back? A mystery signature on a UPS slip! Oh, and did we mention that Julie’s house was trashed in Hurricane Katrina?

Verizon D.S.L. = “Does Suck Loads”
Eric hates Verizon DSL. All he wanted to do is switch around his contract to save $8.00 a month.