
Chase Gets Man Thrown In Jail For Fraudulent Check. Except The Check Is Legit.

Chase Gets Man Thrown In Jail For Fraudulent Check. Except The Check Is Legit.

UPDATE: Chase and the customer tell Consumerist the situation has been resolved. [More]

Call To Chase Executive Customer Service Gets Bank To Stop Flooding Me With Mail

Call To Chase Executive Customer Service Gets Bank To Stop Flooding Me With Mail

Sarah saw yesterday’s post about the reader who was awash in credit card offers from Capital One and wrote in to share her story of how she finally got Chase to stop filling her mailbox with shredder fodder. [More]

Chase And BoA Quietly Cutting Balances For Option-Arm Mortgagors

Chase And BoA Quietly Cutting Balances For Option-Arm Mortgagors

It’s a lovely surprise to get in the mail from your bank, a letter telling you they’re going to cut your mortgage balance in half while increasing your interest rate slightly. NYT reports that tens of thousands of option-arm mortgagors, homebuyers with a loan that had a low introductory interest rate that shot up after a set period, have been getting such letters from Chase and Bank of America over the past year. [More]

Chase Drops Thousands Of Debt Collection Cases Against Borrowers

Chase Drops Thousands Of Debt Collection Cases Against Borrowers

Chase is dropping thousands of pending debt collection cases against defaulted credit card borrowers, WSJ reports. Remember the big deal over robo-signing foreclosure cases a few months ago? The problem of bulk signing sloppy paperwork, and, in some case, filing fraudulent documents, could be even bigger when it comes to credit cards. It looks like JP Morgan Chase is trying to get its house in order before they’re forced to by government and legal forces. [More]

Chase Redeems Your Rewards Points Via 19 $50 Checks

Chase Redeems Your Rewards Points Via 19 $50 Checks

Summer and her fiancee returned from an out of town trip this weekend to find that the Stupid Shipping Gang had paid them a visit while they were away. But instead of a tiny thing packed in a giant box, it’s several tiny things packed into an excessive number of envelopes. [More]

Chase Says No To Credit Increase On One Card But Nearly Doubles Limit On Other Card Without Asking

Chase Says No To Credit Increase On One Card But Nearly Doubles Limit On Other Card Without Asking

The inner workings of Chase’s credit card business have Consumerist reader Jon scratching his head. After being turned down for small limit increase on one credit card, the bank goes ahead and nearly doubles the credit limit on a second card with an already higher limit. [More]

Chase Repos Wrong Car

Chase Repos Wrong Car

At first, this woman thought her used car, financed through Wells Fargo, had been jacked from the front of her house. She reported the car as stolen and filed a claim. It was a bummer because she had been only two years away from paying off the five year loan. Then she got a call from Chase Auto Finance who said they had repo’d the car because the previous owner didn’t finish his payments. Whoops! Chase had taken the car without securing a lien on the title! [More]

Bank Of America Tops List Of Companies With Craptastic Customer Service

Bank Of America Tops List Of Companies With Craptastic Customer Service

Bank of America may have lost this year’s Worst Company In America tournament by the narrowest of margins, but the results of a new customer service satisfaction survey put BofA at the head of the class when it comes to irking consumers. [More]

Chase Screws Up Loan Modification, "Fixes" Error By Adding $8,000 To Balance Of Loan

Chase Screws Up Loan Modification, "Fixes" Error By Adding $8,000 To Balance Of Loan

The folks at ProPublica recently looked into the all-too-common problem of homeowners who thought they had successfully run through the loan modification gauntlet only to later find out that their bank had no record of the reduction and their house was suddenly in foreclosure. [More]

Chase QuickPay Decides Your Rent Payment Is Fraud, Locks Down Accounts

Chase QuickPay Decides Your Rent Payment Is Fraud, Locks Down Accounts

Chase, Bank of America, and Wells Fargo customers will soon be able to send money to anyone with an e-mail address or mobile number using a new Voltron of a service called ClearXChange. Chase already has something similar to that called QuickPay, which Derek and his roommate (a Wells Fargo customer) used to transfer their rent money while Derek was out of town. Let’s see how that worked out for them. [More]

3 Big Banks Launch Pay By Cell And Email System Called clearXchange

3 Big Banks Launch Pay By Cell And Email System Called clearXchange

Three of the nation’s biggest banks have teamed up to offer a new payment service that lets you transfer money from your bank account using only a cell phone number or email address. It’s called clearXchange and it’s being offered to Chase, Bank of America and Wells Fargo customers. An inkling of how it will work is revealed on the initiative’s placeholder web page. [More]

Chase Ends $4 And $5 ATM Fee Tests… For Now

Chase Ends $4 And $5 ATM Fee Tests… For Now

After nearly two months, Chase has finally stopped charging exorbitant ATM fees to non-customers in Illinois and Texas. But that doesn’t mean the fees won’t be back soon. [More]

Chase Rep Thinks Deaf People Can't Have Credit Cards

Chase Rep Thinks Deaf People Can't Have Credit Cards

Dheeraj’s father is a silent partner in the business that they own together. They made him the personal guarantor when applying for a new business credit card from Chase recently, not realizing how many problems it would cause while trying to get the father’s card activated. See, Dheeraj’s father is deaf, and Chase was completely lost when it came to ways for him to prove his identity and activate the card. Now the account is frozen because all of Chase’s ways for business credit card customers to prove their identities depend on speaking directly with the cardholder on the phone. [More]

Senator Durbin To Chase CEO: You're Already Gouging The Consumer, So Stop Complaining

Senator Durbin To Chase CEO: You're Already Gouging The Consumer, So Stop Complaining

The main reason that JPMorgan Chase and other big banks have given for things like $5 ATM fees and prohibitive caps on debit card purchases is a soon-to-be-enacted bit of legislation known as the Durbin Amendment, which limits the amount of money banks can make off of interchange fees, the amount they charge retailers for each debit card transaction. Chase CEO Jamie Dimon has called the laws “price fixing at its worst” and “downright idiotic.” Now Dick Durbin, the Illinois senator whose name graces the legislation, has come out swinging at Dimon, telling the bank exec to quit whining and enjoy being profitable. [More]

Chase Will Reinstate Debit Card Rewards If Fee Overhaul Is Delayed

Chase Will Reinstate Debit Card Rewards If Fee Overhaul Is Delayed

Chase has pledged to reinstate debit card rewards programs if the cap on fees it collects from merchants per debit transaction, scheduled to go into effect July 21st, is delayed. [More]

Worst Company In America Elite 8: Ticketmaster Vs. Chase

Worst Company In America Elite 8: Ticketmaster Vs. Chase

The fisticuffs continue with today’s battle between last year’s runner-up and a surging contender with promise for future tournaments. [More]

Say Hello To Your Worst Company In America Elite 8!

Say Hello To Your Worst Company In America Elite 8!

Two rounds of WCIA bloodshed are in the book and the beaten bodies of 24 multi-billion dollar companies are being hauled off to be burned on a pyre. But for those businesses left standing — let’s call them the Elite 8 — the parade of pain marches on. [More]

E-Mail Breach Hits Best Buy, TiVo, Walgreens, Chase, Kroger, Many More

E-Mail Breach Hits Best Buy, TiVo, Walgreens, Chase, Kroger, Many More

What first looked like a small e-mail list breach at New York & Company over the weekend was just the tip of the iceberg as multiple national retailers and banks found themselves the victim of the same data hackers. [More]