GameStop’s executives predict that three years from now, at least half of the company’s revenues will come from things that aren’t games. Should they think about changing their name, then? Nah, CEO Paul Raines said in an interview this week: they could change their name in the future, but for now games are still what they’re about. Like most things in life, though, that could change in the future. [More]

ThinkGeek Will Open First Real-Life Store On September 25
Earlier this summer, GameStop acquired ThinkGeek in a $140 million transaction that observers thought might put great geeky collectibles inside GameStop stores. While the two companies have done that, there’s another phase to their plan: later this month, the first offline ThinkGeek store will open on September 25 at the Florida Mall in Orlando. [More]

GameStop, Not Hot Topic, To Acquire ThinkGeek For $140 Million
Remember the long, long-ago of, er, just last week when we thought Hot Topic was planning to buy the parent company of online specialty retailer ThinkGeek? Well, now they’re not. A mysterious new suitor showed up just a few days later, and it appears they have the better bid. And so, Geeknet today announced that their brief fling with Hot Topic is over, and they will be joining up with GameStop instead. [More]

ThinkGeek Parent Geeknet Giving Hot Topic Three Days To Match Rival Suitor’s Offer
The love triangle between the parent company of online retailer ThinkGeek and its two suitors continues to heat up, with Geeknet now telling original suitor Hot Topic it has until Monday to match or exceed the higher bid from a new mystery rival. Because like so many real life dating situations, it all comes down to an ultimatum. [More]

ThinkGeek’s Parent Company Says A New Suitor Has Followed Hot Topic Into The Bidding Ring
What’s a little retail merger romance without a love triangle thrown in for good measure? After the news yesterday Hot Topic was buying online retailer ThinkGeek’s parent company GeekNet in a deal worth $122 million, the purveyor of sci-fi curiosities and comic book inspirations says another suitor has thrown in a bid to buy it. [More]

Hot Topic Buying Parent Company Of Online Retailer ThinkGeek For $122M
Mall staple Hot Topic is taking another chain under its umbrella for a $122 million price tag, announcing that it’s acquiring Geeknet, Inc., parent company of online retailers ThinkGeek and ThinkGeek Solutions, for $122 million. Commemorative T-shirts with cheeky sayings for everyone! [More]

ThinkGeek Hears Post Office Lost My Package, Replaces Everything
A UPS/U.S. Postal Service partnership was supposed to bring some totally excellent Star Wars items from ThinkGeek to Michael’s doorstep. It didn’t. The package went missing somewhere in the post office’s custody, never to be heard from again. There was no insurance on it, so he didn’t expect much when he let ThinkGeek know it was missing. He really didn’t expect a total replacement. [More]

ThinkGeek Makes Christmas Possible For Cancer Patient & Family
For Consumerist reader Tashi and her husband, Wash, who was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer only a few months after they wed, perusing the ThinkGeek catalog was something they would do to amuse themselves and keep their spirits up — even if they couldn’t really afford to buy most of the items they coveted. But when the people at ThinkGeek got wind of the young couple’s ordeal, they decided to play Santa. [More]

These Ants Taste Like Bacon
Have you ever wanted to snack on giant toasted ants with a “nutty, bacon-like flavor”? Good news. In northern South America, you can find the largest leafcutter ants in the world–about two inches centimeters long–and thanks to Thinkgeek, you can eat them. [More]
Uncle Milton Offers Whimsical Customer Service, Replacement Tadpole
Elizabeth was raising two tadpoles under the watchful eye of Master Yoda in a frog habitat at work. When tragedy struck and one of the tadpoles suffered an early death, Elizabeth e-mailed a plea for help to the company that made the habitat, Uncle Milton. Her efforts resulted in the shipment of a new tadpole and a wonderfully funny and geeky e-mail exchange, which she shared with the world on her Livejournal. [More]
Tauntaun Sleeping Bags Almost Ready To Ship – Win A Free One!
ThinkGeek’s tauntaun sleeping bag is nearly here! It’s so close, you can almost smell it. They’ll start shipping in early November. In the meantime, if you can’t justify spending $100 on the greatest piece of Star Wars memorabilia ever, you can enter their pumpkin carving contest to win one. Or a bunch of other prizes we don’t care about.

ThinkGeek Embraces Accidental Giveaway, Lets People Keep Freebies
What do you do when your server suddenly contracts swine flu and starts giving away free merchandise? If you’re ThinkGeek, nothing! The geek toy store celebrated a server glitch by announcing that anyone who picked up free schwag would get to keep it, no questions asked. Why? Read on for the awesome explanation…

Tauntaun Sleeping Bags Closer To Reality
For April Fools’ Day 2009, ThinkGeek launched a tauntaun sleeping bag as a fake-yet-awesome product. As everyone knows, pranks make the best market research, and now LA Weekly reports that they are going ahead with the product. Yes!

Award Your Own Golden Poo To That Special Company In Your Life
We tallied the votes and awarded the coveted Golden Poo trophy to AIG, winners of Worst Company in America 2009. However, we’re all about empowering the consumer. If there’s a company in your life that you feel deserves a Golden Poo of its own, though not on the epic scale of AIG, ThinkGeek has you covered. Order your own tiny golden poo charm for just such an occasion. Carry a pocketful and award them as needed! Attach one to your cell phone for good luck the next time you call the cable company! The possibilities are endless. [ThinkGeek] (Thanks, Adam!) Edit: ThinkGeek is now sold out. For an wide selection of poo bling, look here.

Free Shipping Today At Thinkgeek
Free shipping at Think Geek with coupon code CYBERMONDAY. Gawd, is “Cyber Monday” an obnoxious/perverted-sounding name or what? [ThinkGeek] (Thanks to Geoffrey!)