B’s neighbor in the apartment complex got cable installed. The cable hookups for all apartments are located in a common utility closet. Shortly after his neighbor got his cable installed, B noticed his signal strength was vastly degraded.
My Car is Stuck in a Paper Mountain
G. would like to sell his car but can’t, as the Illinois DMV has lost his title among piles of paperwork and has no interest in finding it.

UPDATE: Ugly American Apparel
Last week, Holly complained about some shoddily constructed American Apparel shirts she bought that disentegrated shortly after purchase.

The Setting Sun of Delta, Ah! It Burns!
It’s not just cleaning the airplanes, now customer service appears to be on a volunteer basis as well. Dawn writes in a horrific tale of a flight from Dallas to Orlando that ended up taking over a day.

United To Reps: “Delayed Their Flight? Lost Their Baggage? Lie to Them.”
Outside of a small child incessantly kicking the back of your seat and being powerless to reach around and slug him, there’s few things more frustrating in travel than flight delays and lost baggage. No one really likes flying… it’s a slightly filthy, slightly scary, rather expensive cattle car experience that leaves even the most seasoned traveler feeling a bit drained. You just want the ordeal to be over, get home or to your hotel as quickly as possible.

Sahara East Charges Service To Reactionary Idiot
You know we love listening your complaining, guys. Hell, that’s what this site is about — the masturbatory gratification of the American consumer’s own sense of entitlement! So keep sending us your complaints and we’ll keep on posting them!

Verizon Shoots Foot to Spite Face
Like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a cellphone to work the way its supposed to, some users can’t get high-rez pictures off their high-end Verizon phones. To protect its “Get It Now” multimedia revenue model Verizon cripples the Motorola’s capabilities by implementing a 300kbps transfer limit.

Collection Agencies Add Insult to Snowboard Injury
Grant had the misfortune to get into a snowboarding accident. Then he had the further misfortune of living in America where it’s nigh impossible to get a bruise removed from your credit report.

Continental’s Customer Service Plane Goes Boom
Thanks to Continental’s incompetence, Adam had to spend an entire night on the floor of the Newark airport.
Yet Another Comcast Customer Burned
Comcast, why is your scheduling system made out of peanut-butter and bits of baling wire?

Man’s Airline Complaint Resolved (What a Juicy Headline)
Unfortunately for us, Dave went through the airport yesterday. After a surly customs agent behaved in an uncouth, yet ironic (situationaly speaking) manner, he called customs to complain.

Cable Install Horrors: The Wall Fish Expert
A mysterious stranger, spoken of in exuberant tones, he is the one, the Last Scion, he who can magically draw a cable connection through the wall without drilling more holes than a methed-out woodpecker in a balsa wood warehouse, he is… The Wall Fish Expert!

Blimpie Pops
You would think they would treat the Blimpie Important Person cardholders with greater respect. Dmitri writes in his woeful tale of instead of being given the red carpet treatment he deserves, having to stand in the bitter cold by the velvet roast beef ropes outside of Club Sandwich Time.
Best Buy Minimum Wage Monkeys Can’t Compete With Fry’s
What do you get when you staff your electronics superstore with pimply and gangly minimum wage monkeys? The sort of apathetic customer service that causes even those with monk-like patience to snap the rigid palm of their hand into the base of a Best Buy’s employee’s nose over and over and over again until blood starts ejaculating from their ears.