Krispy Kreme wants to caffeinate America. They’re best known for their light, fluffy, sugary donuts, but apparently they serve coffee too. The company has plans to inject that coffee in two new and exciting places: the beverage shelves of selected Walmart stores, and inside the chain’s own donuts. [More]

‘Dumb Starbucks’ Shut Down, But Not Because Of Its Name
The saga of the “Dumb Starbucks” coffee shop in L.A. continued last night, first with the not-at-all-shocking revelation that the creator is a publicity-hungry comedian and writer and then with the news that the store/parody/stunt/art installation had been shut down by the county for reasons that have nothing directly to do with its use of the Starbucks name. [More]

‘Dumb Starbucks’ Opens In L.A., But For How Long?
UPDATE: Starbucks has issued an official statement saying that Dumb Starbucks can not use the coffee chain’s name. [More]

McDonald’s And Ferrero Offer Fancy McCafe Drinks And Cakes In Hong Kong
While we Americans are here drinking our McCafé caramel mochas and blueberry pomegranate smoothies like a bunch of suckers, over in Hong Kong, McDonald’s customers get to experience a magical pairing of two of my favorite food groups: caffeine and candy. And cake. There is also cake. [More]

McDonald’s Sued Over Hot Coffee. Yes, Again
Times used to be, someone would bring up a lawsuit over hot McDonald’s coffee and we’d all sagely nod our heads and intone, “Ah yes, That One Famous Case 20 Years Ago.” But lately it seems what old is new again, as another Mickey D’s customer is suing the chain saying she was burned by hot coffee at an L.A. location. [More]

Brewpub Shows Starbucks “The F Word” After Legal Demand To Stop Selling “Frappicino” Beer
Still stinging from yet another legal defeat against a small New Hampshire coffee company over the “Charbucks” brand, the Starbucks legal team appears to be going after lower-hanging fruit, sending a cease-and-desist letter to a small Missouri brewpub that dared to sell something called Frappicino beer. [More]

450 Starbucks Drive-Thru Patrons Pay For The Next Customer’s Order
At a Starbucks in Connecticut, almost 450 drive-thru customers set off a chain reaction of caffeine and generosity over Christmas. A mysterious customer started the chain early on Tuesday, and it kept going until this morning. The store opened with $45 in the pay-it-forward fund this morning. [More]

Coffee Prices At This Cafe Vary Depending On How Rude You Are
What began as a bit of fun for the occasionally frustrated workers at a cafe in the French city of Nice is sticking around on the menu, with customers being charged more for coffee if they fail to ask nicely. [More]

Would You Order Something More Expensive If You Knew A Stranger Would Pay For It?
Upon first reading, the tale of woe from a person who is upset at getting a free coffee from a stranger — because he would’ve ordered something way more elaborate and expensive if he knew he wouldn’t have to pay for it — makes my face feel like exploding into a thousand tiny pieces of rage. Each of those pieces is screaming, “YOU UNGRATEFUL PIECE OF HUMAN GARBAGE!” But let’s think about this. [More]

Tumbling Coffee Bean Prices Will Really Only Save You Money At Home
Have you heard the news? Everyone’s talking about it! Or really, just people interested in the coffee market. Anyway: Coffee bean prices are falling, tumbling and otherwise plunging to new lows. Sounds great, right? Well, sort of. Unfortunately, it doesn’t mean you’ll be able to waltz into Starbucks and glory in cheaper prices on the menu. [More]

McDonald’s Will Sell Bags Of Its Coffee Soon (And Then If It’s Too Hot, It’s Your Fault)
While you still can’t buy McDonald’s french fries to cook up at home or a make-your-own Big Mac kit, fans of McDonald’s coffee will be able to bring home a bag of the stuff starting next year. And that way if you brew it too hot, well, that’s probably not going to bring on a lawsuit. [More]

Sunday Is National Coffee Day, Which Means Free Coffee If You Know Where To Look
You may scoff at the notion of “National Coffee Day,” but it’s one of the few holidays that (A) doesn’t require you to buy a card, throw a party, or decorate, and (B) results in free coffee for people willing to seek it out. [More]

Campbell’s Soup Will Now Be Coming Out Of Keurig Coffee Machines
For all those mornings when you’re staring into your cup of coffee and sighing over the fact that it’s not, in fact, piping hot soup, well, okay, you’re odd. But also you’re in luck: Campbell’s Soup says it’s going to start offering K-cup soup packs for the Keurig single-serve coffee machines. This brings up the question of noodles for breakfast — and I think I’m onboard with that. [More]

Fully Automated Coffee Kiosk Is Probably A Sign Of The Impending Robot Uprising
First they’re serving you coffee and then the next thing you know, they’ve evolved to the point where we can’t tell if they’re human or cylon and Admiral Adama is trying to save a ragtag bunch of colonial citizens. A fully-aumotated coffee kiosk promises its robot baristas are just as good (or better) than human workers, which of course means we’re this much closer to a Battlestar Galactica existence. [More]

Vending Machine Rewards Yawns With Free Cup Of Coffee
For all the times you’ve stood yawning in the kitchen, wondering when Rosie from The Jetsons would come rolling up with a fresh cup of steaming, reviving coffee so you wouldn’t have to make one, we offer this bit of hope: There’s a company using facial recognition software for the forces of caffeinated good in this world, rewarding yawning people with fresh, free coffee.

We Can’t Decide If It’s Icky Or Delightful That Coffee Shop Lets Customers Pay With Kisses
Carrying around money is so 2012. If you’re at a French cafe in Sydney, Australia, you can ditch your wallet and just pay for your coffee with a kiss. Before you start screaming about trading goods and services for the pleasures of the flesh let’s be clear — you’re not smooching a barista, you’re just making out with your significant other in front of employees. [More]

Starbucks Bans Smoking Within 25 Feet Of Stores
Starting tomorrow, Starbucks customers who wish to smoke will need to head out to the parking lot or down the street, as the national coffee chain is enacting a ban on smoking within 25 of its stores. [More]