Citing a 13-year high in the price of its coffee beans, plus “significant volatility” in other ingredients like dairy, Starbucks last week said it plans to raise prices on certain “labor-intensive and larger-sized” beverages. The small tall coffee will remain at its current price for now, says the company. I wonder if those truncated menus the company introduced a few weeks ago were really about hiding the least expensive option from consumers, especially since it isn’t being included in the price hike? [More]

Starbucks Won't Give Me Free Refill Because I Stepped Out Onto Patio
Dustin really needed his caffeine fix and was hoping to get a free refill after he ordered his coffee at Starbucks and gulped it down at the adjoining patio. When he stepped back inside, the manager turned down his refill request, saying his second entrance into the store counted as another visit and left him ineligible for a free-fill. [More]

Starbucks Kicks Customers Out Into New York's Crazy Storm?
Talk about pouring a bitter cup. The Post reports that eight customers inside a Long Island Starbucks were unceremoniously kicked out at the peak of yesterday’s lethal storm. [More]

Is It Time For Starbucks To Get Rid Of Tall, Grande and Venti?
The topic of Starbucks’ drink sizes has once again been in the news lately. And it’s brought up the discussion of the coffee company’s insistence on sticking with size names like “tall,” “grande” and “venti.” [More]

Maggots Cleansed From McDonald's Coffee Maker
If you live in Lansing, Michigan, you can stop worrying: there are now no maggots in the McDonald’s coffee machine. [More]

Starbucks Sort Of Bringing 'Tall' Back To Drive-Thru Menus
Only a few weeks ago, a blogger in North Carolina wrote us to find out why her local Starbucks’ drive-thru no longer mentioned “Tall” sizes on the menu. Since then, the ‘Bucks has tried to explain their action, but almost 80% of you weren’t buying it. [More]

This Dunkin' Donuts Employee Doesn't Run On Anything
I guess it’s not appropriate to force Dunkin’ Donuts employees to drink the coffee they sell, but they should at least show up to work with their short term memory intact. [More]

Starbucks Explains Disappearance Of Tall From Drive-Thru Menus
You might remember last week when a reader wrote in to point out that Tall coffees were no longer being listed on the drive-thru menu at her local Starbucks. Well, some actual journalist in Seattle got someone at Starbucks to explain the vanishing act, which is apparently now happening nationwide. [More]

Why Does My Starbucks No Longer Advertise 'Tall' Coffees?
For those who haven’t been schooled in the Starbucks lexicon, a “Tall” coffee is actually a small, with “Grande” and “Venti” signifying medium and large respectively. Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, we can deal with the Starbucks in Durham, NC, which apparently still sells Tall beverages — though you wouldn’t know that from its drive-thru menu. [More]

McDonald's Makes Hot Chocolate Hot, Gets Sued When It Spills
Almost 16 years to the day after a jury ordered McDonald’s to pay a customer $2 million in the infamous hot coffee lawsuit, it’s deja vu all over again for the fast food giant. A Chicago-area woman has filed a lawsuit against the Golden Arches over a spilled hot beverage; the difference this time is that it’s hot chocolate. [More]

Starbucks Says Rising Cost Of Coffee Beans Won't Mean Higher Prices For You
Even though the cost of coffee beans — which we’ve been told are required for the production of coffee — is on the rise, Starbucks says it won’t be jacking up the price of the java it serves up to millions of caffeine fiends every day. [More]

Coffee Shops Say Free Wi-Fi Is Bad For Business
A recent story in the LA Times says that some coffee shops are pulling the plug on free wi-fi because freeloaders are taking up large tables and only having a single cup of coffee. [More]

Starbucks Testing Unroasted Coffee 'Refreshers'
For everyone who says Starbucks coffee “tastes burnt,” the java giant has heeded your complaints — and perhaps gone too far. The ‘bucks announced yesterday that it has begun testing a beverage made from green, unroasted coffee beans. [More]

Starbucks Offers Free Slow WiFi
Now that every Tom Dick and Harry knows about it and has jumped on, the free wifi at Starbucks has now, not particularly surprisingly, become the free slow wifi at Starbucks. [More]

Starbucks Morning Receipt Gets You Afternoon Iced Grande For $2
Starbucks Treat Receipt deal is back, which means that if you bring in a receipt from before 2pm you can get any any iced grande drink after 2pm for $2. [More]

Drinking Coffee Could Lower Risk Of Head And Neck Cancer
We now know that coffee doesn’t really help you stay alert, and that the only magic to be found in so-called Magic Power Coffee is a sudden disappearing act. So, is there any good news about the bean? Turns out there is, at least according to a new metastudy, which finds that coffee might help lower the risk of head and neck cancer.

Special Lovemaking Coffee Can Cause Sudden Drop In Blood Pressure, Lovemaking
If you want to be a passionate lover, or at least a noticeably hyper one, of course you should drink a lot of coffee before hitting the sheets. That’s just common sense. But the FDA says that a specially marketed aphrodisiac coffee, Magic Power Coffee, can interfere with prescription drugs and cause a dramatic loss of blood pressure. [More]