So, Mexico is apparently pretty @#$%ing intense. A total of 28 people were kidnapped by machete-wielding locals who objected to Grupo Modelo, the maker of Corona beer, filming a commercial on their land. 13 of the people kidnapped were actually Mexican reporters who had nothing to do with the beer company. [More]

Royal Caribbean Still Docking In Haiti After Earthquake
Here’s a conundrum. Royal Caribbean has private beaches in Haiti only 60 miles from the devastation. The current plan is to use the ships that are docking there to provide shipments of rice, dried beans, powdered milk, water, canned goods and other supplies. They will also be depositing tourists at beaches the NY Daily News describes as, “leased from the government and protected by 12-foot fences and armed guards.” [More]

Do You Talk To Friends About Your Finances?
A recent Huffington Post article wondered if talking about personal finance was “the final taboo.” Talking about money can feel as revealing as a strip-tease with none of the fun, but for something as complex and individual as your financial future, a one-way conversation with the internet or personal finance columnists isn’t enough.

DC Area Mall Pulls Ads That Turn Vietnam Memorial Into Store Directory
Tysons Corner, an upscale mall in the Washington, D.C. area, just pulled down over 400 ads that were recently posted in the city’s metro system because they looked an awful lot like the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, except instead of names of soldiers they had names of famous retail stores. We’re sure they would have gone with soldier names if any of the soldiers offered great deals on today’s hottest fashions. This is really on you, America’s Finest.
When international product naming goes wrong. (Thanks to Seth!)

Furniture Store Employee Wants You To Know There's Something Wrong With Your Salesperson
Jeff and his wife bought a couch, chair, and armoire from Basset Furniture in Rockville, Maryland this weekend, and while the actual experience was rather pleasant, they might not be going back. It wasn’t because their salesperson was rude, but rather because another employee they’d never dealt with pulled them aside at the last minute to warn them that there was “something wrong” with the woman who’d been helping them. What? What the hell does that mean? Did she sell them haunted furniture? Was she really a robber who was pretending to sell furniture to get the customers out of the store so she could finish her robbery? Was she a replicant?

Lies: Verizon Tells Your Husband That You Weren't Home When You Said You Were
It’s a good thing Lynette has a healthy relationship with her husband, because Verizon is telling lies about techs showing up at her home. In addition, Lynette is getting really sick of answering calls for some other family whose phone number now randomly rings her house.
As if Circuit City didn’t already have enough problems (with a quarterly loss of $16 million), two men who worked at a Philly area Circuit City are alleging that their general manager sexually harassed them. [Philadelphia Inquirer]