A man in New Mexico is suing Verizon Wireless over a series of harassing phone calls made by Verizon bill collectors last year. The man, Al Burrows, says the calls were concerning a relative’s unpaid cellphone bill. When he hung up on one of them, the disconnected Verizon rep called back, said she knew where Burrows lived, and added, “I am gonna blow your mother fucking house up.” [More]

Wells Fargo Pulls $4,000 From Checking Account To Repay Student Loan
When you borrow from a bank where you also keep your day-to-day cash, you might be opening yourself up to problems down the line. Most banks have a right of setoff, which means they can tap other accounts you hold with them to repay themselves money you owe. For a woman in Atlanta, this meant Wells Fargo legally drained her checking account without warning, leaving her and her husband with no cash and $385 in overdraft fees, due to some ongoing confusion over a student loan. [More]

Citibank Helpfully Sends $0.00 Collection Letter
Citibank is so funny! They sent G. a prank collection letter for her student loan. Even though she doesn’t owe a balance. Hehe! April Fool! [More]

Collectors May Come After Homeowners For Money Years After They Default
Those who default on their mortgages may not be off the hook for money they owe, the Sacramento Bee reports. Banks that own bad mortgages can sell the debt, and the sellers can sic collections agents after the former homeowners, sometimes years later. [More]

Woman Who Lost Home Over $68 Dental Bill Might Get Another Chance
Almost a year ago, Sonya Capri Ramos was in the news because she’d lost her home over a $68 dental bill. Last week, the Utah Court of Appeals gave her some hope that she might be able to get it back from the title company that bought it at auction for $1,550. [More]

AT&T Says I Owe Big Money From A Bill Six Years Ago
Richard says AT&T tracked him down to tell him he had an unpaid bill of $1,671.98, but it doesn’t owe the phone company the money because it sold the debt to an outside agency. He fears getting dinged on his credit history for a bill he believes he doesn’t owe. [More]

AT&T Wouldn't Let Me Pay Final Bill, Then Sent Collections After Me
Ryan’s life is an Alanis Morissette song: “It’s like being told your AT&T account is paid off, and then meeting his beautiful collections agent coming after you for the money you were told you didn’t owe.” [More]

Wachovia Harrasses Me For Phantom Car Loan Payment
Richard bought a vehicle, returned it and bought another from the same dealership. He says Wachovia erroneously paid off the second loan instead of the first. Once he got the finance department to correct the mistake — a process that took a month — Wachovia started hassling him to make a payment for which he was never billed. [More]

Comcast Sicced Collections On Me Before My Bill Was Due
Dan says he’s feeling a bit untrusted by Comcast, which has released the collection agency hounds on him, despite his bill’s due date still being a ways off. [More]

Am I Responsible For My Fiancée's Prior Debt?
A reader wants to know whether or not he’s going to be held responsible for his fiancée’s old, bad debt now that they’re getting married. Because we went to Google Lawyer University just now, we’re happy to try to help.

Collection Agency Sends Four Letters To Collect A $.04 Debt
Pete received a bill in the mail that has him slightly offended and amused. A health care provider has sent his balance to collections after a payment arrived late a few years ago. They will clearly be hurting if he doesn’t pay his overdue balance of ….four cents.

Rent A Center Accused Of Illegal Collection Tactics In Washington
There are many, many good reasons why you shouldn’t purchase your home furnishings from rent-to-own outfits, but the state of Washington has discovered an exciting new one: collection tactics from Rent A Center that are so aggressive, they’re illegal.

Call Center Disciplines Reps If You're Not Happy With Your Collections Call
You’ve most likely seen those surveys you receive on your receipt, or after a chat session or phone call. Most people ignore them unless they get something in return, or service was exceptionally bad or exceptionally good. According to our source R., though, not answering that survey could help the rep you’ve just talked to lose his or her job.

Change The Name On Your Utility Bills When You Move Out
Add “change the name on your utility bills” to your post-breakup checklist or you’ll end up like reader Noah, who had to pay a $140 cable bill for three months of service his ex-girlfriend used after he moved out. Why? Because the bill was in his name, and if he didn’t pay up, it was his credit report that was going to suffer.

Budget Slaps Customer With $500 Repair Fee Months Later
When Sean returned a rented truck to Budget Truck Rental nearly a year ago, he went through the standard inspection with an employee, who then signed off on the return. Now the company has sent a $500 bill to collection for damage they refuse to provide evidence of.

Fake Debt Collectors 'Moreno And Woods' Strike Again
Another reader has contacted us to say that Moreno and Woods, the fake collection agency that likes to threaten and intimidate people into paying huge bills for collections they don’t owe, “called my house last night and left a threatening message on my phone for my son.” Luckily for Linda, she’s got a recording of their threat now.

GE Promises Free Inspection And Repair, Then Charges You, Then Threatens To Send You To Collections
Reader Zack is frustrated with General Electric because they offered to inspect and repair his washing machine as a courtesy, then after they came by they stuck him with the bill. Now they’re threatening to send him to a collection agency.