We already knew that Starbucks new “Trenta” size was slightly larger than the capacity of the average human stomach (and how this was not really a big idea when you think about what 7-11 and Dunkin Donuts have been doing for years), but now, just for a little dose of extra perspective, Cockeyed demonstrates how the Trenta holds an entire bottle of wine, with 5 oz left over. I think I just figured out my new way to get drunk in the park: wineaccinos! [More]
starbucks drink enlargement ray

Starbucks Trenta Slightly Larger Than Average Human Stomach Capacity
A graphic is making the rounds comparing the volume of the new Big-Gulp sized Starbucks Trenta and the average capacity of the human stomach. Seems that the Trenta’s 30.9 fluid ounces are slightly more than that of the average adult human’s, 30.4. I don’t really see what the big deal is. Obviously people will just take a break from chugging ice coffee and go to the bathroom and then go back and drink more ice coffee. [More]

Starbucks Drops A 31-Ounce Bomb: The Trenta
Last March, we reported that Starbucks had begun testing the “trenta,” the 31-ounce bladder-buster that makes the tall seem short, the grande seem mini and venti seem bitty by comparison. The tests must have gone well, as Starbucks has announced it will be rolling out the super-sized drink nationwide in the coming months. [More]