McDonald’s wants to be your caffeine pusher of choice, and promotes their inexpensive brewed coffee and frozen creations as quick, convenient, and cheap. $1 is the price point advertised on billboards. Cheap! What they don’t mention in these ads, though, is that price applies if you want your coffee black or with cream or half and half. If you prefer milk in your coffee, some franchises will accommodate you, but at others, you’re going to have to pay for a half-pint carton of milk. [More]

Starbucks CEO Laughs At The Notion That His Coffee Costs $5
Katie Couric recently interviewed Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz on CBS Sunday Morning and asked him if he thought the company had a “tin ear” to what people were going through with the recession. Perhaps, she suggested, they couldn’t afford to pay “$5 on their coffee every day.” Schultz’s response was to laugh. You see, Starbucks coffee only costs $1.50. [More]

Starbucks Recommends iPhone App Users Enable Password Lock
Reached for comment about concerns that people could steal your Starbucks Reward card by taking a screenshot of it as it appears on the iPhone app, a Starbucks spokesperson told Consumerist, “We definitely want our customers to have a good experience with mobile payment. We take security seriously.” They also recommended customers take additional safety measures and offered a solution for anyone who had their card stolen. [More]

Crooks Can Make You Pay For Their Starbucks With Simple Screengrab
Researchers have discovered a security flaw in the new Starbucks Rewards Card iPhone app that could let someone else rack up a bunch of free coffees on your dime. All someone has to do is take a picture of your barcode and then they can use it to buy all the delicious black swill they want, draining your account to the last drop. [More]

Starbucks Trenta Holds Entire Bottle Of Wine
We already knew that Starbucks new “Trenta” size was slightly larger than the capacity of the average human stomach (and how this was not really a big idea when you think about what 7-11 and Dunkin Donuts have been doing for years), but now, just for a little dose of extra perspective, Cockeyed demonstrates how the Trenta holds an entire bottle of wine, with 5 oz left over. I think I just figured out my new way to get drunk in the park: wineaccinos! [More]

If You Don't Like VIA, Starbucks Will Send You Some Coffee For Free
Starbucks really wants you to try its VIA instant coffee, so much so that it will send you a free bag of Starbucks ground coffee if you’re not happy with VIA. [More]
Dunkin' Donuts: 'Hey, We Have A 32-Ounce Drink — It's Called A Large'
Annoyed that its caffeine-dispensing rival Starbucks turned heads by announcing the 31-ounce trenta, Dunkin’ Donuts had a PR rep send a blunt request for acknowledgment: [More]

Starbucks Trenta Slightly Larger Than Average Human Stomach Capacity
A graphic is making the rounds comparing the volume of the new Big-Gulp sized Starbucks Trenta and the average capacity of the human stomach. Seems that the Trenta’s 30.9 fluid ounces are slightly more than that of the average adult human’s, 30.4. I don’t really see what the big deal is. Obviously people will just take a break from chugging ice coffee and go to the bathroom and then go back and drink more ice coffee. [More]

The Starbucks Drive-Thru Left Me Soaked In More Ways Than One
K says a Starbucks employee mishandled his drink order, handing him a time bomb in the form of a hot chocolate cup that exploded all over his car. He says Starbucks apologized with a couple of drink coupons but is balking at paying to clean his car. [More]

Starbucks Decides To Be Starbucks Again
Back in the summer of 2009, Starbucks began a strange experiment: caffeine dispensaries that were Starbucks-owned and operated, but had different branding and were decorated similarly to other neighborhood businesses. Like the coffee shops your neighborhood had before Starbucks came along. This is a sad month for the experiment, though: the first stealth Starbucks, 15th Ave. Coffee and Tea in Seattle, is closing at the end of January. It will become just another Starbucks. [More]

NJ Couple Marries At Dunkin' Donuts
How much do you like Dunkin’ Donuts? Definitely not as much as the New Jersey couple who are so devoted to its drive-thru coffee that they decided to get married there. [More]

What Is A Fatal Dose Of Four Loko?
“How many Four Lokos would it take to kill you?” wondered Esquire. So they turned to a report in Forensic Science International that says the rare fatal caffeine overdose usually requires consuming over 5 grams. To reach that level it would take… [More]

Gorilla Coffee Sues New York Times For Posting Worker Walkout Letter
Gorilla Coffee, the coffee shop where eight employees jointly quit over protests about working conditions, is suing the New York Times for publishing their resignation letter. The Times reporter and the eight ex-workers were also named in the suit, which claims the epistle was defamatory and caused them to lose business. [More]

The Best Part Of Waking Up Is Wilco In Your Cup
Say you spent all of your weekend with your fine lady and/or fella in the hot tub sipping on Whitesnake wine. What more appropriate way to perk yourself up on a Monday morning than with some coffee from the boys in Wilco? [More]

Starbucks To Grow Its Own Coffee Beans In China
In March 2011, Starbucks will celebrate the 40th anniversary of its first store. And while the company has since grown into the beverage behemoth we all know today, it has never attempted to actually grow its own coffee beans. That’s all about to change as the Starbucks CEO announced yesterday that they are going to be going the DIY route in China. [More]

Starbucks Spilled Tea Lawsuit Dismissed
Starbucks proved victorious in the courtroom yesterday. The coffee colossus convinced an appeals court to uphold a lower court’s decision to dismiss a lawsuit alleging the company was liable for burns suffered from a cup of spilled tea. [More]

Which Starbucks Stereotype Are You?
While Starbucks is attempting to shake up its image with beer, wine and cured meat, one Starbucks barista did her best to categorize her customers — and their likely order — by everything from race to gender to occupation. [More]