Someone needs to get Goldilocks on the case in Florida, where the just-right size of beer growler is illegal. It’s only one of three states where it’s illegal to fill 64-ounce beer containers, or growlers, but just fine to serve up as many 32-ounce or 128-ounce growlers as you can carry. It’s confusing and pretty much doesn’t make sense, so brewers and beer lovers are trying to get that law to change. [More]
booze rules

Pennsylvanians May Soon Have More Choices In Buying Beer & Wine
Consumers have limited options in Pennsylvania right now when it comes to getting booze, as the state-run Liquor Control Board runs all the stores selling liquor, wine and beer. But new proposal could be close to passing in the legislature that would shake things up a bit and offer more options for shoppers. [More]