Isn’t the functionality of technology supposed to get cheaper over time? Apparently not — after all, every piece of hardware can be unbundled into component services that companies can charge you for.

Just Tell Me How Much The Census Fine Is Already!
Trixare4kids recently got the American Community Survey in the mail. For those not in the know (and Trixare understandably doesn’t seem to be. Hell, we had to do some Googling ourselves) it replaces the long form in the census. Here’s a PDF version of 2005’s census.

Free Credit Report Nightmare Yields New ‘Screw Off!’ Champ!
We think we have a new favorite “go screw” line from a company: We understand that the privacy and security of your information is important to you; therefore we cannot provide a specific reason as to why we cannot fulfill your request. That just punches a steaming hand, Fist of the North Star style, right through the sternum of our old fave, We appreciate your concerns.

Tivo Troubs
Eric had some trouble with his TiVo and went through three tiers of customer service reps before reaching a critical point, that delicate juncture when the truth butts fiercely up against the facade of happy customer service and one of two things have to go…

Battery Complaints Lead to Mystery Harrassment: UPDATE
Back in February, we told you about Michael Harrison’s complaint about Battery-Geek. According to Michael, he posted some unflattering comments about the company and then, according to ip records, employees of the company then signed him up for all sorts of spam.

Monday Morning Reminder: We Want To Be Your Superhero
We’re going to be trying something new at the Consumerist. We’d like to help you guys out more. Whether that’s doing some research to get you a hard-to-get phone number to resolve a customer service issue, point you in the direction of consumerist services or agencies that can help you, or even interceding on your behalf. We’ve been making some stabs over the last week at doing just that and we’d like to experiment more with helping you guys out in your blackest night going forward.

Lowe’s Makes Us Feel Small
A clutch of fixup supplies spilling out our arms, we stumbled into the Lowe’s bathroom fixtures area. We asked for casters of one of the red vested employees, where would we find them? He looked up lazily and, with no small amount of disdain, said, “This is bathroom fixtures.”

UPDATE: H&R Block Gets Citizen in Tax Trouble, Doesn’t Care
Last month, Farkle Barkle wrote in about how H&R Block totally messed up Farkle’s tax return.

Great Customer Service Goes Unrewarded
Let’s face it: customer service lines are designed so you give up long before you get an answer. A confusing labyrinth of telephone menus, leading eventually to a computerized voice demanding information that you likely don’t have and they, coincidentally enough, can’t help you without. When you do get someone, they tend to be either incompetent or reading from a three-ring binder. The industry’s secret is they actually can’t handle your issues and complaints: the conspiracy is to make it so frustrating that you won’t even try.

Costco Customer Leaves With Someone’s Fist Dangling From Orifice
We’re not even going to parse what the imagery in this post’s title means. But it’s a line in this customer service tale from Brian.