

Great news, homeowners! Drywall manufactured in China from waste byproducts may have a horrible stench and corrode everything in your house, but the Consumer Product Safety Commission has concluded that at least it’s not radioactive. [Consumer Reports Safety]

Chinese Police Say Walmart Shopper Beaten To Death After Botched Receipt Check

Chinese Police Say Walmart Shopper Beaten To Death After Botched Receipt Check

Chinese state media says that a woman accused of shoplifting was allegedly beaten to death by 2 employees of a Walmart in eastern China. A police report says that the employees stopped the woman on the street near her home (which is also near the Walmart) and demanded to see her receipt. One report says she refused because she was unsure of the employee’s identities, another says she handed it over, then took it back.

IKEA In Beijing Is More Like A Giant Public Living Room

IKEA In Beijing Is More Like A Giant Public Living Room

On our last visit to IKEA earlier this summer, we noted with sadness how there was a certain GAP-like feeling about a lot of the merchandise, by which we mean it seemed dull and forgettable. But maybe we’ve been approaching shopping at IKEA the wrong way.

1.3 Mile Long Wedding Dress Shows China Is Ready For Gross Consumerism, Too!

1.3 Mile Long Wedding Dress Shows China Is Ready For Gross Consumerism, Too!

A Chinese bride recently walked down the aisle wearing a 7,083-foot-long wedding dress that took 200 guests over three hours to unfurl. The $5,800 dress could be a sign of China’s potential to threaten America’s reigning status as the capital of gross consumerism, if only the bridegroom hadn’t personally designed the dress with his family’s help. Explaining the lavish garment, he said: “I do not want a cliche wedding parade or banquet.”

Who's Responsible For The Chinese Poison Train? Us!

Who's Responsible For The Chinese Poison Train? Us!

Apparently we were wrong about this whole “Chinese Poison Train” thing. It turns out that it was “filthy U.S. inspectors” who were tainting “pristine Chinese shipments” all along, according to The Onion.

Chinese Discount Airline To Sell Standing Room Tickets

Chinese Discount Airline To Sell Standing Room Tickets

Spring Airlines, a discount Chinese carrier, plans to ask the government for permission to sell standing room tickets. The plan will likely win approval, since Chinese Vice Premier Zhang Dejiang was recently quoted as saying: “for a lower price, passengers should be able to get on a plane like catching a bus, with no seat, no luggage consignment, no food, no water, but very convenient.”

Radioactive Chinese Drywall Is Stinking Up U.S. Homes

Radioactive Chinese Drywall Is Stinking Up U.S. Homes

The government thinks radioactive industrial waste from China is responsible for a recent sulfur stench that has plagued hundreds of Florida homes. Demand for Chinese drywall spiked during the housing boom, but federal regulators believe the drywall contained phosphogypsum, a banned waste byproduct that features prominently in Chinese construction. When used in drywall, the probable carcinogen can corrode “air conditioners, mirrors, electrical outlets and even jewelry.”

Clothing Sold In Africa Made in China… India… Somewhere

Clothing Sold In Africa Made in China… India… Somewhere

A few weeks ago, we brought to you a story of counterfeit antimalarials from China being labeled as “Made in India,” then sold in Nigeria. Turns out it’s not just drugs.

New Book: Poorly Made In China

New Book: Poorly Made In China

Want to know how that lead got into your kid’s toys? Why brand-name goods come in containers that fall apart. Or how radioactive cookery ended up on store shelves? A new book out by Paul Midler, Poorly Made In China, promises the inside scoop on why products made in China are as shoddy (and often as dangerous) as seemingly possible.

Counterfeit Drugs Made In China Relabeled "Made In India"

Counterfeit Drugs Made In China Relabeled "Made In India"

The Chinese poison train makes plenty of stops outside of the United States. When those stops are in developing countries, bad things can happen. Even worse things happen when dangerous products from China are intentionally mislabeled as being from another country. Say, India.

Mattel Will Pay $2.3 Million Penalty For All Those Lead Toys

Mattel Will Pay $2.3 Million Penalty For All Those Lead Toys

Remember back when lead toys were all the rage? Oh, those dangerous days, when you couldn’t lick a Dora the Explorer doll without fear of memory loss! Well, Mattel and the Consumer Prouct Safety Commission (CPSC) have reached an agreement on how much Mattel should pay for importing toys that exceeded U.S. lead safety guidelines, and the amount is $2.3 million. Maybe now the CPSC can use some of that money to grease the DC wheels and get their new chair nominee confirmed.


Chinese truckmaker set to buy Hummer The Hummer will go well with the rest of China’s portfolio. [Consumer Reports Cars]


Looking for updates in the New Zealand bank error fugitives case? According to various news reports. the couple have split up to evade capture, the sister who posted the fateful Facebook message is back in New Zealand, and the couple face seven years in jail once they are caught.

No More Erections In Love Land: China Demolishes Sex Theme Park Filled With Giant Statues Of Genitalia

No More Erections In Love Land: China Demolishes Sex Theme Park Filled With Giant Statues Of Genitalia

Bad news for those of you planning a trip to “Love Land“, China’s first sex theme park: it’s been demolished before it could even open. Now the only giant balls the locals will see are government-administered wrecking balls.

New Zealand Bank Error Fugitives Foiled By Facebook Status Update

New Zealand Bank Error Fugitives Foiled By Facebook Status Update

You know how it goes. You go out and have too many beers, then post a Facebook update with a bit too much information about your evening. Maybe you take it down once you sober up the next day, but not before the damage is done.

Use Free Trade To Promote Food Safety

Use Free Trade To Promote Food Safety

National Journal has an interesting article about the intersection of free trade and globalization with increased food safety abroad and at home. Rather than reject shipments of Chinese fish for being raised in disgusting environments, the US should require trading partners to set and enforce their own strict food safety standards and use globalization as a way to promote better standards worldwide, instead of a race to the bottom.

Who's Watching Our Nation's Honey Imports? Pretty Much No One

Who's Watching Our Nation's Honey Imports? Pretty Much No One

The Seattle P.I. reports that “two-thirds of the honey Americans consume is imported and almost half of that, regardless of what’s on the label, comes from China.” The first problem with that is some Chinese honey is “tainted with banned antibiotics” such as ciprofloxacin and chloramphenicol. The second problem, according to U.S. honey producers who are upset about the lack of oversight, is that whenever contaminated honey is discovered, many companies just sent it back to the importer and never tell the FDA—which means it can be resold elsewhere, including to other U.S. packers.

China Sentences Two Men To Death Over Melamine Milk Scandal

China Sentences Two Men To Death Over Melamine Milk Scandal

Two men have been sentenced to death and a third given life in prison for their involvement in the tainted milk scandal that killed at least six children and made at least 300,000 more sick.