

Isn’t It A Pain When Your Beer Fridge Knocks Out The Entire Neighborhood’s Cell Network?

The next time you can’t get your cell phone’s network to cooperate, perhaps check on that humming fridge in the garage, keeping beers and other beverages chilly. A town Down Under learned that a simple beer fridge, dedicated to backyard tippling and warm weather drinking, had the power to take out an entire mobile network with just a few freak electric signals. [More]


Pittsburgh Bar Banning Sam Adams Because Hockey Finals Are The Most Important Thing Ever

Sports fans know that loyalties run deep, and there’s no question of giving your opponents any kind of edge. So if you live in Pittsburgh and love hockey, you won’t be surprised to hear that a bar there is banning Sam Adams beer while the Penguins are playing the Boston Bruins in the Eastern Conference Finals. This, because beer and hockey go hand in hand and rivalries don’t have any room for confusion of loyalties. Better drink that traitorous brew while you can, Pittsburghians (Pittsburghites [ed. note: reader says it’s Pittsburghers or Yinzers, awesome]?). [More]


German Brewers Fight Fracking To Maintain Purity Of Beer

Fracking — the process of obtaining natural gas and other resources through the use of hydraulic fracturing — is a controversial and divisive issue, with proponents claiming it is a clean and safe way to tap needed fuel sources while opponents say fracking wreaks havoc on the environment and ecosystem. In Germany, some of the biggest names in beer have joined together to ask the German government to stop fracking there until it can be proven that it won’t taint the groundwater — and by extension, German beer. [More]

The West Sixth Logo (minus the company name) is on the left; Magic Hat #9 on the right.

Magic Hat Sues Kentucky Brewer Over Its Logo

Most of our stories about trademark disputes — especially when it comes to anything that even vaguely sounds like the word “monster” — involve companies in two completely different industries, like energy drinks vs. fish tanks, or that same beverage vs. an independent movie, or audio cables vs. deer licks. But what about when that trademark to-do is between two beer companies? [More]

(Tim Patterson)

We’re So Relieved Someone Actually Researched If Koozies Actually Keep Beers Cold

Sometimes it feels like science is just like, “Oh, you always wondered about that, eh? BOOM, here’s the answer.” Thank goodness researchers felt like investigating the all-important question of whether or not those foam can/bottle koozies (maybe you call them “cozies”) keep beer and other beverages cold, because otherwise we’d be left wondering forever and ever. [More]

Aw, man, who did I toast last night?

Budweiser ‘Buddy Cup’ Lets You Facebook Friend Someone By Clinking Glasses For Some Reason

Sure, you could take your smartphone with you when you go out drinking, take some bleary-eyed selfies, and use the Facebook app to add all of your new friends to your Facebook friends page. Or you could try Budweiser’s Buddy Cup, a bar glass that we’re hoping is only a novelty item. It lets you send a friend request to anyone you clink glasses with while out drinking. [More]


Study Proves What Every College Freshman Knows: Tasting Beer Makes You Want More Beer

Ever wonder why, after that first sip of an ice-cold, delicious, yummy beer you want to keep drinking more of that same beverage? A researcher at Indiana University School of Medicine says that simply tasting a favorite beer — even when that sip contains a lower than usual percentage of alcohol — is enough to trigger a dopamine response and make people want more. [via] [More]


Arsenic Found In Hundreds Of Beer Samples But Hey, That’s What Makes It So Sparkly!

When it comes to beer, there’s plenty of appeal — “It tastes good!” “It makes me feel warm inside!*” “I don’t feel so bad about whatsisface dumping me anymore!” and so on and so forth. And then there’s that clear, sparkling liquid, unsullied by nary a speck of cloudiness. But the filtration process that gives beer that clarity could be the reason researchers are finding arsenic in hundreds of samples of the stuff. [More]

A-B InBev Inches Closer To Dominating Boring Beer Market

A-B InBev Inches Closer To Dominating Boring Beer Market

Though Anheuser-Busch InBev may have failed in its Worst Company In America battle against Electronic Arts, the beer behemoth is getting much closer to owning even more big-name beer brands, saying it has reached an agreement in principle with the Dept. of Justice that would allow it to acquire the rest of Mexico’s Grupo Modelo. [More]


Florida Brewers Trying To Legalize 64-Oz Growlers Since Sometimes A Gallon Is Too Much

Someone needs to get Goldilocks on the case in Florida, where the just-right size of beer growler is illegal. It’s only one of three states where it’s illegal to fill 64-ounce beer containers, or growlers, but just fine to serve up as many 32-ounce or 128-ounce growlers as you can carry. It’s confusing and pretty much doesn’t make sense, so brewers and beer lovers are trying to get that law to change. [More]

log (Mirko)

Do You Mind If There’s A Little Bit Of Fish Bladder In Your Guinness?

Before you pick up that pint of Guinness (and don’t even think about dropping shots into it) this weekend for St. Patrick’s Day, vegetarians might want to  heed what we’re about to say: Chances are there could be traces of fish bladder in your beer. My goodness, my Guinness, indeed. [More]

Oh, did you grab the wrong can?

Anheuser-Busch Mocks Watery Lawsuit In New Ad: Maybe You Just Drank Actual Water?

In an ad run in 10 major U.S. newspapers yesterday AB InBev pokes fun at the lawsuit with a can of “drinking water” and the headline, “They must have tested one of these.”  [More]

(me and the sysop)

Brothers Bolster Lawsuit Claiming Budweiser Is Watered Down By Drinking Plenty Of Beer

If there’s one thing you can’t do to American consumers and get away with, it’s water down our favorite alcoholic beverages. In the vein of “Don’t water down our Maker’s Mark or pay the consequences,” two Philadelphia brothers are alleging that Anheuser-Bush InBev has been watering down its beverages. And they’ve been drinking plenty of Budweisers to try and prove it. [More]


The Beer World May Appear Diverse But Just Two Brewers Own 210 Different Brands

There you are in Lesotho, enjoying a nice cold Maluti beer and feeling pretty pumped about the Instagram picture you’re totally going to take to show your friends back home how exotic everything is here. But oh, what’s that? It’s just another one of the 210 brands owned by Anheuser-Busch InBev and SABMiller? The beer world is starting to feel a bit smaller, and there’s good reason. [More]


DOJ Tells Anheuser-Busch It’s Had Enough To Drink & Should Put Down That Grupo Modelo

Last summer, Anheuser-Busch InBev NV continued its attempt to buy every beer in the bar by buying a controlling interest in Grupo Modelo, the folks behind Corona, Modelo, and Pacifico, among others. But today, the Justice Dept. decided that AB InBev might be getting too drunk on beer company acquisitions. [More]

Everything you could ever need -- assuming you only drink Bud Lite, Pepsi and eat Doritos.

Doritos, Pepsi & Bud Light Join Forces To Form Huge Supermarket Display Voltron

Sick of going separate sections of the supermarket to buy beer, soda and snacks? Then the folks at PepsiCo and Anheuser-Busch InBev N.V. have created the monster one-stop display for you. [More]

Chugging, Westeros-style.

Now You Can Watch Game Of Thrones While Drinking Game Of Thrones Beer

Have you ever been drinking a beer while watching Game of Thrones on HBO, or while reading one of George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice & Fire novels and thought to yourself, “If only this brew I’m enjoying were also somehow named after something from this story I’m enjoying”? Well, then you’re in luck. [More]


Study Suggests That A Bracing Regimen Of Beer Could Ward Off The Winter Sniffles

If you want to keep winter colds at bay and also enjoy a nice, hoppy beer, well, you’re a lucky person. A new study by scientists at Sapporo Medical University (and sponsored by the Sapporo brewery, natch) says a key ingredient in beer can ward off colds in adults. Beyond that, if it weren’t for that whole “underage” thing, the stuff is reportedly effective in blocking a virus that causes pneumonia and bronchitis in young children. [More]