
(funny strange or funny haha)

Report: Google Interested In Providing Cable TV On Internet Channels, But It Won’t Be Easy

The still waters of the cable TV industry might run deep, but if companies like Google keep splashing around in them, we might see an alternative to the traditional bundling model — but it ain’t gonna be easy. A new report says Google is entertaining the idea of possibly offering cable channels over broadband Internet connections, something that would likely meet with a major pushback from cable and satellite providers. [More]

Is Comcast’s $10 Internet Essentials Offering Just A Crass PR Stunt?

Is Comcast’s $10 Internet Essentials Offering Just A Crass PR Stunt?

Two years ago, Comcast began rolling out its Internet Essentials program, which offers Internet access to certain low-income families for only $9.95/month. And as the company brought Essentials to each new region, the company shook a lot of politicians’ hands and played up how it was helping to close the digital divide between those who could afford Internet access and those who could not. But some argue that the whole program is just window-dressing to make Comcast look less evil. [More]

Do images like this make the idea of cancelling cable so unpleasant that some people are keeping their service rather than facing the hassle? (photo: honeylamb)

Do Cable Companies Deliberately Make It Hard To Return Set-Top Boxes?

One of the most frequent complaints we receive from readers is cable companies making it difficult to return equipment (or claiming equipment was never returned in the first place). Most people chalk this up to the cable industry’s ingrained ineptitude, but what if it’s a deliberate attempt to make customers weary of returning their equipment — and thus staying with their current provider? [More]

When You Change Cable Packages, Don’t Assume Anything

When You Change Cable Packages, Don’t Assume Anything

When subscribing to cable TV or making changes to your plan, get a list of what your package includes in writing. Otherwise, you risk what happened to Alyssa’s household. Alyssa writes that she called up Comcast to downgrade her plan, paying extra to receive some channels in high definition. The problem was that she didn’t get all the basic cables in HD…which included the channels she actually wanted. [More]

(Steve Garfield)

Seattle Fines Comcast — Twice — For Being So Bad At Customer Service

The city of Seattle has an agreement with Comcast requiring the cable company to answer 90% of calls within 30 seconds. If you’re a Comcast customer, you are probably laughing, while also crying a bit as you flash back to interminable waits to speak to a Kabletown rep. But Seattle isn’t taking this standard lightly, as it has attempted to fine Comcast twice in just the last few months. [More]


Networks To FCC: No One’s Watching Our Shows, So Stop Being So Uptight About Decency Standards

Remember the days when basic cable was considered a joke and all the real shows were on the broadcast networks? Back in those days, it sort of made sense that the FCC might care about things like bad language, nudity (and supposedly violence, though that never really seemed to be an issue) on network TV. But now, with the majority of viewers spending their TV-watching time glued to basic cable shows featuring loudmouthed, obnoxious, hateful, “real” people shouting at each other in between commercials, the networks are asking the FCC to lighten the heck up. [More]

(Steve Rhodes)

Comcast Customer Asks For Password Reset, Gets Enrolled In $6/Month Tech Support Plan

When a Comcast subscriber found he could no longer access his home wifi setup because the installer had given him the wrong password, he was able to get the company to reset the password remotely. Somehow, he also ended up being enrolled in a service plan that charged $5.95/month in addition to a $13 enrollment fee. [More]


Comcast, Time Warner Cable Bring Up Rear In Cable Customer Satisfaction

Comcast and Time Warner Cable may be two of the largest cable and Internet providers in the country, but they’re also the two worst, according to the latest American Customer Satisfaction Index. [More]

Graphic: Which Internet Biggies Are Even Slightly Concerned About Your Privacy?

Graphic: Which Internet Biggies Are Even Slightly Concerned About Your Privacy?

When it comes to online privacy, many consumers assume that their service provider, or the websites they are browsing, have the users’ best interest in mind and that these companies won’t simply hand over your information to authorities. These people are mistaken, as are those who believe that no online companies make user privacy a priority. The truth, as usual, is a bit from column A and a bit from column B. [More]


Comcast Entices Cord Cutter Back, Can’t Manage To Ship Him A Box

Comcast wanted Craig back. Well, not Comcast so much as the entire cable industry wanted him back. Do you blame them? He was a successful cord cutter, who managed to leave cable TV behind but keep his broadband Internet connection last year. Kabletown called him up and enticed him back with an amazing offer and a year of HBO. He couldn’t refuse…but then Comcast turned cold once it was time to actually ship him the equipment he needed. [More]

When Your FiOS Backup Battery Goes Dead, It’s Probably Up To You To Replace It

When Your FiOS Backup Battery Goes Dead, It’s Probably Up To You To Replace It

If you have an Internet/phone/cable bundle, there’s a chance that your modem has a battery backup that would allow you to use the phone for several hours during a power outage. But not all Verizon FiOS customers know that it’s their responsibility to maintain that battery and replace it if necessary. [More]


Comcast Jumps On Basic Cable-Encrypting Bandwagon

For years, if you had a cable connection running into your home, you could just plug the cable straight into your TV, call your provider and get the most basic cable channels without the hassle of a set-top box. Heck, you could usually score a handful of unscrambled channels without paying anything. But a recent FCC ruling gave providers the go-ahead encrypt their basic cable signals, meaning they can require you get a set-top box. [More]

Congrats Comcast, You’re Only The Third-Worst Company In America This Year

Congrats Comcast, You’re Only The Third-Worst Company In America This Year

Though it didn’t get the attention of this year’s title match, yesterday saw another Worst Company In America bout for third-place bragging rights between tournament also-rans Comcast and Ticketmaster. In the end, Comcast managed to beat out Ticketmaster and collect its first Bronze Poo. [More]

Worst Company In America Consolation Round: Comcast Vs. Ticketmaster

Worst Company In America Consolation Round: Comcast Vs. Ticketmaster

Because we want to make sure that the worst companies in America get as much recognition as possible, for the second year in a row, we’re allowing the losers of the WCIA semifinal matches one last chance to take home a trophy to impress the parents. [More]

Worst Company In America Semifinals: Bank Of America Vs. Comcast

Worst Company In America Semifinals: Bank Of America Vs. Comcast

Today’s Semifinal Double-Bill kicks off with a pair of former champs (well, sorta) trying to earn a spot in the WCIA Hall of Shfame, which is a combination of Shame and Fame that we just made up. [More]

Meet The Final 4 Contenders For Worst Company In America 2013

Meet The Final 4 Contenders For Worst Company In America 2013

After more than two weeks of dismemberment, disembowelment, and all-around good family fun, this year’s Worst Company In America tournament nears its finale, with only four contenders remaining with a chance at claiming the ultimate victory and clutching the Golden Poo. [More]

Define "shortly."

I Pay $250/Month, Get Useless DVRs, And Comcast Doesn’t Care

Adam has Comcast’s fantastic new X1 DVR, but isn’t enjoying it very much. He keeps having to swap out his boxes, and the ones he has don’t work. Our usual stable of contacts, the Comcast Cares team, aren’t able to help him, either. [More]

Worst Company In America Quarterfinals: Comcast Vs. Time Warner Cable

Worst Company In America Quarterfinals: Comcast Vs. Time Warner Cable

Two spots remain in the WCIA semifinals, but only one of these craptastic cable companies will be moving on. [More]