running on empty


Gas Shortages Due To Colonial Pipeline Break Begin In Southeastern US

The company that runs the Colonial Pipleine that stretches from Houston to NYC has announced that it doesn’t have a projected date when it will be repaired. That’s bad news for people in areas where gas prices are climbing and pumps are beginning to run out: southern states including Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia now report shortages, but they could come soon to an East Coast gas station near you. [More]

When Your FiOS Backup Battery Goes Dead, It’s Probably Up To You To Replace It

When Your FiOS Backup Battery Goes Dead, It’s Probably Up To You To Replace It

If you have an Internet/phone/cable bundle, there’s a chance that your modem has a battery backup that would allow you to use the phone for several hours during a power outage. But not all Verizon FiOS customers know that it’s their responsibility to maintain that battery and replace it if necessary. [More]

4G Phones Are Fast But Spotty Service Is A Real Drain On Your Battery

With Verizon’s 4G network covering a good chunk of the country and AT&T gaining ground, more smartphone users have access to the fastest wireless service available. But because 4G coverage isn’t truly continuous in many locations, users’ batteries are taking a big hit. [More]