Of Course You Can Buy Marijuana-Infused Coffee Pods On The West Coast

Brewing up a steaming cup of THC-infused marijuana is within your reach if you happen to live in somewhere like Seattle, where recreational marijuana use is legal: Yahoo! Finance reports that one Seattle pot shop is selling pods of “premium infused coffee” for $10 a pop.
Each pod contains 10 mg of THC and fits in standard single-serve coffee makers.
“I liken it to a Red Bull and vodka,” the shop’s sales manager says. “I had more energy, but I still had the relaxation you get from cannabis.”
This isn’t the first commercial coffee/cannabis combination, as a California company sells also sells marijuana-infused coffees, teas and creamers to medical marijuana dispensaries in that state, with the hopes of moving to Nevada when medical marijuana businesses open up shop there.
Marijuana K-cups and coffee pods are here [Yahoo! Finance]
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