
Financial Advertising Through The Years

Financial Advertising Through The Years

Slate has put together a sarcastic look at financial-type commercials through the years. We like the one with Samuel L. Jackson and the centaur.

NY AG: Banks Paid Bonuses That Were Substantially Greater Than The Banks' Net Income

NY AG: Banks Paid Bonuses That Were Substantially Greater Than The Banks' Net Income

New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo’s report on the bonus structures of the banking industry is out and — oh my— it’s damning. The AG says that 3 banks, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and JP. Morgan Chase, paid out bonuses that ” were substantially greater than the banks’ net income.”

Chase Barrages Customer With Overdraft Fees

Chase Barrages Customer With Overdraft Fees

Just about everyone’s been smacked with an overdraft fee before, but Michael writes us about his partner who is drowning in a flood of such exploitative charges.

WaMu/Chase Doesn't Believe Your Card Was Stolen, Despite The Fact That The Thief Was Arrested

WaMu/Chase Doesn't Believe Your Card Was Stolen, Despite The Fact That The Thief Was Arrested

Reader Stephen says that a NYC Taxi driver tricked him into using an ATM skimmer-like-device instead of the normal credit card machine and made off with his card and PIN. The NYPD made an arrest, but Stephen says he’s still battling with Chase/WaMu.

Nice Letter Gets 29.99% APR Down To 12.24%

Nice Letter Gets 29.99% APR Down To 12.24%

David paid his credit card one day late, one time, and Chase immediately jacked his interest rate from 12.24% to the default rate of 29.99%. He called customer service and was told he need to pay on-time for 6 months before he could get it reduced. 6 months later he calls back and now they tell him it’s 12 to 24 months. A supervisor confirmed this. Say what? That’s what he said, and so he wrote Chase a letter, and it got some serious results:

Chase Sends You Debit Card You Don't Need, Tells You To Activate It

Chase isn’t just acting in shady ways toward their credit card customers. Their latest sneaky move is sending new debit cards that impose fees to their banking customers, hoping that customers will simply activate the new debit cards with no questions asked. Not so fast.

Man Can't Track Down Phantom Circuit City/Chase/Best Buy Credit Card

Man Can't Track Down Phantom Circuit City/Chase/Best Buy Credit Card

Ah, the perils of having a credit card issued by an electronic store that dies a slow, painful death, only to come back, haunt you and resist all attempts at seances and exorcisms.

Chase Cancels Your Credit Cards With No Notification

Chase Cancels Your Credit Cards With No Notification

If you have any Chase credit cards, call to make sure they haven’t been canceled out from under you with no notice. Huh? Are credit card companies allowed to do that? Don’t be silly. Of course they are.

Warning From My Dad: Beware The Minimum Payment Hike

Warning From My Dad: Beware The Minimum Payment Hike

My dad (not pictured) is one of those guys stuck on an endless credit card treadmill, pretty much maxed out to the hilt and able to cover monthly minimum payments but not much else.

"Chase Hiked My Minimum Payment To 5 Percent!"

"Chase Hiked My Minimum Payment To 5 Percent!"

Chase just notified Greg that they’re more than doubling his minimum payment requirement. Because he and his wife are carrying such a large balance due to a promotional balance transfer offer a few years ago, this pushes their monthly payment to nearly $1,000.

Chase Marketing Credit Cards To The "Twilight" Demographic… And Creeping Them Out

Chase Marketing Credit Cards To The "Twilight" Demographic… And Creeping Them Out

Reader Chloe is a teenager, a college freshman, and she is creeped out by the ads for Chase credit cards that keep popping up on Facebook. Why? Because they want to give her “points” toward Twilight books in exchange for applying for, and using a student credit card.

Man Gets Chase To Bend To His Iron Will

Man Gets Chase To Bend To His Iron Will

Brian suffered a couple of credit card maladies: Washington Mutual shut down his credit card due to inactivity and was stuck with a high interest report and credit report hit due to two missed payments in 2006. After Chase absorbed WaMu, Brian got on the horn and worked the customer service labyrinth until he fixed both problems.

Should I Reduce My 401k And Put The Money Toward Credit Card Debt?

Should I Reduce My 401k And Put The Money Toward Credit Card Debt?

Given the state of the economy today, is it better for me to reduce my 401k to a minimum and use the extra funds to pay off my credit card debt? This is a good time to put money into the markets, based on my admittedly limited understanding, but with interest rates going through the roof (my personal Chase card went from 12.99 to 23.99), I would like to kick down my cc debt (now at around $6,000) faster. I’m currently only putting 6% in my 401k, and I’m fairly young (35). Have you advice for me?

$100 For Opening Chase Checking Account

$100 For Opening Chase Checking Account

Who couldn’t use an extra $100 these days? Chase is giving $100 if you open a new Chase checking accounts. Just go here, enter an email address, take the coupon they send you to a nearby branch, and open a new checking account. Of course, there are a few caveats: 1) You have to deposit $100 into it. 2) The $100 can’t come from another Chase account or an affiliate. 3) Within 60 days, you have to either make 5 debit card purchases, or set up direct deposit. 4) You have to keep the account open for 6 months or they take the $100 back. 5) If you don’t set up direct deposit and you don’t make at least 5 debits a month, you get hit with a fee. Still, a hundred bucks is a hundred bucks.

updated: WaMu Accounts Become *Almost* Totally Chase July 24

updated: WaMu Accounts Become *Almost* Totally Chase July 24

Starting July 24, 2009, WaMu accounts will get fully transitioned to Chase. After that, ex-WaMuers will be able to fully enjoy the benefits of Chase banking, like making deposits into Chase ATMs, the full range of Chase branch banking services, and the luxury of paying Chase’s service fees which are higher than WaMu’s were.

WaMu, Chase, And The Case Of The Missing Deposits

WaMu, Chase, And The Case Of The Missing Deposits

Dan’s fiancée mailed a deposit envelope containing $1,150 in checks to her bank, WaMu. Someone lost the checks, but nobody will take the blame, and they simply give her the run-around.

Chase's Vague, Off-Putting Debit Overdraft Threat

Chase's Vague, Off-Putting Debit Overdraft Threat

Chase bought Washington Mutual to seize market share by expanding its customer base, but its execs seem to have forgotten to take into account that there was probably a reason customers weren’t using them in the first place.