
Adidas Launches Shoes That Double As Game Controllers

Adidas Launches Shoes That Double As Game Controllers

I’ve been thinking lately that my sneakers are too stupid. They don’t do anything, at least not anything video game related, which is where it matters. Adidas has recognized this problem and has announced a new “augmented reality” sneaker that you have to hold in front of your webcam in order to play special online games. [More]

NYC Police Dept Stops Giving Counterfeit Clothing To Charity

NYC Police Dept Stops Giving Counterfeit Clothing To Charity

It turns out H&M and Walmart aren’t the only two organizations caught destroying clothes they couldn’t sell. Yesterday the New York Times reported that the NYC Police Department has also been destroying clothing that would otherwise be wearable. The big difference this time is that the clothing is counterfeit. [More]

H&M Insists That All Unsold Clothing Is Donated, Manhattan Store Went Rogue

H&M Insists That All Unsold Clothing Is Donated, Manhattan Store Went Rogue

After last week’s uproar and public shaming, over unsold clothing that was intentionally destroyed, then thrown in the trash behind the chain’s Herald Square location, clothing retailer H&M insists that the incident was against company policy and a fluke. Then TV station WPIX caught an employee throwing away a giant bag of shoes a few days later. [More]

H&M Store Cuts Up Unsold Clothing, Throws It Away

H&M Store Cuts Up Unsold Clothing, Throws It Away

Some retailers donate unsold clothing to charity, or discount it by the palletful and sell it to thrift stores or closeout retailers. But the New York Times reports that the H&M at Herald Square in Manhattan gets rid of their unsold clothing by cutting holes in it to render it unwearable, then throwing it away. [More]

The Necky: A Smaller, Stupider Snuggie For Your Neck

The Necky: A Smaller, Stupider Snuggie For Your Neck

The Necky is apparently for the person who keeps strangling himself when he tries to tie his scarf. There’s nothing I can write about this that would make it more absurd than it is in real life, so just go watch the video if you haven’t already. [More]

How To Ruin Your Jeans On The Cheap

How To Ruin Your Jeans On The Cheap

If there’s one thing my grandmother and I agree on, aside from the fact that Marlena being possessed was a dumb storyline on Days of Our Lives, it’s that it makes no sense to pay top dollar for deliberately weakened/damaged denim. The ConsumerReports blog ShopSmart has found a website that offers tips on how to distress your jeans at home, like using a pumice stone to cut holes, or a cheese grater to create patterns.

Woman Battles Neiman Marcus To Return Damaged Dress

Woman Battles Neiman Marcus To Return Damaged Dress

You can understand Amy’s disappointment when she ordered a belted dress from Neiman Marcus, but the dress arrived beltless. Starting in July, she tangled with customer service to get her money back.

Tight-Fisted Moms Set Rules On Teen Clothing Purchases

Tight-Fisted Moms Set Rules On Teen Clothing Purchases

The tight economy has meant fewer jobs for teens, leaving more of them with empty wallets and at the mercy of that heartless arbiter of teen fashion: mom. The Wall Street Journal reports that even stores that specialize in clothes for younger consumers are following the money to its source. Aeropostale’s employee handbook states: “Because parents make the final decision, they want to feel valued, and they want to feel good about what they purchase.”

How To Strip Your Clothes Online For Easy Money

How To Strip Your Clothes Online For Easy Money

Blogger Fabulously Broke has put together a handy guide for selling excess clothing online.

Tricky Plays 'Hide The Gift Receipt Policy'

Tricky Plays 'Hide The Gift Receipt Policy'

G.C. had a rough outing while trying to navigate tricky to find a gift receipt policy.

Banana Republic Sends Customer Mysterious Package Of Security Tags

Banana Republic Sends Customer Mysterious Package Of Security Tags

Jonathan’s wife ordered some clothes from Banana Republic, and was confused when another, similarly-sized box arrived on their doorstep from Banana Republic a week later. This box was clearly not destined for her, since she had not ordered the exciting new “Open Your Own Banana Republic” playset.

One-Armed Abercrombie & Fitch Worker Wins Wrongful Dismissal Case

One-Armed Abercrombie & Fitch Worker Wins Wrongful Dismissal Case

A former UK Abercrombie & Fitch employee whose prosthetic arm didn’t comport with the store’s “look policy” has won a case against the clothier for wrongful dismissal and emotional trauma.

1.3 Mile Long Wedding Dress Shows China Is Ready For Gross Consumerism, Too!

1.3 Mile Long Wedding Dress Shows China Is Ready For Gross Consumerism, Too!

A Chinese bride recently walked down the aisle wearing a 7,083-foot-long wedding dress that took 200 guests over three hours to unfurl. The $5,800 dress could be a sign of China’s potential to threaten America’s reigning status as the capital of gross consumerism, if only the bridegroom hadn’t personally designed the dress with his family’s help. Explaining the lavish garment, he said: “I do not want a cliche wedding parade or banquet.”

Anna Wintour Doesn't Understand Why Price Fixing Has To Be Illegal

Anna Wintour Doesn't Understand Why Price Fixing Has To Be Illegal

The editor-in-chief of American Vogue, Anna Wintour, proposed a novel solution to the problems that plague clothing retailers at a recent industry meeting. And by “novel” we mean “she’s completely clueless.”


Don’t know how to take your new baby’s temperature? Babyglow will take care of it for you! These new $35 outfits, which seem to be coming out in the U.K. only, change color when your infant has a fever. This makes a lot more sense than wrapping the baby in a blanket made out of color-changing coffee mugs.(Also: doesn’t babyglow+fever sound radioactive?) [OhGizmo!]

Frederick's Of Hollywood Ripped Off Your Grandma, Back When She Dressed Sexy

Frederick's Of Hollywood Ripped Off Your Grandma, Back When She Dressed Sexy

Take a gander at page 24 of this vintage FOH catalog from 1964, scanned and uploaded by Flickr user “What Makes The Pie Shops Tick?”. Their 2-for-$17.99 deal is actually more expensive than buying the items individually. It’s good to know retailers are consistent, we guess.

Eddie Bauer Jumps In The Bankruptcy Pool

Eddie Bauer Jumps In The Bankruptcy Pool

Eddie Bauer is the latest retailer to file for bankruptcy, and it says it hopes to be sold outright rather than try to reorganize, refinance, or liquidate. The AP says the clothing company had “$476.1 million in assets and $426.7 million in debt at the time of the filing Wednesday with the United States Bankruptcy Court of the District of Delaware,” and that by declaring Chapter 11 now it hopes to reassure suppliers and stave off impending cash flow problems.

Sorry, Your Prosthetic Arm Doesn't Fit With Abercrombie & Fitch's "Look Policy"

Sorry, Your Prosthetic Arm Doesn't Fit With Abercrombie & Fitch's "Look Policy"

UPDATE: One-Armed Abercrombie & Fitch Worker Wins Wrongful Dismissal Case