If you can’t tell your friend about that one time you were so sh*tcanned you f***d up your f*****g phone when you dropped it in dog sh*t while having a few drinks at the bar, is it really an authentic bar experience? Some pub patrons in England — where bar owners are trying to appeal to families — don’t think so. In fact, they’re pretty f*****g pissed off about new bans on swearing in bars. [More]

Behold The Pop-Up Electric Hot Dog And Bun Toaster
Live from the store-closing sale of yet another Kmart, reader Amanda sent us this strange unitasking appliance that we were not previously aware existed. [More]

This Exists: Wax Vac, The Ear Canal Sucking Machine
The best infomercial/direct-response ad products solve problems that you had no idea you had. The Chia Pet? The Topsy Tail? The Shake Weight? The Snuggie? The Comfort WipeAll things that your life would have continued just fine without, but they make so much sense that you simply must have them. We’re not sure that’s the case with the Wax Vac, which combines the glamor of an ear thermometer with all of the fun of sticking an electric sucking machine in your ear while grinning. [More]
Colorado Town Hopes To Lure In Tourists With A Hearty Cheer Of "WTF"
There are plenty of sights to see in Colorado, what with the Rocky Mountains and skiing galore, so how does one little town make itself stand out to tourists? With a big ol’ WTF! That stands for Welcome To Fruita, obviously. [More]

This Japanese Ad Will Initially Confound You
See if you can guess before this Japanese ad is over what the product is they’re actually advertising. Go on, I dare you. [More]

Ticketmaster Charges You $2.50 To Print Your Own Ticket, $0 For Mail
Theoretically, companies charge you additional fees to offset costs of your more expensive choices. Or, to discourage or encourage certain behaviors. Ticketmaster, as usual, has a different idea. They charge you $2.50 for you to print your own ticket at home, and $0.00 to have them mail it to you. That’s a headscratcher, until you realize people printing their tickets at home are often last-minute people and if you’re in a rush you’re more likely to agree to additional fees if it gets the job done. [via Reddit] (Thanks to Bargaineering!) [More]

Amazon.com Rep: "Your Package Has Been Eaten By An Alligator"
Sometimes calling customer service just leads to theater of the absurd. Earlier today, reader Will blogged about his recent interaction with Amazon customer service. He writes that when he called up Amazon to find out the location of a missing package. The rep informed him that the package had been eaten by an alligator. [More]

Celebrate The iPad's Launch By Sculpting Steve Jobs' Head In Cheese
Are you excited about the launch of the iPad? Do you like cheese? Take your brand loyalty to new and disturbing levels by sculpting the head of Steve Jobs in cheese. Cheese Steve is made out of mozzarella, black pepper, and my nightmares. It’s odd to celebrate the iconic CEO of a company by sculpting what looks like his embalmed corpse in soft cheese. [More]

Not Having A Mortgage Doesn't Stop Bank Of America From Foreclosing
Charlie and Maria Cardoso managed to do something few homeowners can: They own their vacation home in Florida outright, with no mortgage. But that didn’t stop Bank of America from kicking out a tenant who was renting the house, tossing out the Cardosos’ possessions, and, yes, foreclosing on the debt-free home. [More]

Hollywood Video Giving Away Free Kids
I’m going to grab a bunch and resell adopt them out for extra money in 2010. Thanks to Kevin, who snapped the pic and who adds, “I know Hollywood Video isn’t probably doing that hot with the advent of Netflix, but I’m not sure if this is the way to go.” [More]

Snuggie Mates With Snowpants, Evolves Legs
Japan has raised the stakes in the couch potato wars, and is producing a sleeping bag with legs. It’s like a snowsuit. For grown-ups. Except you can’t use your arms. [More]

World's Worst Logos
As part of our stand against Christmas Creep, we want to celebrate the actual upcoming holiday by lobbing some pretty frightening images at you from the website Your Logo Makes Me Barf. Take this alarm sign, for instance. The obvious chills come from recognizing what they’re walking into, but then you notice the kid figure and the term “young alarm” and, wait, wtf?

Top Shop Debuts $125 Vagina Dentata Dress
We are not at the forefront of fashion reporting here at The Consumerist unless that fashion is particularly horrifying. Which is why Mediaite’s Rachel Sklar brought a new item for sale at Top Shop to our attention: a crocodile-print dress that places the beast’s gaping toothy maw over the wearer’s pelvis. Oh, yeah, and the eyes over her breasts. It’s where fashion meets Freudian analysis.

Teen Girls Accused Of "Food Contamination" After Squeezing Muffins
We’re not quite sure what to make of U.K. grocery chain Tesco. First, the store bans a Jedi after he refuses to lower his hood. And, now, the chain is threatening legal action against two teenage girls who squeezed a couple of muffins to see how fresh they were.

"Don't Copy That 2" Might Scare You Straight, If You Have Never Heard Music Or Seen A Video
At first we thought this was a new Black Eyed Peas video, but then we watched from the beginning and realized that it’s actually an attempt to convince you that you should not copy that. Our favorite bit starts at the 2:24 mark, when the little girl’s criminal activity leads to government agents bashing down the door to her house and attacking her poor mama.

Banana Republic Sends Customer Mysterious Package Of Security Tags
Jonathan’s wife ordered some clothes from Banana Republic, and was confused when another, similarly-sized box arrived on their doorstep from Banana Republic a week later. This box was clearly not destined for her, since she had not ordered the exciting new “Open Your Own Banana Republic” playset.