If you’re like most people, the most expensive stamp you have in your possession is probably valued at around, oh, whatever the current price for postage is. High five! But among serious stamp collectors it’s a different story — and the world’s most valuable stamp of all stamps just raked in a pretty penny at auction. [More]

World’s Largest Video Game Collection Sells For $750,000 (Maybe)
When last we checked in with the auction for the world’s largest video game collection, bidding had reached just more than $90,000 — a substantial amount of money but far short of the $700K-800K estimate the seller had put on it a few months earlier. Turns out his approximation was spot-on, with the winning bid coming in at slightly more than $750,000. [More]

Bidding For World’s Largest Video Game Collection Passes $90K
Once you’ve been certified by the Guinness folks as the owner of the world’s largest video game collection, you can either sit around looking at your library… or you can auction it off in the hopes of making a pile of cash. [More]

Why Would A Plastic Toothbrush Cost Almost $12,000? Because It’s Been To Space And You Haven’t
Most of the time, we can rest assured that we’re living a way cooler life than our toothbrushes. What do they do all day but sit around in a cup by the sink, bristling at the sound of rushing water and just hoping they get used at least twice in 24 hours? Unless you’re a toothbrush that’s been to space, and in that case, you can fetch a pretty penny for having lived such an abnormal toothbrush life. [More]

If You Want Willie Nelson’s Former Tour Bus, It’s Currently Being Sold On Craigslist
Are you a fan of the Red Headed Stranger? Do you have $65,000 and a driveway long enough to park a 1983 Eagle bus? Then, oh man, we know of a place where you can part with that money. [More]

Bidding Is Open For The Microwave Stephen Colbert Stole From Bill O’Reilly
We like to think that Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly and Stephen Colbert are secretly super best friends who sit in a treehouse and giggle about their next moves, because how else would an auction of the microwave Colbert stole from O’Reilly’s green room in 2007 be possible? Or we’re all just lucky the universe loves comedy. [More]

Help Yourself To George Harrison & Ringo Starr’s ‘Help!’ Jackets (If You Have $82,000)
Wealthy Beatles fans with a need for a warm coat take note — two of the Fab Four’s famous jackets from the film Help! and the cover for the album of the same name are soon to be sold off at an auction of rare Beatles-related items. [More]

Psalm Book Believed To Be The First Book Ever Published In The U.S. Sells For Record $14.2M
Maybe you’ve got some old books on your shelf, passed down from Gran’s days hiding in the hayloft dreaming about the land of Oz, or a family Bible that’s been in the family for over 100 years. But then there’s the book believed to be the first ever published in the United States — and as such, it’s quite a bit older and a lot more expensive than anything kicking around in Great Aunt Gertie’s attic. [More]

Pinkman-Up Your House With Actual Props From Breaking Bad
If you have several thousand dollars sitting around and feel that merely watching recorded episodes of Breaking Bad isn’t sufficient to curb your cravings, then head on over to Sony’s auction of hundreds of bona fide props from the soon-to-end AMC show. [More]

You Can Bid On Logo And Name From Former United Airlines HQ
United Airlines hasn’t just changed its logo in the wake of its merger with Continental; it’s also moved to a new office. And since the huge UNITED logo sitting on the former office building is now out-of-date, why not auction it off for a good cause? [More]

Update: Comic Book Found In Wall Sells For $175,000 At Auction
Remember last month when we told you about the Minnesota home-rebuilder who bought a fixer-upper for $10,000 and then found a copy of Action Comics #1 from 1938 hidden in the wall? It was expected that the rare book would go for at least six figures, and when the auction closed last night, the final bid was for $175,000. [More]

Man Pays $10K For House, Finds $107,000 Comic Book Hidden In Wall
When a Minnesota home remodeler decided to plunk down $10,100 for a fixer-upper to rehab, he just assumed it was a no-lose investment. Little did he know about the rare comic book he’d find stashed in the wall of the house. [More]

When An International eBay Seller Says ‘Just Keep Waiting,’ Don’t Listen
I. calls the eBay scam that he encountered recently a “new” scam, but it’s actually an ancient and time-honored one. How it works is simple: an international seller claims to have sent your item, then stalls until after the period during which you can file a complaint against the seller has expired. This leaves you with no ability to leave bad feedback and no recourse, and eBay knows it. [More]

We Are Never Going To Stop Hoping ‘Antiques Roadshow’ Will Happen To Us
We’ve said it once, we’ve said it a bajillion and four times — we just know there’s some kind of prize out there waiting for us to find, buy for a paltry sum like say, $3, and then discover that it’s worth a whole lotta money. One lucky person snagged a $3 bowl at a tag sale in 2007 and displayed it in the living room for a few years before having it examined. It just sold at auction for $2.2 million. Sigh. [Associated Press] [More]

Now You Can Own Guns N Roses' Old Dryer (If You Outbid Me)
Like many a 13-year-old in 1988, Guns N Roses’ Appetite for Destruction had a near-permanent place in my Walkman (or whatever knock-off my mom had told me was just as good). And as an adult, one of my proudest moments was getting yelled at for nearly 90 minutes by Axl Rose’s lawyer (it’s a long story; catch me after a couple of cold beverages and I may tell it to you). But now I — and multitudes of others who still know how to play the solo from “Rocket Queen” — have the chance to bid on a souvenir that will tag you as a super-fan: the band’s clothes dryer. [More]

Frequent Flier Mile Auctions Look Like A Sucker Bet
If you’re a member of any of the major airlines’ frequent flier programs, you’ve probably received e-mails trying to get you to use those miles to bid on auctions for anything from resort getaways to Kentucky Derby passes. But the people who win these auctions may just be tossing away good miles. [More]

Car Auction Company Says It's Selling Off John F. Kennedy's Hearse
Many admirers of President John F. Kennedy have tried to walk in his footsteps, but now a car auction company says it has the hearse that drove his body from the hospital to the airport after his assassination. Which means you could ride in his deathmobile, if that’s your kind of macabre thing. [More]

Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' Jacket Is Worth $1.8 Million To Someone
One week after Marilyn Monroe’s dress from The Seven Year Itch fetched a whopping $5.8 million at auction, the iconic red and black zipperiffic calfskin jacket from Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” video managed to scare up $1.8 million from a buyer. [More]