You might think that offering customers the choice to pay whatever they want for something would be a sure way to the poorhouse. But one North Dakota coffee shop is not only making its honor system work, but it’s making money. [More]

The World’s Most Expensive Coffee Goes Through An Elephant Before It Gets To The Cup
We are all mature adults, so I’m sure you can handle the news that the No. 1 most expensive coffee in the world first passes through an elephant as a No. 2. That, and we’ve all heard of those civet cat coffee beans, so now we can just move on and talk about expensive caffeine. And poop. Poop. [More]

McDonald’s Will Sell Bagged Coffee At Grocery Stores, Not Its Own Restaurants
As the old joke goes, if you burn yourself on McDonald’s coffee at home, at least you can’t sue McDonald’s. It’s not an old joke, but we did make it nonetheless back when Mickey D’s was just testing selling bags of coffee at grocery stores. And now the company is rolling that plan out nationwide soon, with one executive saying the company hopes to sell “lots” of coffee in 2015. [More]

Coffee-Flavored Doughnuts Now Available At Dunkin’ Donuts
Earlier this year, Krispy Kreme stuffed doughnuts with mocha filling and drizzled coffee flavoring on top. If that sounds delicious, well, too bad: they’re no longer on the menu, replaced with more summery banana creme and carrot cake flavors. Don’t worry, though: coffee-and-pastry competitor Dunkin’ Donuts is here to save us all with doughnuts that don’t have to be dunked to taste like coffee. [More]

Unholy Alliance Of Coffee And Wine Unite In A Can
People like wine, I’ve heard it said. And people like coffee, I say to my morning cup of joe every day so it knows I appreciate it. But do we really want to mix our booze and our morning buzz, and in a can, no less? [More]

Starbucks Announces Price Hikes On Drinks & Packaged Coffee Products
Starting next week, you might notice that the price of a cup of joe at Starbucks is a little pricier, and shortly afterward, a bag of coffee at the grocery store might be a bit dearer. The Seattle company says that as the price of arabica beans goes up, so do certain prices for customers beginning June 24. [More]

High-End Coffee Drinkers Could Be Paying More For Their Java Thanks To Devastating Fungus
If high-end, exotic coffee blends are your thing, then consider this your warning. A devastating fungus is wreaking havoc on the crops, meaning your cup of joe could cost a lot more; if you are lucky enough to find it in the first place. [More]

Study: Chemical In Coffee Can Help Prevent Your Eyesight From Going
While many of us rely on coffee to keep our eyes from shutting when we’re getting tired, a new study out of Cornell University says drinking coffee can have another effect on the ol’ peepers: It could help prevent eyesight from deteriorating, say researchers. All the better to see that cup of joe so desperately needed in the morning. [More]

Would You Pay $45 Per Month For Unlimited Coffee?
How much would you pay per month for an unlimited coffee pass? If you drink coffee daily and don’t brew it at home, that could become a pricey addiction. Yet CUPS, an app out of Israel, recently expanded to this country. Its premise is simple: subscribe and get discounted or even unlimited coffee from independent coffee shops for a discounted price. [More]

Study: Giving Employees More Coffee Leads To More Ethical Workplace Behavior
There might be something to the saying “my day doesn’t start until my second cup of coffee.” Okay, maybe I’m the only one that says it, but we could all probably use a little more caffeine in the morning. A new study suggests that the stimulant helps keep employees honest. Cue bosses loading the kitchenette cabinets with bags of coffee. [More]

Maxwell House Coffee Settles For “Good,” Not Great Or Awesome
Young adults are no longer interested in mediocre coffee. As far as Maxwell House is concerned, that’s okay. They don’t need the cool kids with their pour-overs and their burr grinders. Their new marketing campaign targets customers who want coffee that’s just, you know, good enough. [More]

McDonald’s Giving Away Free Coffee For Two Weeks
In an effort to combat recently launched breakfast efforts at Taco Bell and others, as well as trying to score some positive publicity amid months of negative news and lawsuits regarding its labor practices, McDonald’s is acting like Ebenezer Scrooge on Christmas morning, gifting free coffee with a smile for two weeks starting Monday. [More]

The Rising Cost Of Breakfast: You’ll Need To Bring Home More Bacon To Buy Your Bacon
Hold onto your hot cakes and don’t spill a drop of that orange juice — breakfast prices are rising, making it a lot costlier to bring home the bacon. As in, the actual bacon, not money bacon. Though you will be spending more money bacon to eat real bacon. Now I’m suffering from bacon confusion and probably need to eat some bacon. [More]

Toms Expands One-For-One Business Model To Include Coffee, Clean Water
If you’re familiar with Toms Shoes, you know that for every pair of shoes purchased from the company, it provides a pair for needy children. So what about the company’s newest venture into coffee? For every bag of coffee purchased the company will donate a bag of grounds to the caffeine-deprived? Not quite. [More]

Consumer Reports Deems Hamilton Beach Dual Coffeemaker “Unsafe,” Could Burn Users
The Hamilton Beach 2-Way FlexBrew 49983 seems like a really great idea. Indeed, there are other similar coffeemakers on the market. There’s a regular drip brewing setup on the left, and a K-Cup-compatible cartridge brewing system on the right. Yet our instantly-brewed colleagues down the hall at Consumer Reports say that this model is potentially dangerous because the warming plate for the drip side heats up when the instant side is in use. [More]

How Many Gummy Bears Are In Your Starbucks Drink?
Yes. Everyone who loves espresso-based coffee concoctions knows, objectively, that they contain a lot of calories. Sometimes it’s hard to visualize what this means, though, without imagining the coffee beverage in terms of something more familiar. Like candy. [More]

Not Interested In Bikini Baristas? Maybe You’d Like Shirtless Men Instead
Sure, not everyone finds the idea appealing, but coffee shops and stands with scantily clad ladies behind the counter are a popular diversion and source of caffeine. Yeah, there are the occasional accusations of stripping and bringing new meaning to “bottomless cup of coffee,” but they’re not a big deal. They just aren’t terribly interesting unless you’re attracted to women. A new coffee stand in Spokane, Washington solves that problem. [More]

Now In Nespresso News: Another Day, Another Single-Cup Brewing System Makes Its Debut
Sitting high atop the lofty Green Mountain — made entirely of coffee beans, natch — sits Old Man Keurig on his Green Mountain Coffee Roasters throne. He surveys his coffee kingdom with satisfaction, after all, it’s 3/4 of the single-serving brewer market. But what’s that, on the horizon? A challenger is riding in from Europe — Nespresso.