
TWC Blacksout

Richard called Time Warner Cable to ask when his service would be restored. The rep wouldn’t tell him specifically, or stray from her script, including the part where she upsells him…

FCC Good For Something

If you’re pissed about TimeWarner buying Adelphia and cutting your NFL Net coverage, have heart.

TimeWarner’s Adelphia Buyout Continues to Suck For You

You don’t mess with a man’s football.

HOWTO: Get Actual Customer Support From Time Warner Cable

After three months without internet and numerous failed calls to Time Warner Customer support, Mike happened to overhear a rep mention the term “L3.”

Lifehacker Suffers Trifecta of Crappy Cable Companies

Lifehacker Suffers Trifecta of Crappy Cable Companies

Adam Pash, Lifehacker associate editor, moved into a new apartment and signed up for Adelphia internet connection, which promptly had mad troubs. Which is understandable. Adelphia is bankrupt.

Exclusive: Time Warner Dissolves Houston Division of Texas-Kansas City Cable Partners

We just got sent this internal announcement announcing Houston’s Cable Partners annihilation.

How Fast Is Your Internet, Really?

How Fast Is Your Internet, Really?

Are you getting the bit rate you signed up for? Take this quick and easy test and find out. We know its from Speakeasy (which doesn’t have an unbiased interest in showing your speed as slow…) but it’s better than the one by Ookla because you can select a nearby server to do it at.

Comcast: The Head Doesn’t Know What The Arms Are Doing

Comcast: The Head Doesn’t Know What The Arms Are Doing

HOWTO: Get Internet On The Cheap

HOWTO: Get Internet On The Cheap

How does $500 extra a year sound? And it doesn’t even require stuffing envelopes.

Telecoms May Suck, But Cable Companies Only Blow

Telecoms May Suck, But Cable Companies Only Blow

Exactly how bad is the industry standard for customer service when telephone companies are being absolutely trounced in customer satisfaction polls by cable companies?

Best Posts Ever, This Week

Best Posts Ever, This Week

Most popular stories of the week so far, excluding anything that has to do with AOL. We’re gonna play it cool like that, and ignore the top seven results or so.

The News; Whiskered, Stone Ground Finish

The News; Whiskered, Stone Ground Finish

• For a dollar under a hundred, you can get the trifecta of Comcast fuckover! [CT] “Comcast offers bundled service for $99 a month”

Adelphia Makes Customer Pay For Porn She Never Ordered

Adelphia Makes Customer Pay For Porn She Never Ordered

Lisa from Comcast Sparkles!

Lisa from Comcast Sparkles!

Lisa the Comcast CSR rocks. Hey, we don’t doubt it, despite the terrible company to which she is umbilically affixed. Girls named Lisa tend to rock. But this time, Lisa doesn’t merely rock by dint of her party-girl name, but by saving one of our readers a few bucks when he needs it most.

Comcast, The Bedazzler

Comcast hopes that you will be distracted by these new ads and forget about how much their customer support sucks. What they should really do is capitalize on the sleeping tech fiasco. Do a campaign about how Comcast techs are your buddy. They’re so friendly, you want to hang out with them and play Halo2 and smoke weed and pass out on the sofa together. That tech shouldn’t have been fired, he should have been made company spokesman. Four spots here, found via Adfreak, with hipster mermen, hipster loggers whose jobs have been taken by robots, hipster Das Boot (sucks), and hipster Japanese game show. Whether being cross-bred with sheep and eating skittles or attending officially PRB sanctioned concerts, hipsters are the roxor.

Save Money On Your Bills Through Lies and Deception

Save Money On Your Bills Through Lies and Deception

Months back, we dismissed some advice on lowering your cable bill (try to cancel and then saying you change your mind if they don’t lower your bill) with a snarky retort. We viewed it as spineless capitulation of consumerist ideals

Even Brits Can’t Cancel Their Subscriptions

Even Brits Can’t Cancel Their Subscriptions

…and, of course, it’s not just AOL who instructs their customer service reps to exhort, pressure, extol even bully canceling customers into staying with the service. The entire industry of cancellation call centers seems to work upon customer retention quotas. And it’s not just in the U.S.

Jaws Of Comcast

Just when you thought it was safe to connect your computer to the internet, Comcast customer service rears its crappy head again.