Many of the largest players in the beer industry recently agreed to finally start including calorie counts on their bottles and cans. While some some fans of these adult beverages might have an idea of how many calories they’re drinking down, others may be in for a surprise. [More]

Beer Biggies Agree To List Calories, Carbs & (Maybe) Ingredients On Bottles
While light (or “lite,” if you don’t care about spelling) beers often advertise their low calorie/carb content, most beers don’t have anything similar to the nutrition labels you see on other food and beverage packaging. This morning, a beer industry trade group announced a voluntary labeling standard that will add some of this information to beer packaging while allowing other data to be accessible via barcode. [More]

Craft Breweries Fighting Over Ever-Dwindling Supply Of Puns About Hops
If you enjoy wordplay and are able to come up with plentiful puns involving the words “Hops” or perhaps “Ale,” there may be a job for you in the craft beer industry. With thousands of small breweries trying to out-clever themselves with memorable product names, the inevitable has happened: the English-speaking world has run out of silly beer names. [More]

Could Artificial Intelligence Learn How To Brew A Tasty Beer?
Because we’ll need something tasty to swill when our robot overlords finally come into their full artificial intelligence, a company in the UK is attempting to figure out if robots can help humans brew a better beer. [More]

17 Commercial Failures From Brands With Spectacularly Bad Ideas
While Keurig is surely hoping there will come a day when its failed KOLD soda-making machine is but a misty, sparkling memory, it’s not the first company to reach for the stars, to fly too close to the sun, to try to capture lightning in a bottle… and fail utterly and completely, thereby forever securing a spot in the brand failure hall of fame, never to be forgotten. [More]

Mystery Thieves Drive Off With 78,500 Bottles Of Beer
The people who stole almost 3,300 cases of beer from a craft brewery in Atlanta either set out to re-sell the brews, or were out to have an amazing party. Either way, the company, SweetWater Brewing Co., has turned to the public for help, asking stores and consumers to watch for the missing brew, which shady characters might be trying to sell. [More]

Judge Dismisses Blue Moon “Craft Beer” Lawsuit Against MillerCoors (Again)
Last year, a California man sued MillerCoors over its continued labeling of its Blue Moon brew as a “craft beer.” In October, a federal court threw out the case against the mega-brewer. A federal judge has now ended the argument once and for all, dismissing an amended complaint the plaintiff filed after the first case was tossed out. [More]

Quiz: Craft Beer Or Roller Derby Girl?
If there are two fun, creative groups of folks in this country who just can’t turn away from a good pun, it’s small-time beer brewers and roller derby girls. But can you tell which is which? [More]

Budweiser Accused Of Illegally Using Official Tribal Logo & Slogan In Local Beer Ads
“Immoral, unethical, oppressive, unscrupulous”: those are the adjectives a Native American tribe in North Carolina chose in a recently filed lawsuit to describe Anheuser-Busch InBev’s use of the official tribal logo and slogan in a local ad campaign. [More]

Budweiser’s Parent Company Wants To Fill The Corona-Shaped Hole In Your Heart With Jalisco Estrella
When Anheuser-Busch InBev merged with Corona parent company Grupo-Modelo, it had to sell the U.S. rights to the popular beer to another company in order to abide by a Justice Department requirement to keep the marketplace fair and competitive. To fill that Corona-shaped hole in your heart, Budweiser’s parent company is now bringing Jalisco Estrella across the border and into American stores and bars. [More]

Brewery’s Edible 6-Pack Rings Designed To Feed Marine Life Instead Of Killing It
If you’re like me, once a six-pack of soda or beer is gone, leaving behind only plastic rings, you can’t help but be seized by the urge to snip them apart, an urge likely fueled by grade school lessons about what can happen when they find their way to the sea, and marine animals get tangled up in them. One brewery has created edible six-pack rings that are designed to feed aquatic wildlife if they end up in the ocean, and eliminate the need for all that snipping. [More]

‘Murica: The Inevitable Beer Response To Budweiser’s “America” Name Change
That didn’t take long: the day after Anheuser-Busch InBev said Budweiser would be temporarily renamed to “America”, a Michigan brewery came out with its own beery appeal to patriotism, albeit a tongue-in-cheek one: ‘Murica. [More]

Budweiser Temporarily Renaming Its Beer “America” Because Why Not?
There’s one surefire way to link your product to the land of the free and the brave — just slap the word “America” on it: Anheuser-Busch InBev is taking a patriotic tack as part of its summer advertising campaign, replacing the “Budweiser” name on its 12-oz beer cans and bottles with the word “America,” and swapping “King of Beers” for “E Pluribus Unum.” [More]

Mega-Beer Merger Clears Hurdle: SABMiller Officially Sells Peroni, Grolsch Brands For $2.9B
In order to grease the wheels for the mammoth $107 billion merger of beer giants Anheuser-Busch InBev and SABMiller, a number of Miller’s brew brands are being sold off as quickly as possible. Only a week after announcing that Miller might sell a number of premium labels — including Peroni, Grolsch, and Meantime — to Japan’s Asahi Group, the $2.9 billion deal is now official.

Minnesota Brewer Can’t Highlight “LSD” On Beer Labels Outside Of State
When trying to set their products apart from others on the market some companies find clever, suggestive names and packaging. With names like Hoppy Ending Pale Ale and Arrogant Bastard Ale gracing the labels of adult beverages, it doesn’t appear that much is off-limits for craft brewers in the U.S. Unless you bestow a drug-like name on your brew, as one Minnesota brewer recently found out. [More]

Judge: Beer Drinkers Can’t Sue Red Stripe For “Jamaican Style” Beer Brewed In The U.S.
Just because something is made in another country’s style, does that mean it has to actually be produced in that foreign land? Not necessarily, a judge said recently in dismissing a potential class action lawsuit accusing Red Stripe of false advertising, among other things, because its “Jamaican style lager” has been made right here in the United States since 2012. [More]