
Train Conductor Tasked With Keeping Beer From Freezing Probably Hates Winter More Than You

Train Conductor Tasked With Keeping Beer From Freezing Probably Hates Winter More Than You

During these frosty, freezing days of winter, take a moment to appreciate that beer you’re raising to your lips, in all its unfrozen, unslushy glory. It’s not easy getting that brew from its factory to your door in the icy months, but rest easy — one train crew and its stalwart conductor are on the job. [More]

Truck Spills Massive Amount Of Beer On Same Ramp That Was Covered In Chicken A Week Ago

Truck Spills Massive Amount Of Beer On Same Ramp That Was Covered In Chicken A Week Ago

You may remember last week, when a truck overturned outside of Atlanta and spilled some 40,000 pounds of frozen chicken on the road. This morning, that same highway ramp was doused in beer after a very similar incident. [More]

Offering Beer & Cigarettes As Unusual Reward For Lost Dog Brings Woman’s Pet Home

Offering Beer & Cigarettes As Unusual Reward For Lost Dog Brings Woman’s Pet Home

Surely passers-by are familiar with LOST fliers seeking the safe return of a beloved pet. It’s not uncommon for these posts to advertise a monetary reward for wayward dogs and cats, but one dog owner found success dangling a different kind of bait: Beer and cigarettes for the safe return of her pooch. [More]

Do Not Call 9-1-1 To Request Beer Delivery

Do Not Call 9-1-1 To Request Beer Delivery

Beer is one of the major Consumerist food groups, along with tacos, cheese, and bacon. It’s very important and nice to have around. That doesn’t mean, however, that you should dial up emergency services to report that your granddaughter won’t buy you beer, as one Tennessee woman allegedly did. [Associated Press] [More]

Brewpub Shows Starbucks “The F Word” After Legal Demand To Stop Selling “Frappicino” Beer

Brewpub Shows Starbucks “The F Word” After Legal Demand To Stop Selling “Frappicino” Beer

Still stinging from yet another legal defeat against a small New Hampshire coffee company over the “Charbucks” brand, the Starbucks legal team appears to be going after lower-hanging fruit, sending a cease-and-desist letter to a small Missouri brewpub that dared to sell something called Frappicino beer. [More]

(NBC Miami)

It Turns Out A Live Alligator Is Not Legal Tender You Can Use To Buy Beer

It’s been a while since I’ve been down to Florida so correct me if I’m wrong, but the saying there doesn’t go “Florida: Where the streets are paved with alligators!” Right? But then why would a man think he could trade a live, four-foot long alligator for a pack of beer at a convenience store? Oh, right. People will try anything once. [More]


4 Beers That Americans Apparently No Longer Want To Drink

Walk into a lot of bars in this country and there’s a decent chance you’ll see the taps that once belonged to big brands increasingly being taken over by smaller operations (even if some of those “craft” brands also happen to be owned by one of the mega-brewers). This shift, along with a general decrease in beer sales, have cut some brands’ orders by more than half in just the last few years. [More]


Fire At Yuengling Brewery Does $1 Million In Damage, Beers Unharmed

Here’s some news out of Florida that could have been much more horrible: a storage building at a Yuengling brewery near Tampa caught fire over the weekend. While the facility sustained about $1 million in damage, the company reports that their brewing operations won’t be affected. Repeat: there will be no mass beer shortages. [More]

At 67.5% ABV, This Beer Claims To Be The World’s Strongest

At 67.5% ABV, This Beer Claims To Be The World’s Strongest

It’s Friday, meaning millions of people around the world will be kicking back with a beer at some point today, but most of them might as well be drinking water compared to the few who will be diving into a bottle of a new beer that claims to be the world’s strongest with an alcohol content of 67.5%. [More]

Do Not Call 9-1-1 When You’re Overcharged By A Penny For Beer

Do Not Call 9-1-1 When You’re Overcharged By A Penny For Beer

There are grave injustices in this world, some of which may require an immediate response from emergency personnel. But claiming you were overcharged by a penny for a beer is not one of those injustices. Heck, it’s not even a minor transgression. And yet police say a man called 9-1-1 three times to complain about his ordeal. [More]


Will No One Think Of The Poor Craft Beers Affected By The Government Shutdown?

While you might not notice any particular emptiness on the shelves of the beer aisle, the nation’s craft brewers are facing some major delays due to the federal government shutdown. And if the breweries can’t get new recipes approved or new operations upa nd running, that could lead to a dearth of new offerings next season. [More]

Michigan Law Would Ban Selling Of ‘Pints’ Of Beer Containing Fewer Than 16 Ounces

Michigan Law Would Ban Selling Of ‘Pints’ Of Beer Containing Fewer Than 16 Ounces

In some bars and restaurants, the phrase “pint of beer” is not taken literally enough, with some places drastically under-filling the glass or using a smaller glass in the belief that a tall-ish glass is a pint. But a proposed new law in Michigan would make it against the law to advertise a “pint” that contains anything fewer than 16 ounces of liquid. [More]

(Blissed And Gone)

Which NFL Stadiums Have The Least Expensive Beer?

While some NFL teams are still in the thick of the Super Bowl hunt (like the 4-0 Kansas City Chiefs… oh man, do I miss Andy Reid), others are already on the cusp of calling it a rebuilding year and hoping for a decent draft pick in the spring. But that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy yourself at the stadium, perhaps with the assistance of a beer, if that’s your thing. But which stadiums are going to give you the biggest beer bang for your buck? [More]


Involuntarily Brewing Beer In Your Own Stomach & Getting Drunk Is A Real Medical Condition

There are a lot of things our bodies do that we don’t tell them to — our lungs know to breathe, our hearts know to beat, and we can grow humans in our bellies — but before now, you might’ve thought brewing beer involuntarily would be an impossibility. It’s not, it’s called auto-brewery syndrome, and it means basically what its name implies: Your body brews beer in your stomach without you even having to invest in one of those home-brew kits that are all the rage with your brother-in-law who posts about it constantly on Facebook. [More]


Report: Walmart Selling Beer At Cost In Some Areas

Walmart wants to sell you beer. Lots of beer. And in order to get consumers to equate Walmart with beer, the nation’s largest retailer has slashed prices to the bone on some of the best-selling brands of suds. [More]

Spreadable Beer Is A Thing, Someone Invented It For Some Reason

Spreadable Beer Is A Thing, Someone Invented It For Some Reason

Sure, you can drink beer. If you encase it in dough, you can even deep-fry it. Until now, though, we’ve been unable to spread beer on other foods, having to content ourselves with delicious but non-alcoholic substances like butter or Nutella. No longer. [More]

Sam Adam's new can wants you back, baby.

Beer Cans Desperate For Love Getting Design Makeovers To Keep You Interested

That first sharp crack of an open can releasing its promising hiss, the tip up to your totally 21-year-old lips, the wet, cold liquid coursing down your — actually, eww, this tastes like aluminum. For many beer fans, that’s a common experience, causing some discerning consumers to seek the loving arms of glass bottles. Now the oft-besmirched can is attempting to make a comeback with a plethora of newly designed vessels. [More]

Breaking Bad Getting Its Own Beer. No, It’s Not Blue

Breaking Bad Getting Its Own Beer. No, It’s Not Blue

It would obviously be downright tacky to drink your Game of Thrones beer while that show is between seasons, but what’s a true connoisseur of TV-inspired beers to consume in the interim? Thankfully, a brewer in New Mexico has the answer — a Breaking Bad beer. [More]