What you see on the menu board at Peet’s Coffee & Tea is not what you get, according to one customer who says the chain isn’t serving up as much coffee as it claims: a Chicago-area customer is suing Peet’s over its “press pots,” which come in either 12-ounce or 32-ounce French press containers. [More]

Lawsuit Claims Peet’s Coffee & Tea Is Shortchanging Customers With Its French Press Servings

Peet’s Makes Another Run Down The Indie Coffee Roasters Aisle, Buys Majority Stake In Intelligentsia
Peet’s Coffee & Tea is on quite the caffeine kick lately, and it seems it’s not ready to leave the coffee roasters aisle just yet: a few weeks after snapping up Stumptown Roasters, Peet’s says it’s bought a majority stake in Intelligentsia Coffee. [More]

Starbucks Launches “Green Apron Delivery” Pilot At Empire State Building
After months of will-they-won’t-they, Starbucks has officially begun tests of what it’s called the most-asked-for service: coffee delivery. About 12,000 coffee-lovers in Manhattan’s Empire State Building will have the opportunity to have cups of java dropped off at their workplace with the launch of a pilot program called Green Apron Delivery. [More]

Peet’s Coffee & Tea Scoops Up Stumptown Roasters
Two coffee companies are coming together in a caffeinated embrace, pledging to combine their beans and walk off into the sunset together: Peet’s Coffee & Tea has bought high-end coffee brand Stumptown Roasters that has created quite the buzz for itself among dedicated customers. [More]

Starbucks Debuts Toasted Graham Latte, The Chain’s First New Fall Flavor In Four Years
Because there are only so many pumpkin spice lattes a person can handle, Starbucks has decided to mix up its autumnal menu a bit with its first new fall flavor in four years: the Toasted Graham Latte is available at the chain’s locations in the U.S. and Canada as of today. [More]

Starbucks Mobile Ordering App Is Now Available To All Coffee Lovers
Just weeks after Starbucks said it would roll out its mobile ordering feature to all U.S. stores by the end of the month, the coffee chain made good on its promise, extending the feature – on both iOS and Android devices – nationwide on Tuesday. The coffee chain had previously anticipated mobile ordering would be ready by the end of the year. Executives for the company said that the service was so popular – allowing coffee drinkers to skip long lines as they order and pay for their beverages with their mobile devices – that the company sped up implementation. [The Seattle Times] [More]

Starbucks To Roll Out Mobile Ordering Nationwide, Accept Android Pay By End Of Month
Android users – and those living in areas of the country where mobile ordering isn’t available at their local Starbucks – can soon order and pay for their morning cup of coffee straight from the comfort of their phones with little human contact, as the coffee chain announced today that it would expedite the rollout of its mobile ordering feature to all U.S. stores by the end of the month. [More]

Police: Man Punched Through Window Of Starbucks And Fell Inside, Injuring Two Customers
A coffee break turned dangerous for customers at a Houston Starbucks, when a man punched his way through a window from the outside, shattering it. Police say he then fell through it, injuring himself and two customers who were sitting inside at a table near the window. [More]

Dunkin’ Donuts Customers Pay It Forward Every Single Friday At Pennsylvania Drive-Thru
We’ve heard a good share of “pay it forward” stories at coffee shops and elsewhere, where customers ask to pay for the next person’s order, sometimes leading to a chain of people willing to brighten up a stranger’s day. But one Pennsylvania Dunkin’ Donuts has probably seen more of these pay it forward acts than others: the manager says it happens every Friday, no matter what, like clockwork. [More]

The Coffee World Mourns Death Of Mr. Coffee Co-Founder
Nowadays it’s a pretty safe bet that we’d associate the word coffee with Keurig or Starbucks, but not too long ago there was another name synonymous with a hot cup of joe: Mr. Coffee. Sadly, the man who helped revolutionize the way we get our morning cup of java passed away this weekend. Vincent Marotta, 91, co-founded Mr. Coffee along with a friend Samuel Glazer back in 1972, essentially making the percolator obsolete. The two owners sold the company for $182 million just 15 years after its creation. [via The Associated Press] [More]

Starbucks Takes Cold-Brewed Coffee Nationwide
Coffee fans and snobs, rejoice: For those people who prefer their coffee to start cold and stay cold, Starbucks is expanding the availability of its cold-brewed java to all stores nationwide, after testing the stuff in limited quantities in some locations this past spring. [More]

Starbucks Increases Prices $0.05 To $0.20 For Many Drinks… Again
Does your wallet feel a bit lighter after paying for your morning cup of Starbucks coffee? It just might (unless, of course, you used the company’s order-ahead mobile app or any other form of payment besides cash), and that’s because the coffee chain has once again raised its prices for many drinks. [More]

McDonald’s Offering Flavored Hot Coffees For The First Time, But In Just One Market
Craving a little flavor with your morning cup of hot java? If your breakfast joint of choice is McDonald’s, then you likely know that just isn’t an option. Until now – but only in one select area. [More]

Starbucks Expands Mobile Ordering To 3,400 More Stores In 21 States
Three months after Starbucks began allowing residents in the Pacific Northwest to order and pay for their java without any (or hardly any) human contact, the coffee chain plans to take its mobile ordering service across the country by expanding to 21 states. [More]

Turns Out Deep-Fried Coffee Tastes Exactly How It Sounds
Last week the Internet was temporarily afire with the news that someone had decided to deep-fry Starbucks coffee and serve it up at the San Diego County Fair, and we wondered what fried balls of coffee grounds might taste like. As it turns out, it tastes exactly as awful as one might expect a mouthful of coffee grounds tastes like. [More]

Deep-Fried Starbucks Coffee Joins List Of Ridiculous Food You Can Find At The Fair
If you thought the world couldn’t possibly cough up yet another deep-fried food oddity, you were wrong and you’ll probably be wrong again if you think people will ever stop chucking things into hot oil. The deep-fried trend is especially prevalent at fairs and festivals, with this year’s nominee for freakish fare showing up at the San Diego County Fair to much ado: Deep-fried Starbucks coffee. [More]

Of Course You Can Buy Marijuana-Infused Coffee Pods On The West Coast
Because everyone knows that the best part of waking up is staying in your soft pants all day and eating cereal while watching Warner Herzog documentaries, the chilled out folks on the West Coast are pairing your morning cup of joe with marijuana to start the day. [More]

Keurig Apologizes For Taking Away “My K-Cup” Reusable Coffee Filters, Promises To Bring Them Back
When Keurig came out with its new 2.0 machine last year, there was an almost immediate uproar — not only did the system make it impossible to use non-Keurig licensed coffee pods made by other brands, but it did away with its own non-disposable “My K-Cup” reusable coffee filter that cut down on waste and let people brew a pot of whatever kind of coffee they wanted. After admitting that sales of the 2.0 machines were far from great, the company now says it’s sorry it ever took My K-Cup off the market, and will be returning it to shelves. [More]