
How to Get the Best Deal on a New Car

How to Get the Best Deal on a New Car

For those of you looking to take advantage of this year’s tax deductions for buying a new car, Smart Money has a few tips to save you even more money. They list five suggestions for getting the best deal on a new car as follows:

10 Strategies To Lower Your Auto Insurance

10 Strategies To Lower Your Auto Insurance

Over at the Mint blog they’ve posted a list of 10 ways to reduce your car insurance premium. You’ll want to contact your current insurer and ask some questions, like whether they offer a discount for paying up front, or if they’ll cut you a deal for being a long-term customer.

Toyota Says It's Not Hiding Anything In Runaway Cars Investigation

Toyota Says It's Not Hiding Anything In Runaway Cars Investigation

One of Toyota’s execs said today that the company isn’t covering up information about its suddenly accelerating cars, but the Department of Transportation doesn’t seem to agree. Estimates Real Cash For Clunkers Cost, Gets White House Smackdown Estimates Real Cash For Clunkers Cost, Gets White House Smackdown crunched some numbers, and came to the conclusion that the federal Cash for Clunkers program was not a terribly effective use of taxpayer money. They argue that the bulk of rebates went to consumers who were going to buy cars anyway. The White House, however, begs to differ. So how did the Obama administration respond? With a snarky blog post.

Some Ford Cars Are Reliable, Actually Worth Buying

Some Ford Cars Are Reliable, Actually Worth Buying

Several Ford cars are among the world’s most reliable vehicles, according to the latest annual car reliability survey from Consumer Reports.

What You Know About Car Care Is Probably Wrong

What You Know About Car Care Is Probably Wrong

Most Americans drive cars, but haven’t the faintest idea how they work. Often we have car care axioms inherited from our parents or driving teachers that apply to cars from a generation or two ago. What are some commonly believed car care myths that simply aren’t true?

How To Choose The Best Tires

How To Choose The Best Tires

The Consumer Reports Cars blog has posted a video on how to choose the best tires for your car. Here’s one interesting trick we learned from the clip: how to measure tire tread depth using coins.

Woman: Jiffy Lube Didn't Inspect My Car

Woman: Jiffy Lube Didn't Inspect My Car

Cristin says she went to a Los Angeles Jiffy Lube and kept an eye on her vehicle to make sure the mechanics performed the services she paid for. She says Jiffy Lube didn’t check her fluid levels, battery or tire pressure but told her it did. She writes:

Testing Stuck Accelerator Survival Strategies

Testing Stuck Accelerator Survival Strategies

The recent recall of millions of Toyotas due to their floor mats’ unfortunate tendency to trap the cars’ accelerators, a flaw which has caused at least one confirmed horrific fatal accident, has caused people to wonder: if this happened to me, what would I do? Equipped with several different makes of cars and a test track, our colleagues at Consumer Reports Cars decided to play Mythbusters and put different stuck-accelerator survival strategies to the test.

Fake Engine Sounds Being Added To Hybrids

Fake Engine Sounds Being Added To Hybrids

By the time you get around to purchasing an electric car, the New York Times writes, you may be able choose a fake engine sound for it the way you customize your phone with ringtones. Safety experts worry that the nearly silent operation of upcoming cars mean pedestrians won’t hear them sneaking up, so they’re adding artificial engine noises—and some manufacturers are considering letting owners customize the sounds.

4.5 Million Flammable Fords Recalled

4.5 Million Flammable Fords Recalled

Ford and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) have announced a recall of 4.5 million vehicles spanning back to 1992. A mixup in the manufacture resulted in the “self-immolation” button being labeled “cruise control.” In all seriousness, though, a vehicle fire could occur on these models, so be sure to check this out.

Need A New Car? Consider A Saturn

Need A New Car? Consider A Saturn

The Washington Post notes that although Saturn dealerships have until this time next year to close, many will be saying goodbye sooner due to low inventory, and that’s partly why now is a good time to buy a Saturn. That is, if you don’t plan on reselling it in a couple of years.

GM, Tengzhong Close To Hummer Brand Sale

GM, Tengzhong Close To Hummer Brand Sale

So long, Hummer. Sort of. GM and Chinese company Tengzhong are closer to their deal to sell the Hummer brand.

How To Save Money On Gas

How To Save Money On Gas

Thanks to insurance, auto loan payments and especially gas, it’s your car that owns you and not the other way around. Gas Buddy checks in with some tips on how to cut down on fuel costs.

Auto Service Plan Promises Refunds, Then Goes Bankrupt

Auto Service Plan Promises Refunds, Then Goes Bankrupt

If you asked us, we would recommend that you not buy a third-party extended warranty for your car. If the main selling point for said warranty were that you would receive a full refund if you never filed a claim…we’d suspect that something might go wrong with this plan.

Federal Employees Banned From Texting While Driving

Federal Employees Banned From Texting While Driving

An executive order issued this week bans federal employees from texting while driving when using government vehicles or phones, or while on government business. Given the safety risks of texting while driving, we think this was a good move, and hope that it extends to the general population. Take our poll and tell us what you think, inside.

Hidden Cameras Catch LA Valets Breaking All Kinds Of Laws

Hidden Cameras Catch LA Valets Breaking All Kinds Of Laws

An excellent piece of investigative journalism by NBC Los Angeles catches valets all over the city putting up fake no parking signs, jamming meters, and using customers’ cars to shuttle valets around.

GM And Penske End Saturn Sale Talks

GM And Penske End Saturn Sale Talks

Saturn will not have a new life as part of Penske, the company that, among other things, distributes Smart cars in the U.S. Talks between Penske and GM fell apart today, and so did any chance for a deal.